Maine Doctor To Perscribe Methadone (Top voted first)


I have been treated for chronic back pain for about ten years and have a spotless record of compliance. I have no insurance so have to pay the bills out of pocket. About three years ago I was paying 40 dollars for a 30 day script of methadone. 10mg 3 times a day. Then the price went to 74.00 per month. then to 162.00 per month. For meds that cost less than fifteen dollars. Are there any doctors in Maine (my zip is 04537) That will treat a patient fairly.

5 Replies

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Hello, Scott! How are you doing?

I'm not sure I understand your issue. If your doctor is prescribing a medication and your getting it filled at your pharmacy, the price has nothing to do with your doctor treating you fairly. The price is set by the pharmacy and their supplier.

And with the new regulations that have been put in place, it is going to be very difficult for you to find a doctor that will prescribe you a controlled substance on an ongoing basis, when you have no insurance and many pharmacies won't want to fill it for a cash paying patient, either. Not having insurance makes it much easier for someone to doctor and pharmacy hop.

However, as I said, I am not sure I'm understanding the problem and what you're looking for…can you please post back and clarify? Thank you!

Learn more Methadone details here.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

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Sorry for not being more detailed. The cost at the pharmacy for the methadone is less than 15 dollars. It is the cost of the ten minute office visit that has gone from 40 dollars to 162.40 dollars in less than 2 years. For almost 10 years I paid the bill at the office at the time of the visit. In July of this year I was told not to pay at the office anymore. The company would instead send a bill to my home. When the bill came it had jumped from 74.oo to 162.40 dollars. Today I was informed that the increase in cost was because they were now monitoring my B P and pulse. I have a primary care doc already and pay him to monitor B P and pulse. It was my primary doc that sent me to the pain management clinic to start with. I don't need a staff of doctors to write a prescription that was worked out years ago and very successfully treated with a low to moderate amount meds. My problem is that I am a Maine lobsterman with osteoarthritis in my back and neck. After a hard day on the water, many times I cant even get dressed the next day. My original pain doctor told me if I was a younger man, He would tell me to change jobs. But at my age he knows that's not really going to work. I know everyone has a hard luck story but at this point in my life I cant drop almost half of my limited income on Insurance. If I can just find a doctor that can treat a simple problem with a simple solution I wont have to give up everything I ever worked for and head for the statehouse on bended knee and ask for handouts then listen to everyone call me a lazy slob. Very sorry for the rant. This has been a long struggle and death by a thousand cuts is frustrating. Each year I get a little closer to taking care of myself only to have the goal moved further away. The methadone is enough to get me to work, and help me sleep. I am certainly aware that I am fortunate to have that. The cost of the prescription is going through the roof. I believe the doctors are good people that genuinely care about their work. I am looking for a doctor or a clinic that can treat me without doubling the cost every year. I find it kind of funny that if I was an addict The state would ship me fifty miles at their cost to a clinic every day and treat me with more methadone than I use in a week. Thank you for your reply. I hope I was able to clarify my question and didn't let my frustration turn you away. I have two places to check out tomorrow to see if I can improve my situation. thanks again.

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I am desperate to find a doctor that will prescribe pain meds I have ankylosing spondalitis fibromyagia and Lyme I am in so much pain I can't stand it and my doc just cut me off if I give u my email would u b willing to share your doctors name

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I am desperate to find a doctor that will prescribe pain meds I have ankylosing spondalitis fibromyagia and Lyme I am in so much pain I can't stand it and my doc just cut me off if I give u my email would u b willing to share your doctors name. Someone pulse help me

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I am on methadone tablets I have had chronic pain for over 12 years I travel 260 miles round trip to the Dr its to dangerouse in the winter I need to find a Dr who will prescribe me methadone within 60 miles either way of Bangor Me

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