Magnesium Citrate Forums
Recently active Magnesium Citrate forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Magnesium Citrate and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I had a stone in my left kidney with a size of 9 mm. Can i use Rowatinex to cure this? If possible, how long can i use it and at what dose? ## i've been taking rowatinex for a month now. how long should i take rowatinex and when should i stop taking rowatinex? ## i take rowatinex last feb.20 to march 22. then i found out on march 27 that im pregnant. im worried,can this medicine effect to my baby? im now 8weeks pregnant. ## i have kidney stones 4cm and doctor adcvised me to take rowatinex for 1 ultrasound showed progress in dissolving the stones for after 1 month so i continued taking it for another month.i had my ultrasound again after 1 month and it was gone already. ## i start taking rowatinex and coli-urinal as prescribe by te pharmacist it had a good effect in m...
wow I cant believe my eyes!!! I have ulcerative colitis I was diagnosed with 21 yrs ago. Every 2 years my dr checks me for cancer which means I have at least 10 colonoscopy's....each time I was advised to take magnesium citrate (2 bottles any flavor) and dulcolax tabs 4 in the am, etc, along with clear liquids, popsicles, jello, whatever... Anyway I have never spent more than $15 including the "snacks". I'm not a dr so maybe there's a reason to prescribe this $$$ kit but I would strongly advise asking your dr for a less expensive option. ## Hello, Mika! How are you? Thank you for posting this great advice for others. It is a sad, but true fact that many doctors prescribe the "latest and greatest", without considering the expense to the patient. Doctors are no...
I take 90 to 120 mgs of morphine daily for pain control (30mg tablets). I have maintained this dose consistently (2+ Years). I've taken magnesium citrate as a laxative in the past-10 oz per dose (1.75 per fl oz) as needed. It usually does the job. Brand name is Citroma by Swan. Is a continued weekly or biweekly use of this product recommended? I would like to eliminate or reduce usage of other laxatives. ## Hello, Jerry! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem you're having. Actually, there are specific warnings that state magnesium citrate is not safe for chronic, or long-term use. It's typical side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include gas, diarrhea, stomach cramps and bloating. If you need something for long-term use, it would be best to discuss it with...