Macrodantin Capsule Information (Top voted first)


It was dispensed as a grey capsule, just wondering the pros and cons

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My mother died in 1987. A significant contributor to her death was the drug Macrodantin. She suffered interstitial fibrosis from the use of this drug. The doctors treating her were blissfully unaware of the problem. Now that I am getting older, it worries me even more that many doctors prescribe drugs as if they were candy!

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Macrodantin is a brand name for the antibiotic Nitrofurantoin, it is most commonly used to treat UTIs and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. I am very sorry for your loss. Was you mother elderly?

In the past few years, there have been some warnings coming out about this being used in elderly people and their being more susceptible to dangerous side effects. Thus, the FDA recommends that it be avoided, if possible.

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