Must Find Pain Management Dr (Top voted first)
UpdatedWe live in Burke VA. My husband has a rare disorder, Tardive Dyskinesia, that causes spasms and severe pain in his jaw and tongue. Currently there is no cure. He went to general practitioners, dentists, and neurologists, 7 in all, and none of them could figure out what was causing his problem. Finally a very respected and kind maxillofacial surgeon told my husband he would do everything he could to find out what the problem was. He did a lot of research and discussed the case with various colleagues and discovered it was a disorder caused by certain drugs that doctors had prescribed for my husband. He only takes on a few chronic pain patients at a time and fortunately he took on my husband's case. He's been treating my husband for about 14 years now. The only treatments available were pain medication and something to help control the spasms. They've had a good relationship, but with the recent changes in the law, evidently my husband has to go to a pain management doctor. The problem is that I can't find one that prescribes and manages pain medication. I've spent days on the phone calling all the "Pain Management" providers on his insurance plan and on a list of referrals that our family doctor gave us. They are all Anesthesiology Pain Management that deal with things like spine problems. They don't prescribe pain medication. I even contacted the hospital and they only have the anesthesiology type of providers. You would think nobody has chronic pain except in their backs. My husband takes 200 mg of extended release morphine twice a day and 30 mg of immediate release morphine every 6 hours for breakthrough pain. His doctor is writing a letter spelling out my husband's medical history including his medication history. My husband only has 7-10 days of meds left so we're really in a hurry to find someone. If his doctor can't prescribe him any more, he'll end up in the hospital unless we find someone. Thanks to anyone that may be able to help!! Again, we live in Burke VA
2 Replies
Have you tried medical marijuana yet? There was a video going around a while back about a guy fully spasming every 2-3 min with constant little ticks, then had a few puffs of good marijuana and boom, he doesn't have his spasms.
Although it may very well be a something that would help, it's not yet legal in Virginia. We'll keep that in mind for the future, but for now we have to find a doctor pronto before he runs out of meds. Thanks for trying to help. God bless you.
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