Mirtazapine 15mgs For Insomnia Causing Depression? (Top voted first)


My daughter was prescribed MIRTAZAPINE 15mgs for insomnia but after one single dose she is seriously depressed and tearful. Should she stop or carry on?

2 Replies

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It is an type of antidepressant and has been known to cause the opposite of its intended side effects in some people that take it.

Learn more Mirtazapine details here.

And no, in that case they should not continue. There are other medications she can see about trying.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I am 24 and started taking 15mg Mirtazapine at the beginning of November. In the first week I was more upset than I'd ever been, I would cry hysterically often and was very easily aggravated. The littlest things would set me off and I would get SO angry that it was scary. When asked what was wrong, I didn't even know. I was really confused and much more upset than I had been before I was prescribed Mirtazapine. Luckily, these side effects quickly disappeared and the drug was really helping me get a sound sleep. After 2 months on 15mg my GP upped my dosage to 30mg and I have noticed that the "sedation" effect has tapered (unfortunately). I've also read on other forums that the higher the dosage, the less sedating. It's really hard to tell whether it is aiding in my depression issues, I find myself to be even more emotional than usual, but some days quite positive and as if I have a clearer outlook on life. The one thing that I HATE about it is that it gives me horrific headaches, I can hardly focus in school because they are so painful. I wonder if these headaches ever go away? They make it almost unbearable to take.

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