Mf Brand Oxycodone
UpdatedThe pharmacy that I use changed my brand of Oxycodone every month. Where can I find a pharmacy that stocks the M F brand that I am used to taking? And why to different brands have a different effect on me? Some brands seem to work better than others.
5 Replies
not sure if you are talking about the medicine that's stamped with an M (mallinckrodt)if u are most Walgreens carries them.
MF stands for “my failure.” Oxycodone is the worst drug to get dependent on. So whoever takes it I feel bad for you. Cuz I broke 7 ribs in a car accident in the passenger seat ... from the airbag. So I had to be on bed rest for 8 weeks. While getting 30mg blue roxicodone. I was taking multiple times a day.
Anyways, I always get the weird generic company and find out that they are exactly the same. Same ingredients. Same feeling. Applies to many different meds. It’s all the same and people get it stuck in their head if they don’t realize it’s the same drug, they are just causing unnecessary drama.
A lot of it is filler to make larger & help hold them together ... I was on heavy pain meds when govt thought they should over ride my doctors trained opinion (yeah a bunch of slugs in DC that cant even balance a budget & continue sending tax payer money to counties that basically hate the USA) my dr script finally got me to point of being able to get some of my life back. My scripts were 75mcg patch @ 48 hours & 60mg hydrocodone (oxycodone never did relieve my pain) but any who; when the dr got me here with meds my activity helped me lose weight lost 90 pounds (2-44 pounds a month on lower end while on lower patches put 75s helped a lot more) put when pm cut my meds (rather than put an explanation in my medical file) my activity (except my elbow) pretty much came to a halt, thus I have gained most of that 90 pounds back in the last 24 months ..... well I said all that to explain this ... I research spinal cord stimulators (scs) for about a year & one YouTube put his experience with scs on YouTube.... he has 3 years in with a scs if you wanna research scs to find his videos is a bit tricky (go to you tube search enter boston scientific scs djporkchop73) he does not work for them but if you dont put the search like that you more than likely will get a bunch of videos about pork chop recipes.... he gives a lot of good info on what to expect .... there are a few scs companies to choose from & when you do the search you will also get other scs videos from other users & from companies (educate yourselves) my pm has my meds reduced to 50mg of hydrocodone a day b4 they stopped cutting my meds; so yes I was nearly bed ridden again I went thru my research & watched a lot of scs videos hours upon hours upon hours of them including rewatches.... so I decided to go with an scs I went in for my trial set up (ya go in for a 90 minute outpatient procedure) they put you under & insert 2 leads in your back (video will detail this) & you will have an activating unit you carry in a pocket on a belt they provide. This lasts a few days & then you go have leads removed (takes a few minutes) if you get good improvement you will be able to set up a perminate scs which has the actuator implanted in your back off to the side.... well with 2020 being what it was my perminate unit got put off till nearly october.... when I had this done had to be on restrictive movement for a month but my follow up was in nov so my restrictions were a bit longer ... then on follow up the dr checks your incision & your scs rep from the company programs your scs to your needs & you can get program updates as needed... well it's been a couple months now & I have learned how to use the scs mostly but there is a learning curve .... with the 50mg hydrocodone my activity level is increasing & hopefully I can lose the weight again which will also help with the pain reduction... (wt loss 4 me is important the scs is not a fixing of the issue it is a mask like the meds with out the narcotic side effects) well I hope this helps someone out there be well & keep on move n on....
Under current U.S. law, there is an allowable difference of up to plus, or minus 20% in the amount of the active ingredient from a name brand to a generic medication. The FDA considers this an acceptable difference that has no therapeutic effect.
You can read more details at this link about the Hatch-Waxman Act by viewing the pdf at this link.
However, some people are sensitive to any fluctuation in their medications, and can experience problems. I have the same issue myself, when I receive a new generic, I never know how it's going to affect me.
Additionally, generics don't have to measure against each other, for that allowable 20% difference, they only have to measure against the name brand. Thus, if one generic was a little higher in the amount of the active ingredient, and then you receive a new one that is a little lower, there could be a significant difference for you in its efficacy.
Unfortunately, when it comes to your pharmacy, when they need to reorder, they receive the product from whichever manufacturer is offering the cheapest price through their distributor, at that time. So, sometimes which one you receive may change frequently.
As to the MF, that is not a brand, that is part of the manufacturer's imprint that enables their products to be identified, according to who made them, what they contain, and the dosage, in case of emergency.
Have you discussed the issue with your doctor, and/or pharmacist? They may be able to help.
The FDA warns that Oxycodone carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.
Yes you are very right, different generic oxycodone DEFINITELY vary from one to the next!!!!! I've found the blue Mallinckrodt with the M on it are the best. Then the blue K9's then the blue AMG I believe that's the 3 letters on it. So basically all the little blue ones work GREAT! I also have to admit the Yellow T 109's made by Rhodes I believe are good too! So as long as you can get any blue one you should be fine. Trust me I've tried the big round white ones I've tried the little white ones (30mg) I've tried the dark gray 20mg and the light gray 20mg also both garbage. The only other one I know works for me is the green 15mg. I know people are different but explain to me why all the ones I named work great not just do I know they work but tons of other people agree with me. So with that being said all the people who write on here telling us that their all the same they ALL HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THEIR TAKING ABOUT!! I talked with my MOM an POP pharmacist and now I know when I show up their the correct ones.
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