M2 Tone Tablet


I took M2tone for two months when I got pregnant. I had a miscarriage in the ninth week. I just had D and C done to remove the remains. Please, I want to know if I can start taking M2tone again or if I should wait for my first menstrual cycle? Thank you.

18 Replies

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I started using m2 tone tablets some few days into my period and it flowed, i still took until my next period which has delayed five days now. i have checked and am not pregnant. Sometimes I feel the menses is coming but it does not. Should I be worried? Please advice.

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Can I get pregnant after taking m2-tone tablets, even on my free days, because I took the drug due to irregular periods?

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I have been using m2 tone tablets for two months now. My last flow was very heavy, I am still taking it but my next period has delayed for 9days now. I have checked and am not pregnant. Sometimes a have mild headache and a feeling as if menses is coming but it does not. Should I be worried? Please advice.

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How long should one take m2 tone to get pregnant?

When pregnant, should one need to continue the tablet or stop taking the tablet?

Thank you. Need a reply soon.

{edited for privacy}

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I was using M2 tone after 3weeks of using it I found out I was pregnant but I MC on 5weeks can I continue taking M2 tone or should I wait

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I have taken m2 tone for a whole day hoping to get my menses immediately. It has been a week now. How much longer should I wait?

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Can I take m2 tone while menstruating? I have been having irregular menses for some months now and I'm trying to correct my cycle so I can get pregnant.

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I have been on M2-tone for 2 weeks still have no signs of pregnancy or periods. Can I continue taking it? If so, how long will it take me to conceive? Or is it possible to conceive without having periods?

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I am having irregular periods. Pls tell me how to use m2tone to correct it and how many months it will take? Can I also use it with Primolut N? I am 25 years old.

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I got pregnant and it was an Ectopic. Due to that, I had one of my ovaries cut. I have tried to conceive for some months now but to no avail. Can m2 tone help me have a baby? Please help me.

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Hi read the news of the m2 tone how can I get it. I am in Germany now and I get your help center number I to call but no answer. I need your help to get it. So let's me you read this.

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Does m2-tone cause weight gain? How many tablets of m2-tone can I take a day?

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When is the best time to start taking m2tone tablets?

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Re: Oby (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

You can start immediately.

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Re: mattty (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I'm having the same problem too.

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Hello. I went through laparoscopy for the last two months. Can m2tone help me get pregnant?

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Last two months I didn’t get my mense and pregnancy test was negative so my doctor prescribes m2 tone tablet for me for 40 days and my mense came but am still taking it can I get pregnant when still taking it

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My period is irregular and I don’t know when am ovulating but my doctor advised I take m2 tone and folic acid, and right now am on my period will I ovulate and can I still be trying to get pregnant while on the drug

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