M-Oxy Forums
Recently active M-Oxy forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about M-Oxy and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I had been opoid tolerant for 15 years due to chronic medical conditions. Due to the ever increasing difficulty obtaining prescription pain medication from pharmacies w/o big bother watching, I went to a mexican border town 2 years ago to have fun and refill a scrip of hydro. they had me see a cheap doc next to the pharmacy. He filled it. As I got scripts in US for hydro then filled in Mex all was fine. The Mex Pharm said he would send me roxi 30, he did but I had scrips at home I got busted for illegal poss contr ll. Felony. OUCH! Are scripts legal to fill after 5 months after writing? Also there is extreme prejudice regarding the way one ingests meds through nose, mouth or other. My choice was through nose. I declared that my reasons were that I used less and was easier on stomach as ...