M Imprint On Round Peach Pill, Inside Hexagon


Found a tan or orangish pill that is round with no markings on one side and an M+ inside a hexagon on the other side. What is this?

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I found same thing and googled. Found your question with no reply. Turns out this is one of the pills from a Safyral birth control monthly pack.

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I can confirm that the pill in question is indeed Safyral levomefolate calcium (0.451 mg), also known as Beyaz.

It is an oral contraceptive developed by Bayer. Its contraceptive ingredients are ethinylestradiol, an estrogen and drospirenone, a synthetic progestogen, making it a combined oral contraceptive pill. It also contains folate as levomefolic acid calcium salt, to lower the risk of complications such as fetal neural tube defects should the drug fail as contraceptive.

Manufacturer: Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc.

National Drug Code (NDC): 50419-0403

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Safyral Details

I hope the info helps!

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