Common side effects may include: nausea, irritability, weight loss and insomnia.
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Charlie Says:
Why is Shire substituting its Adderall xr 20 mg capsules with capsules that are imprinted with M amphet 20 mg? M amphet 20 mg capsules are actually in the bottle labeled Adderall xr 20 mg when the pharmacy receives the shipment from Shire. The internet shows this capsule M Amphet as the generic version of Adderall xr. Thank you for your assistance.
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Lynn Says:
It’s a capsule, all one color, and on it is "M. Amphet Salts 20mg". I was wondering what color is normal for this one inside?
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Roy Says:
Re: Lynn (# 3)
Are you asking about the color of the contents INSIDE the capsule? Or are you just wanting to confirm what color the capsules should be?