M 30 Oxycodone Verses K9 Oxycodone 30mg (Page 3)
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After taking M 30 Oxycodone my small pharmacy changed me to K9 30mg Oxycodone. The K9's are not taking away my pain at all. Anyone else had the same problem with K9's?
The KVK Tech takes literally a whole hour to have any minimal effect opposed to the Mallincrodt brand which takes 20-30min tops, so its slow going and inconsistent and It is the same regardless if it is the 10mg or 5 mg KVK. The fillers are irritating to me. Causes a slight pink eye and sinusitis somehow. Dry eyes and mouth, just odd feeling, the side effects remove any benefit. Feels like a deterrent.
As a pain patient for some years and not a recreational user, I functioned best with the M brand, I felt "cleaner" in my mind and body, just normal and minimal pain and I was doing more activity with less side effects. Im no drug tech but it seems to be missing something. And certainly if you usually feel more energetic and functional prescribed M brand you'll notice the difference cause you don't get that with KVK. What makes it work to divert your mind of pain seems dull and tiring or like your more confused about how you feel then anything and certainly no "high" so maybe they make them less addicting? or removed a certain component or added one to null another but its my opinion if they change what makes it work then its just useless for everyone. Perhaps a new patient/customer wouldn't know the difference in comparison but when your used to a certain effect and a certain kind of relief, its not there, for me anyways. In fact when I first began after a dosing change even at a dose increase, my pupils were bigger and I felt like I got kicked in the back and not doing much. I had a few tablets remaining of the M brand, took it and felt so much better. W Greens no longer carries the M brand as of last month which is a surprise to me.
Im interested to know anyone else's feeling on this manufacturer so I can rule out if I just have an allergy to the filler perhaps or its its just a bad drug. Given that they are newer I have not seen any reviews and the company doesn't even list anything on their website.
Oh and those who use W Greens, I accidentally got a copy of their new "procedure" and they do visually judge you to determine if you should be given a certain medication. I will prob use another pharmacy, I only liked them cause of the drive thru convenience but obviously they are making major changes and Im not sure if that only applies to them.
Im looking forward to others thoughts.
i am under the care of pain doctor. a certified bonafied real doctor not a quack. a person of intregity. i am appalled that i go to the pharmacy to pick up my pain medication and am given k9 manufactured by kvk tech and the potency of this medication is a zipo big zero. I called my pharmacy who has had trouble getting this medication oxycodone 30 mg but changed middleman got kvk-tech k9. Since one bottle was a loose amount and the other a sealed bottle i was able to take back a hundred and given atavis 30 mg at a cost of additional 80 dollars on top of what i had already paid. I called kvk-tech and yes they were totally surprised..wink wink..so i am stuck with some medication that does not provide any pain relief. As a customer of this pharmacy for over five years i would think they think better of me than to give me a med that does not work and they knew it. when i purchased the med they told me that i would have to lower my expectations but wasn't sure what that meant. The pharmacy had the activas in stock but off loaded the kvk tech onto me at a highter cost than what i had been paying for 180 activas 100usd..how come kvk tech am i am paying 120 usd for 180 that do not work. kvk tech needs to be investigated and find out what the root problem is and have it corrected. example..i took one pill of kvk this morning and thrirty minutes later i had zero pain relief, took another and finally i reach what i would call 70 to 75 percent relief. this is wrong, just wrong and i want to know if kvk tech eating the stuff called potency and giving the customers a product that is sub standard at best..
I just got the K8 15 mg and they are horrible for taking my pain away. I'm going to call my pharmacy and the drug company about this problem. This should not happen!
Hi Maggie,
I may not have personal experience with this, but according to a number of reviews I've read from other users, these particular pills are touted as one of the less potent brands on the market; only working sometimes - depending on your tolerance and severity of pain.
I can only speculate that the manufacturer (KVK-Tech) probably could've changed out certain binders and fillers, as this often has an effect the overall absorption of the drug itself. This might also explain why it's not managing your pain very well.
You can learn more about this drug on the page for Oxycodone Details
Has anyone else tried this who can post their thoughts and feedback?
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