Lyrica Class Action Lawsuit (Page 4)


If you have had an adverse reaction to Lyrica, please contact a law firm. I just called mine and gave them my basic information, and they will be having a lawyer contact us. This drug is dangerous, deadly, and should be pulled from the market. Amomg all the usual issues, today i noticed a new one had been added. For males, sperm motility can be affected and children created by parents using Lyrica, there is the possibility of birth defects. Please call and at least get on record with this firm. The more of us who call and tell our stories, the more likely it is that the drug company is going to have to cover our medical expenses, pain and suffering, etc.

156 Replies (8 Pages)

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I was put on Lyrica for chronic pain and when I nearly committed suicide, and hurt an animal. The rage was real... I stopped it right away just to end up with a new condition where my feet and toes are burning like shards of glass is in them... I can't walk anymore because of it... I live in Florida if anyone knows of a lawyer.

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Are you in Australia? I can't find anyone here in Australia that has the backbone to fight the drug company pfizer.

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Where can I find a layer on lyrica in texas. I thought I was going to die on that drug.

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We are in Australia , if any one knows of any class action going on please send a message ....Thanks ....,,

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Hi Micki , are you still taking the Lyrica , ?or has your memory improved at all after you stopped ?

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I was on lyrica for at least 8 years for fibro. Idk exactly when I started. I stopped taking it after it was no longer helping me sleep or with any pain. Only now am I realizing that there are things wrong with me that never occurred before the lyrica. I will lay in bed and my whole body will just jerk. Or sometimes just my legs. It is weird because a split second before it happens, I know it's coming. I also experienced thyroid issues after I began the lyrica, but I am unsure if that was a side effect. Anyone else have these problems?

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I was on lyrica for almost a year for ms foot and leg pain it worked great for about 3 months I told my dr.she just keep ed increasing the does.i gain about 100 lbs I got to where I could not talk my stomach swelled so big it looked like I was pregnant. I really thought I was going to die..The withdraws is the terrible thing.i had electronic shock going in my brain it felt like 220 shock.i still have problems to this day it has been 5 months since my last 150 mg pill.and the cost like 300.oo dollars for 90. I asked the dr to give me the geriatric . But she just wanted me to take the lyrica.this drug is dangerous. It should be taken off the market.

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I developed severe rheumatoid arthritis after getting off of Lyrica. May be a coincidence, but I never had any arthritis prior to coming off of the lyrica. Doc said its not related but how much do I trust them anymore and also because of all the other issues from withdrawal. I had only been taking it for 5 months.

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Hello, I too have had very dramatic response, destructively & medically supported, to Lyrica. Do you have the Name & phone number for your attorney? I would like to be represented by him, if possible, as well. Gary M

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Hi Angela , my son also was only on Lyrica for around 5 to 6 months and 6 years after the last dose still sufferers from a very bad memory at the age of only 23, this has destroyed his education and made him unemployable , his memory before lyrica was excellent and he was a very gifted student ...

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I was on Lyrica a couple years ago for @ 2-3 weeks and swelled up so much my skin couldn't stretch any further. My skin started creating boils filled with fluid. Then the boils popped open & got infected (cellulitis). I was in the hospital for a week to clear up the infection!!! I still have problems with my body swelling up!!

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Is there anyone her in Australia that has found a lawyer with the backbone to fight against this drug?????
My whole world has been taken from me and noone wants to help.

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tell me who this firm is please? Location? thank You, Gary M

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Has anyone had any leads on this? There are countless side effects and another thread here has at least four people with family members who have committed suicide - me included. If anyone has information please share with me and the other thread.

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i ve experienced the exact same thing

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If no one is willing to take on the manufacturer then why not your doctor. Pull your medical records. Did you report the negative side effects to your Dr? That better be in your records. My Kaiser practitioner was good enough to summarize my side effects down to "patient reports confusion."
It's negligence. Record your Dr visit and compare to your records.... then call a malpractice or injury attorney!!!!!

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Which firm, and where is it? I have yet to find a firm taking a case over lyrica, contrary to allegations of successful suits. Thank You.

{edited for privacy}

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Hi everyone, I've been living with pain for 13 years caused by spinal stenosis. My pain dr put me on Lyrica for my nerve pain probably around 8 years ago (I don't even remember because my memory sucks). In the beginning I thought it was great bc it helped with the pain so much but if I knew then what I know now about the side effects, short and long term, I would've never started taking it. I would rather live with the burning, pins and needle pain on both feet and my whole body hurting than live with the medical issues I've developed and the personal hell I've gone through. I'm short, 5 feet, so any weight gain is extreme but I gained 40 lbs, my feet are swollen (left more than right), I've had mental confusion and fogginess, sometimes I can't have a conversation with my husband or kids bc I can't get my words straight. I have no energy or desire to do anything so I lay in bed for days, weeks and sometimes months at a time. I've been depressed and suicidal and with the combination of other meds (meds I was prescribed bc of the side effects that I had from Lyrica) I went through a psychotic episode 3 years ago, it was caused by the med mixtures. During this episode I felt like my life was doomed and i didn't know where I was half the time, I was so out of it one day that I walked out of a grocery store without paying unknowingly. I've also been dealing with thyroid issues, hormonal issues, prediabetes, pituitary tumor and I've been also going through early menopause before the age of 40, I also have blurry vision and my vision has gotten worst which I can't afford bc I only have 1 good eye. My Endocronologist prescribed me diet pills bc of my blood sugar to lose weight and it's still hard to lose weight bc of Lyrica even though I only consume 1200 calories a day and have been doing yoga. I've forgotten to fill my script for Lyrica and experienced withdrawal symptoms that are worst than narcotic withdrawals, I felt like I had this whooshing sound in my head, my smell sense was so heightened that it would make me sick and my body was extra sensitive to touch, so this should tell you what this med is doing to your brain. I recently went to a different dr for a separate issue and she told me that Lyrica was the cause of my hormonal problems and my lack of energy or desire to do anything. She said that Lyrica works by slowing down impulses in the brain that cause seizures. It also affects neurotransmitters (chemicals) in the brain that send pain signals across the nervous system. It definitely has slowed my brain down a lot and I'm not the person I was before I started taking this medication. I didn't know that Lyrica was causing these side effects so I never complained about it to my dr but now that I do I'm trying to get off of it. I've been reading a lot of threads on the side effects when stopping it and some say they still have issues years after being off the medication. I'm pretty sure that it does not warn you about this effect. I saw that the state I live in was not on the lawsuit so does anyone know if there's another lawsuit for Missouri?

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I lost my job bcuz i didnt get my refill request in on time Friday and was so sick I couldn't work. I was having attitude issues and was so weak I couldn't even lift my hands above my head...terrible. I'm so bummed and so discouraged. Help! Tried to detox for 3 weeks and the drs just put me back on it and sent me home! Lovely!

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Does anyone know if there is a lawsuit in Australia? I suffered severe depression and memory loss from Lyrica. Also anyone who has suffered memory loss from Lyrica does it get better when you stop taking it? I have been off for 3 weeks and havent had any improvement.

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