Lyrica Terrible Side Effects (Page 7)
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Lyrica has ruined my life. It wasn't bad enough with the pain from my back injury. I only took Lyrica for 2 weeks. The weight gain was bad. I lost 1/3 of my hair in 4 months. I have had a rash for over 1 year now. I mean a bad rash. This was my first side effect. And they warn you of this. Get off Lyrica asap if you get a rash. I thought I was having a stroke the first week on Lyrica when they rushed me to the hospital. I had read on the internet of how many young people have died from strokes from taking Lyrica. My vision is so bad now. I can barely drive at night time and I have to were glasses to see the tv. The worst side effect I've had and still have is the terrible, terrible pain in all my joints. My knees are so bad and my hands and fingers & joints pound and throb 24-7. The swelling in my arms and hands was so bad at one time, I thought I would lose my limbs due to non circulation. The pain is so bad in my knees, I can barely walk everyday. I am self employed and I type and write all day. My hands hurt so bad. I can barely hold anything in the mornings to pin my hair up or put on my makeup. As bad as my pain was and is in my back and cyatic nerve the Lyrica did help. It was a miracle. But I only took it 2 weeks and after 1 year I still have all the terrible side effects. I've been looking on the internet for other peoples bad reactions and I was told by my doctor and the hospital, I had a very bad reaction to it. I've seen a lot of people say they have never got rid of the knee pain and joint pain. Very scary. I called the drug company that makes Lyrica. I told them the side effects that I was having and the first question they asked me was how was my eye sight. I had a fit. I told them the double vision and blurry vision was bad. They made the comment to me that Pifzer was doing a study on this side effect. I was in an automobile accident, that was bad enough, but this drug Lyrica has ruined my life and there is no cure. There are numerous law suits against this drug. I will never be the same again!

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Last yr I was prescribed Lyrica for Fibro pain, and took it for 15 days. I thot it was going to be THE med that would work for me.FINALLY! I usually have any side effects, etc right at the beginning of a new med, but I had NONE with this one, till the 15th day. My husband found me standing at the foot of our bed shaking all over, weeping uncontrollably and really just 'out of it'. I called the nurse in my MD's office and told her if she didn't help me get off this med NOW, I'd do it myself. She spoke with MD and got right back to me with instructions on how to titrate down off this 'med from He*#!. I was desperate. It made a CRAZY woman out of me. I wouldn't recommend this med to another living person !!! Since then I've read of many horror stories about it. I'm glad I got off it before any major damage was done to me !

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im the one that started the discussion on the side effects of lyrica. ***update***, as i stated the effects of lyrica to me and i was only on it 2 weeks. i have been off lyrica 1 year and 5 mths. i am just feeling better from the effects. i have most of my haie back, my knees are 50% better, my joints still hurt. my eye sight is better, i dont see double any more. but my eye strenght is not as good as it was. my fingers joints are better, i can right again. my kidneys never recovered. i had major weight gain. im trying to get it off now. I stopped taking my hydrocodiene and soma cold turkey. it was a hard week to be in so much pain. but i feel better now. my medicine was changed to a non narcotic with an additive for a pain blocker. i feel better now. i read on the internet somewhere. that if u had the bad nerve pain reaction from taking lyrica that the hydrocodine magnified this effect. when my hycodine would were off after 3-4 hours, i hurt worse than before. i dont have that effect anymore by changing medicines. my back injury is cured. but taking lyrica needs to be aware of the risks that your doctor dosent bother to tell you. i appreciate the replys. this has been a tough 2 yrs for me. please wish me luck on getting the 40 lbs back off...

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No I am not seeing a doctor, I have to now see numerous specialists, for example a neuologist, cardiologist, nephrologist, infectious disease doctor, hematologist, neuro-opthamologist, dermatologist, podiatrist, and the list just keeps getting bigger.This drug is wicked, I have been off it for a week now, I can not control the tremors, or seizures, my kidneys are screaming in pain. I was once just Hypertensive, but from the lyrica my BP doesn't know what to do anymore, from one extreme to another. My migranes are back but on a daily basis full blown. I can't eat, I haven't gotten decent sleep in years now. Had a sleep study done, I am getting 3 mins of REM in a 6 hr window of sleep on a good night. An there is people that actually believe that this drug is safe, and these rare side effects or reactions are ok with them.I don't understand.

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Dito on all your side effects, and I had the stroke, and many more TIA's, seizures, paralysis of my facial muscles,permanent damage to my digestive system, my kidneys do not work properly. I already had enough medical issues without the added ones from Lyrica, I took it for 2 yrs 3mths too long. I just got off of it last week so I don't know what damage is going to be permanent and what isn't, having nerve testing done on eyes this week. I am not a sue happy person, but after dealing with Neurontin, and that bull crap. An than to turn around and have the same company manufacture a sister drug, and not inform the consumer that it doesn't even stop the advance of Neuropathy it just masks the pain. Plus it destroyed what I have fought so hard to retain since getting sick, my independence, and ability to keep fighting. Lyrica just took the air right out of my sails, and than some.

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I am very, very sorry to read about what you have been through.

You are correct, if you experienced all of this from Lyrica, especially that long after taking it, then you have experienced very rare and unusual complications.

These are, however, different than side effects. Side effects are considered to be transient symptoms that arise when you first start taking a medication. They taper off and get milder as your body gets used to the drug.

The normal ones that Lyrica causes are: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and some minor visual problems.


Are you currently seeing a doctor for help with your issues?

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