Lyrica Side Effects Results In Loss Of 13 Teeth (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I am the patient of a pain management physician because there is nothing else that can be done for my back other thantry to manage my pain. I have had 19 back surgeries, including rods, broken back and rods on right side. My last surgery was the insertion of two morphine pain pumps, which caused my body to reject the plastic or some component thereof. They also inserted two dual-lead dorsal column stimulators, and even though all four of these pumps worked successfully, my body also rejected come component in the stimulators as well. One of the largest problems, second only to the pain, was the fact that I had 5 deep wound that went all the way down to my rectus muscle in my stomach. I had a staph infection from the pump as well as the stimulator. It took 6 months of wound care from the pain pumo, and now I am left with the most hideous scar. Same problem with my back, Oh well....this was supposed to be about LYRICA! Since January 2005, my doctor placed me on Lyrica and I thank God for it, because it has helped a great deal with my pain, however, after having to make an appointment to see an oral surgeon to remove all my teeth because of the Lyrica, I am LIVID!! No one eluded to the fact that Lyrica cound cause my teeth to rot out of my head, when I had the most wonderful white straight teeth. I just celebrated my 46th birthday a little over a week ago and I am facing dentures right in the mouth! There out to be a disclaimer, of which there were one. I am a label reader, and read instructions implicitly. At any rate, that won't help the halth of my mouth at this point. Is there a class action law suit out there somewhere, that would at the very least pay for any dental work, or at least warn those in the future? BE WARNED! You deserve a right to be informed. Signed, Oh My Missing Teeth in Oklahoma!

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December 17, 2012 = xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}

I stumbled on this Discussion Thread while searching for Dental problems associated/linked to Lyrica.

I decided to post here so that other people can be INFORMED!! on Lyrica.

I've been on Lyrical for the past 3 months and having Serious problems with pain on my gums and teeth. As well as other side effects.

Yesterday, I lost one tooth. To make matters worst its the tooth in the back (molar) that helps me chew my food.

I also noticed that my other teeth are loose and I am scared that I will loose my other teeth.

Before taking Lyrica, I had never experienced Dental problems. I am only 43 years old, and cannot afford to pay for Dentures so early in life.

At this point, I really don't know what to do. Should I stop this medication? I really do needed due to Fibromyalgia pain. I have tried other med's but they don't take the pain away. I am at a lost here!!!

I still have kids at home to raise and I am too young (43y) to be experiencing disabling side effects that affect me physically and mentally.

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I am terrified after reading this. I have been on Lyrica for around 6 months and have just started to notice pain in my teeth and that I am grinding my teeth in my sleep. I have always had perfect teeth with only one filling at the age of 30. I cannot imagine losing my teeth at such a young age, especially not through taking medications for my disabling fibromyalgia. I donlt know what to do now - try and live with the pain (which at times means I cannot even dress myself) or take this medication that might make me lose my teeth!!

I am so sorry to hear of all of your bad experiences, and hoping you all have low pain days! Any suggestions on what I can do next would be great because I am now in a blind panic!

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I would stop taking Lyrica. I was on it for 9 months after my L4-5 fusion. My face had started to swell and I have been to so many doctors.....endocrynologist, allergy specialists, my GP has ruled out heart, liver, kidney, thryoid, ect. I am convinced that it is the Lyrica. I have now had one root canal and now another tooth is bothering me. I want to know about a lawsuit, too.

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I read your post.. tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 48 years old and I have pumpkin teeth.. and because I am disabled, i wont be able to afford dentures for some time. I too had beaufiul DONNY OSMOND teeth.. but just the same.. at least all of us here understand, and you can smile at us.. We Love you know matter What!

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How did you wean yourself off? Was it a specific area in your mouth or all over? My gum sensitivity is ironically, where I had braces as an adult, and increased gum recession.

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Hi Has there been any progress informing the pharmaceutical company that manufactures Lyrica? It shouldn't be so difficult to start an investigation to research the profound damage of what we all believe is the culprit of our cracked broken and missing teeth.After all with so many of us on the same medication(Lyrica) complaining of the same or very similar issues you would think all pharmaceutical companies would consent to an immediate investigation.Who may I direct further questions to for additional information for action into this matter .I have lost many precious teeth in the past few years and have been taking Lyrica for several years on the requests of neurologists and pain doctors.When a new medication becomes available I know pharmaceutical companies push physicians into prescibing these medications to their patients.I assumed if I didn't have any immediate side effects and it appeared to help me I would try it.Don't these companies investigate and tests these drugs for many years before selling them?Aren't our teeth important to them? I had a mouthful of strong white perfect teeth before starting Lyrica and always brushed my teeth visited the dentist regularly and avoided candy sugared soft drinks and took vitaminD and calcium.My dental work would be in the thousands of dollars now and I'm very upset!

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My onset of gum irritation was when I started Lyrica. However, I didn't connect the dots until almost a year later. I went to my dentist multiple times in 2012. My oral pain is the worse on my left lower jaw. My gums burn, and like others, feel gum recession. My dentist kept saying I was clenching my teeth. We went thru several different troubleshooting techniques like readjusting the bite, retainers, and night guard. Wore the night guard daily, and the problem persisted. So, we replaced an old crown. OMG! That was worse, and I ended up with a root canal. I haven't been back to that dentist of 20 years. I tried a new dentist, who was very interested in what medications I was taking. Like an idiot, I didn't add Lyrica to my list. I was having a bad pain day, and could barely fill out the form.
In summary, I am looking for anyone who lives in California. Long story, don't need to go into, but I am looking for a Ca resident who has had to apply for disability social security benefits.
I am sorry everyone that you are not feeling well. I want to wave a wand over everyone and make them better.

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I'm turning 30 next month. Started taking Lyrica for Shingles in September. NOW I HAVE 2V MOLARS that need to be pulled. I'm devastated. ..I wish I would have known. ..I would have taken pain over tooth loss any day.

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Hi guys, I have been on lyrica for five years and not had any trouble with my teeth YET. How can you be so sure it is the Lyrica? I am hoping it is not the medication.

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I have used 2 or 3 narcotic pain meds over the last years after after shoulder surgeries, multiple knee scopes followed by total knee replacement, and chronic thoracic spine pain. I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but have chosen to ignore that. In desperation yesterday I asked my PCP for Lyrica, based on the TV advertising. Before taking any Lyrica, I Googled for a Lyrica discussion Forum and man am I glad that I did. I'm very grateful for all the data that all of you good folks have shared here because I will now never take the stuff. I already have dry mouth syndrome and have lost 12 teeth over the last 2 years and can't afford dentures. I have a compassionate Dentist who has created some wor-around bridges so that I could smile, but last week one of my eye teeth dropped out which is going to require an implant (which I can't afford. I am a on Medicare, which offers no dental coverage, even the Gap Plans cover only exams, x-rays, and cleaning. I feel for any Medicare insured, low-income, jobless people out there who turn to Lyrica for relief if all that I've read here is accurate. I've got to do some more Googling and see what other Meds cause Dry Mouth Syndrome, because all of my problems presented without taking Lyrica.
Thanks to all of you for sharing.

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Thank God that I've found these conversations.. I have just started to take Lyrica on last two days.I have never ever had any tooth pain. Now I've just having tooth ache. i have just thought to looking any side effect of Lyrica.Now here I am.

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For four years I took 400mg of Lyrica a day my teeth started dying from the inside out (turnning a light brown color inside) and the enamal chipping off from the outside I had promised my wife if I had one more tooth break off I would get dentures, well tonite I bit into a pecan caramel chocolate candy and broke another so as hard as I tried to keep my teeth I guess I will give in. someone needs to send this link to a good lawyer.

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I'm having the same problem and re occuring staph infection as a result of taking lyrica

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I was initially prescribed Lyrica over a year ago for Fibromyalgia. I was started on 50 mg a day for five days, then increased to 100mg daily as my maintenance dose. It helped tremendously with the pain but I couldn't take the side effects of dizziness and blurred vision. So after about a month, I weaned myself off of it slowly. I am a nurse and felt comfortable in monitoring myself for adverse withdrawal symptoms. During this time I also experienced BAD teeth pain, especially in my molars. It became so bad that I thought maybe the dental hygienist had damaged my teeth during my last cleaning. I went back to my dentist, who examined my teeth and could find nothing wrong. I have always had beautiful, healthy teeth. I have never had any issues with my teeth. I am 50 years old and I have had only about 3 cavities in my entire life. I wondered then about the Lyrica being the culprit, because I had NEVER had teeth sensitivity, but I dismissed it. It took about a month, but the sensitivity eventually went away. Now I have been placed on Lyrica again for a damaged femoral nerve after having had a heart cath. It is only day five on the Lyrica and I am still only on 50 mg. Here we go again !!! Today, out of the blue, I have developed teeth sensitivity and pain again....BAD. That's it !!! I'm done. I know now without a doubt that it is the Lyrica. Out of curiosity, I just happened to Google Teeth Sensitivity and Lyrica. After reading all of these reviews, I am blown away. Horrifying!!!!! I know it is hard to suffer with pain.........but I'll take the pain over having my teeth fall out. My teeth pain is just as bad as the leg pain I was taking the Lyrica for to begin with. I have just traded one pain for another. Everyone just please proceed with caution. We all have to make our own choices, but as for me, goodbye Lyrica!! Never again.

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I am so sorry for how bad you suffer! It makes me cry, I just know how you feel, and maybe your teeth can be spared. I just developed some type of systemic infection due to my teeth that used to look like Donny Osmond's now I am left with rotted teeth cracked down to the gum line. I wish I could afford the dentist. I was quoted a figure well over 6000..00 dollars. I am so afraid I could die. I'm sorry to reply like this. I'm just afraid. If you know of any free or assisted dental care in Reno Nevada... I would greatly appreciate any information. Thank you for sharing your experience. If I could figure it out or find bravery I would post my before and after lyrica photos. It is amazing.

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My teeth are starting to get holes and chips and feel like I drank too much soda, which I don't, and i am on Lyrica and also Tramadol which also is being talked about as bad for your teeth. The lyrica has really helped me, so I am bummed because I guess I need to quit it. And now I hope I don't lose all my teeth. People are always commenting about my smile. :(

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I was on Tramadol for over 5 years with no problems. Then I went off it & they put me on Lyrica. I was on for several years. I look at my pics from 2009. I was always complimented on my teeth. Now I've lost at least 9 teeth that snapped off at gum line. I just discovered all the enamel on another back took has eroded & I'm sure this one will break too. Now I rarely smile. I have no dental insurance so I can't get anything done. I use a water pic, don't drink soda, tea or coffee or anything acidic but all my teeth are rotting from inside out. When are people going to start going after manufacturer of Lyrica? Do they need X number of people to lose their teeth first.

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I don't think your teeth rotted as a direct result of lyrica. Its just that you didn't feel any early warning toothache as the lyrica blocked the nerve pain from your teeth. When taking lyrica you need to brush, floss, rinse etc twice per day and have regular dental check ups cos your capacity to feel tooth pain is reduced. Note - from your back symptoms I think you may have Arachnoiditis. Please google this condition to see its effects. Lyrica is one of the drugs routinely prescribed to arachnoiditis sufferers to help with neuropathic pain in the legs/feet.

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{edited for privacy}. I'm losing my teeth as well. It's horrible. I'm on a pain management program and trying to stay off the opiates so I use Gabapentin and it works but I'm losing my teeth. I don't understand and I've always had good teeth. I need to find a good attorney to help us.

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