Lyrica... Getting Scared (Top voted first)


Have been on Lyrica since April 09 - developed incontinence, pain in right knee constant, can't talk straight - words get mixed up - can't comprehend reading material or remember the simplest of things or tasks - was fired from my job-- miracle for my pain though - Doc says side effects will go away - has anyone experienced long term memory confusion? Am I losing it?

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In responce to your concern, I have read every concern and yes I cant speak either, I was a professional for 30 years and now I cant even put a simple sentence together without my words comming out delayed , all mixed up in my head they are right but they never come out clear. I am so embarrsed.

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Those can be normal side effects of Lyrica, it is an anticonvulsant that has also been found to help with some types of nerve pain.

The FDA lists its other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, mood changes, and weight gain.

Ref: Lyrica Information

Has your doctor definitively linked your symptoms to the Lyrica? Are you on any other medications?

Most side effects taper off in severity after about 4 to 5 weeks of taking one steady dose. If yours continue past that, you may need to try a different medication.

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