Lyrica Caused My Seizure (Top voted first)


I took one dose of Lyrica, got dizzy, double vision, shaking and was transported by ambulance to the hospital. They confirmed I had a seizure disorder from taking Lyrica. Anyone else experience this?

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Lyrica is the 'med from heck', as far as I'm concerned. I've had reactions to meds, but nothing like the one to this med! Normally I know right away if a med is going to cause a problem for me, but Lyrica was different. I took it for 14 days, and on the 15th day, my husband found me sobbing uncontrollably, screaming, being totally irrationational, etc. ....all while hollaring at him to 'do something'. I totally lost it, and couldn't control myself. (my normal demeanor is a calm cool, collected person, who takes the time to educate herself about everything she puts in her body). I called the nurse at my GPs office , and when she told me I'd have to titrate off and it could take weeks, I poured my wrath out on her, also.. I was totally outta my 'gourd'! I was flipping out. It was determined that Lyrica was the culprit. I know it works for some patients, but one to which I had a definite reaction.

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A seizure disorder would not be caused from one dose of Lyrica, what it would be is that you had to already have a seizure disorder and the Lyrica caused you to have one.

Since it is an anticonvulsant that is used to treat Epilepsy, this would also be a very unusual occurence.

Jan, your experience makes much more sense. Anticonvulsants are also used as mood stabilizers and, in some cases, a person can be sensitive to that effect and it will do quite the opposite.

Any negative mediation side effects should be reported to the FDA. They have a MedWatch line you can call:


Make sure to let them as many specific details as you can, such as if you were taking the name brand or it is a generic and the manufacturer.


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I was taken to the hospital and told I had a seizure disorder after taking one dose of the lyrica.
My blood pressure was very elevated and they did a cat scan.

Are you a doctor Verwun?

I read the drug is to STOP those kinds of things but I didn't get the Lyrica for any seizure problem, only fibromalgia pain.

I believe the body can react to a substance in a myriad of ways.

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OMG!!! I was put in the hospital after taking it for 2 1/2 weeks. It was prescribed for having a seizure, when I had another one the Dr. increased my doseage and SLAM...I swelled up soo bad they admitted me!!! Had to have IV drugs to take care of what it did to me...After it was out of my system, (they stopped Lyricia) I was fine. This is a very dangerous Drug and I still had another seziure after taking it. I'm on Dilantin now and doing great...No Seizures!!! I'v only had 2 sezuires (that's enough!!!). Not only did it NOT help Sezuires, but made me dangerously sick.

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i took lyrica last night at and i sleeping all night and i got up at10am and i have been sleep ,feeling fun in the head ,alittle week , i just started taking it one time,how long will it take to get out of my system and feel better not sleepy.

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Re: trish (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I tried 25 mg of Lyrica on Sunday night and I did not come out of the haze until Wednesday mid day.
Also, oddly, it gave me a strange insomnia effect where I wake up before the sun. Wednesday and now today. If it continues I will have to seek help. This is awful. One dose, and I have been a mess all week. I was so confused at an appointment on a Tuesday morning that I am actually surprised they let me leave like that.

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Re: Maggie (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I have been taking 50 mg of Lyrica 3 time’s a day for the past 4 years and have had absolutely no side effects. I guess everyone has a different reaction.

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