Lutrexin (Top voted first)


to prevent miscarraige

4 Replies

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i was given this drug between nov 1963andmarch 1964 for premature labor the doctor had told me after my son was born he could be sterile. my son has not been able to have children. he has been married twice and no childred from either marriage. could this drug be responsible he is now 46 years old.

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i am a female, and was born in 1958. my mother was given this drug after 3 premature births. i was successful at getting pregnant and carring my son= now 29 yrs old to full term.

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My kids had kids and were extremely intelligent graduates at 15 with scholarships put ahead three grades very successful and high strung adults no illness grrwat grandkids

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Yes, this medication is commonly used to stop early contractions and prevent preterm labor.

The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, nervousness, and headache. Everyone is different, so Judith, it is hard to say. Has he had any testing done?

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