Lunesta Coupon
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I recently made the effort to discuss my problems with insomnia again, after many years, with my doctor.

Without insurance, I floundered for years while exploring my options. I had initially found a manufacturer's coupon online some years ago that did away with the copay that my at-the-time insurance coverage would leave me to pay, which was $10.

The coupon did away with this fee, allowing me to receive my medication for free, at $0.

I was originally prescribed this medication in 2011/2012, with wonderful results that allowed for a much appreciated uplift in my mood and energy.

Upon being once again prescribed this medication, this time lacking any insurance, even - I attempted to navigate towards in hopes that I could receive the same deal, or at least one similar - and was surprised to see that Lunesta's website is down.

I'm a bit disappointed in the disappearance of Lunesta's website, and extremely disappointed with the absence of the coupon I used years prior, despite the abundance of websites on google searches that I find when citing the original coupon's text - leading me down a tangle of websites that fail to help me.

This original coupon was listed and displayed on Lunesta's website if I recall correctly.

If you have any information regarding this or any other coupon, savings or deal offered for Lunesta, please reply to this message.

I will be checking back here periodically in hopes that these questions can be answered and this issue resolved.

Thank you.

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Thank you all, i exhausted myself looking around that night and came yo the same conclusion. I've become acquainted with discount cards as of late and they do offer, at a seemingly chosen at random selection of stores - a decent discount.

Unfortunately, that means i need to use 2 pharmacies, and the one i went to fill my other medication at made a point to say they need me to get all my meds there or no go. know - it probably is simply a store policy to enforce that. Maybe ill have a one on one talk with a manager about my finances and see if they can turn a blind eye to it. Should their computer systems bot throw up a red flag at it.

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Sunovion (the manufacturer) appears to offer a patient assistance program, but I'm not sure if Lunesta is one of the meds which they cover. They publish a contact number on their page as well in case you want to get in touch with them. Also, you may wish to check out this site's discount card like Verwon said. There's a pricing tool to see if you would even be able to save anything when filling your prescription.

Sunovion Prescription Assistance Program:

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The manufacturer's medication site can now be found at this link Lunesta click here.

Unfortunately, I don't see any discounts or coupons listed.

However, this site does offer a free prescription discount card that might help, you just submit your email or print it, and take it to your pharmacy.

The FDA has recently issued a new warning about Lunesta causing next day after effects, in some people that take it, such as dizziness, and a hangover-like feeling.

Does anyone else know of a way to save money on it?

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