Lumbar Stenosis At L4.l5 And Disc Prolapse (Top voted first)


My wife aged 75 yrs.,started with cytica pain starting with shooting pain from buttacks down to the legs about two and half years back.She was given first Steroid injection in Feb 2005,withe some relief in the pain for for 6 months.But the MRI sowed Lumber Stenosis of cytica nerve at L4-L5 & herniation of vertebras.She was given Gabaneouron. Tabs.thrice daily and Shelcol(Calciam tabs.0 & Vitamin-E tablets for about six months .She was referred to Pain Clinic again& was given 2nd Steroid injection.and & there was relief in the pain but was able towalk for 2-300 metre and had to sit.The third Steroid injection was given after another 6-8 months.Medicines were the same combination as shown above.Now Ihave changed a new Spine/Neurosurgeon and he has been givin her Lyrica 75mg in the morning &Lyrica 150mg(Pragaqbalin) in place of gabaneuron &other medicines as above.She presently is restricted to home .She can do small domestic work for about half an hour,and has to sit down or lay on the bed.She has unstability while standing for if she stands or walks for more thn 50 mtrs.Doctor says she may Surgery but the age factor has to be considered,and perhaps may be given one more Steroid injection.Can any one advise me how can the Disc prolapse be set right without surgery and is there any other system of Medicine to help her to gain partial recovery in walking..

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i have an disc problem in L4 and L5 as per MRI Report and sometimes i get pain in my right leg and very rarely i used my lumber belt and regularly i intake Pragaqbalin as adviced by the neurosurgen and always i used to sit on the ground as was tired of sitting on the chairs and sofa in the office hours and like to sleep on the ground only please advise ..

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I have pain in every join/muscle/bone in my body and Lyrica has helped me a lot. I now take 225 mg a day (1) 75 mg in the morn. and (2) 75's in the even. Try a pain medication or a stronger type of Aleve if it helps some people need more then the over the counter dose. Also Cymbalta is now approved for Fibromyalgia but is also used to treat depression. I really hope she doesn't have to go through those injections. Good luck with everything!

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There are special docs, often anesthesiolgist who specialize as Spinal Innocations (C.Covey % Moffit) in LR ARK who test you, believe in you and prescribe eventually small amounts of morphine. 1st they try Neurontin (antiseizure) it relaxes too much and you sleep. Go w their trials; They have COMPASSION. I take continuous release oxycontin. also a small instant release 5 mg oxycodone. along w good sleep aides, muscle relax =robaxin [methocarbomal], nerves = ativan (never valium). Then I got forgetful and attention deficit-unable to pay home bills cause flighty thoughts. He Rx'd Providgil. Some MD's freak out & say that is amphethimine but it is not. It works on brain chemicals so U can think straight. I can not take the 200mg-makes me jittery and hateful,usual take 1/4=50mg. ALSO see Chiropractor weekly (U may have to shop/ask around for the RIGHT one. Hot tubs, warm pads, alternate warmer pad w cooler pads, GoInPatient to Pain Clinic they teach U how to managed, deal with, improve life w pain. best wishes from one who had to fight my way thru the witch Doc's who were mean,assumed I was seeking drugs,called me a melinger,nurses too. But Seriously if the nurse,receptionist and Doc do not show compassion,,,just leave before they have a reason to give you a bill. I was dx w Fibromyalgia 20 yrs ago after 8 years of hard pain even while I worked as a nurse. Thank God My Family MD believed me and gave me a few Darvocet N ea month. when He suggested the above Pain Clinic where small doses of morphine were rx'd. I freaked and refused, how could I work? How could I be up and be in need of MS? Then my sisNlaw suggested same as she knew of similar situation. I went and was sad at 1st cause had to have more test aNd trial seizure meds n other trials. But by 3-4th visit he gave me 10 mg oxycontin per 12 hours. I was without pain for the first time in my life. Realized I had had pain in legs then all over almost all of my life (I was in deadly MVA age 2.5,then was accident prone rest of my life) Nursing was difficult as I had to bend over patients and my T6-7 felt as if would break.arms burned, toroso painful to touch,etc. Had Pneumothorax [collasped lung] r/t thoracic injury/weakness/leaning over to give pt care. I also was strong and would pick pts up w/o getting appropriate assist. and in the 60s we did not use gloves, cb any # viruses, bacteria,diseases my immune system was constantly being attacked, By 1990 & 91 I had hard flu almost felt like menogittis w 105 + oral temp every 6-8 weeks and only the strongest antibiotics would help clear,so i wld work 2-3 more weeks then the aches and pains began to increase and the glands swoll and the fever then I was home for 2-3 weeks w strong antibiotivs and pain meds. Finally I left patient care and worked administrative only that was so sad to this day my desire is to be a caregive to the ill,those who need a compassionate and intelligent nurse. Have U noticed lately how few docs and nurses show any compassion or have any BS manners, No Nurses do not get paid well considering the job done and the dangereous they and their families at home are in. So best wishes to you both. The Caregiver/Spouse? adult child who takes care of the one who is ill an in pain needs to get into support groups, also get out and have some real fun,yes it is OK get someone to stay w the one at home. Believe me if you the caregiver do not get proper release you will become ill too. One more tip, OnLine there are places to purchase healing recordings,cd,cassette,etc. check it out, it may hekp the sick one and the caregiver see a psychologist,talk w family,friends,neighbors.Accept their offers of help,sitting, a meal, a churchs prayer chain. And you too can lay your burdeons down at the feet of Our Lord.

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I had l4-l5 disk replacement and now i can do more then just sit and lay around. so maybe a replacment would be good. I dont have any more shooting pains so i would say talk to your doc and see if a replacement would help.

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Iam suffering from lumbar stenosis with i/4-s/1 , disc bulge . Ihave no back pain , but there is a shooting pain from right buttocks towards the back of thigh . Iam worried and need help .I dont want to go for surgery . can it be cured with medicines ?

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My wife is 33 yrs she is having sever lower backpain which flows to legs

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Indrajit, has she seen a doctor and had tests done to pinpoint the cause?

There are several conditions that may cause this, this site is not medical professionals and cannot possibly guess at a diagnosis or treatment over the internet.

It sounds like she may have a pinched nerve, as I had similar pain when I did, but as I said, this is only a guess.

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I have cured completly from 5000 Yrs old Sport Medicine treatment from India, Please conatct him. 100% cure.
In modern medicines rest, analgesics topical ointments are the mainstay treatment. In ayurveda this disease is said to be caused due to the vitiation of 'vatha'. Appropriate treatments to bring 'vatha' back to normal cures the disease.

Initially massages are given to the affected part using specially medicated oils. Certain points around the spine called 'marmas' are stimulated and 'vatha' is brought back to its normal channel.Fomentation is done on the affected part using 'kizhis'(hot boluses of medicine). This reduces the rigidity of muscles and spine. It also increases the blood circulation to the affected parts and helps in the regeneration of the damaged tissues. These procedures are followed by evacuative Panchakarma procedures like 'vasthi' and 'virechanam'(medicated enema and forced purgation).

Internal medicines are given, that help in reducing pain and inflammation. Myelin sheath damage is also cured with these medicine. Ayurveda has the best approach in the treatment of Lumbago. After the treatment advices are given on the proper sitting positions. Certain postures in yoga that are beneficial for the spine are also included in the treatment regimen.

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lumbar disc prolapse L4-L5 2nd Time Spine Surgery

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I have very bad back problems, had a fusion done in 1990, which failed, went to a pain specialist and took numerous amounts of meds for years. Finally they suggested that I go with a spinal cord stimulator (SCS) I had it done and OMG what a difference it made, I have my life back, I am able to walk and sit with minimal pain. Don't get me wrong I still have some pain, but it really works. I would suggest it to anyone suffering from this kind of pain, because if you have never had back problems, you have no idea the kind of pain it can cause

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I am suffering from l4 l5 disc.....can u give me contact details of person who releved u from pain

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I've got 2 I intraverted herniated disk @ L4&5 w/sciatica & a prolapsed recn- num, that was 3 yrs ago. Now the other 3(L1-3). Have bulged or slid out. I also have DDD& pretty sure I have Rhuematoid arthritis. I'm in some form of constince pain. Also have severe spinal stenosis from C3-7

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MIR Report L4_L5 Lumbar disc prolapse Dr. 1st Time 2006 Surgery. Doctor told 2nd Time lumber disk Surgery. Back side pain. I am worried and need help. I dont want to go for surgery. can it be cured with medicines ?

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