Low-Ogestrel Forums

Recently active Low-Ogestrel forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Low-Ogestrel and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

I just got prescribed low-ogestrel a couple days ago in the mdidle of my period. The directions explain that you can start on the sunday after your period starts, but if you got your period on a sunday, you should start it that same day. I got my period on sunday, does that mean I have to wait another month to take my first pill, or can I take it this sunday (tomorrow)?? ## If you started your period on a Sunday, you should have taken it that same day to start the pack. However, that is just to provide you with immediate protection against pregnancy. You can start them, at any time, you will just need to use some other form of protection for the first 7 days, to allow them to become effective in your body. So no, there is no need to wait another month. You don't have to be experienc...

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I used to take Low-Ogestrel as my birth control but then switched to the Brazilian equivalent of Femodene (it is called Diminut there but the hormone levels are the same as that of Femodene). I had no problems with my first pack, but towards the end of my second pack I started to experience breakthrough bleeding. It was light at first, but now I am almost halfway through my third pack and the bleeding is daily, continuous, and heavy. It is not a red flow but very dark and viscous. I do not know what to do to make it stop. It seemed to stop for a day after my actual period during the inactive time but then it started again and got worse. Should I stop taking this birth control? ## I am having the same problem with breakthrough bleeding taking Low-Ogestrel, and I have had the same problem...

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I found a very small white, round pill. One side says Watson & the other has 847 imprinted. Can you identify it? Thank you. ## I found an exact match, white with 847 on one side and watson on the other, it is Low-ogestrel 28. This drug prevents ovulation. This medication also changes your cervical mucus and uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus. Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

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