Losartan Mfg Change - New One Not As Effective (Top voted first)


Pharmacy changed Losartan mfg on my prescription from Pack to Teva. Have been on it 3 weeks and my blood pressure is not being regulated. My blood work is all excellent - just had it done one month ago. Only thing different is the change in mfg. I know FDA requires same - but, it does not seem to be working. Anyone else having the same problem?

2 Replies

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Hello, ram162! How are you?

Unfortunately no, they do not require generics to be the same. Under the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, generics are allowed to differ from the name brand, in the amount of the active ingredient, by as much as plus or minus 20%, additionally they only have to prove that the ingredient is biologically equivalent and works in the body in the same way. And they do not have to measure against other generics, only against the name brand. This was done to try to bring generics to market faster to help those that are underinsured, or who have no prescription coverage.

Thus, you can conceivable receive one that is lower in the active ingredient than the prior one that you were using, which can sometimes create problems.

The best thing do would be to inform your doctor, so they can adjust your dosage, or have you try a different medication, if necessary.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I was taking Losartan white oval tab 25mg, pharmacy suddenly changed it to green oval tab 25mg, I took only one, became very ill, shaky, and BP lower than had been, went to my doctor and was told not to take it again. Slight diff ingredients did not agree with my system ... (Having hard time with my BP several months now) so what happened to me could of happened even if Meds not been changed to diiff brand but Doctor thought best me just not stay on the green, or any BP med for as long as I can without it going high again ... If spikes will have to do the white tabs again

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