Losartan And Lisinopril Are The Same? (Page 3)
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hctz 25 / lisinopril 20 mg....how does it differ from hctz 25 / losartan 100 mg?

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Was wondering how losartan worked? Iras actually on lisinopril and all I did was coughed. Just started losartan today... Hope it does good like lisinopril minus the coughing.

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I had the same problem on 100 mg. My primary care Dr. Said it was ok to reduce it to 50 mg. I cut them in half and the problem was over....plus I get twice the number of pills .

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I was on lisinopril for two years and developed a very bad cough for 4 months. Doctors gave me 4 different antibiotics and a nasal spray saying it was cause of nasal drip, i still had the bad cough until they took me off of lisinopril. I now take losaratan and it works ok for me.

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Did you ever switch to taking the Losartin at night? I also take Trazadone to sleep. The Losartin is making me really really dizzy and I need to figure out if taking it at night might help. Thanks.

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I only have one kidney reduced function now prescribed losarten and vomiting yellow fluid any conection

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I took lisinopril and had a really bad allergic reaction. My lips were swollen beyond recognition! Doc says that with this med you can be allergic one day and not allergic the next. She said you can take it for 20 years and still have a reaction! I had my reaction on day 7.

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My blood pressure was high 160/100and was having nose bleeds jazz on.losartan hvtz with a 12.5 water pill my doctor hoped to 1in the morning and one at night.is this safe and what are the side effects

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I was taking lisinopril and losartan for over 10 years. My new primary care physician told me to discontinue losartan after noticing my blood pressure has fallen to 100 x 60. She also told 2 together can damage my kidney. Any comment please

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The overall result of both Lisinopril and Losartan are to inhibit the production of aldosterone in the body. (Aldosterone increases sodium, blood volume, etc.) They just use different pathways to do it. Lisinopril does it by inhibiting ACE. Losartan does it by blocking Angiotensin II at the receptor site. Lisinopril causes a cough because when it inhibits ACE, it causes an increase in bradykinin, which is believed to cause a dry cough. Both medications can cause dizziness because they also cause dilation of veins and arteries.

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Lisinopril is the older drug. Losartan was first marketed in the 1980's. both lower blood pressure by acting on the arterial walls to reduce pressure. Both have potentially serious side-effects. See your MD as scheduled and report any side effects right away, so the doctor can help you decide if a dosage change or med change is needed - guessing or relying on Internet rumors is very dangerous. Don't fall into the trap. Trust your physicians and allied health care professionals!

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Losartan makes me dizzy.I would take it at night but I take trazodone at night so i can sleep.I feel that they would not be good to take close together.

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I had the same problem for over a year after switching to Losartan. Consulted several doctors. Finally a specialist friend told me to take Losartan at night instead of in the morning. Since then I have not had any dizziness.

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losartan/Hct is making me dizzy and i feel faint and i am afraid to drive as i feel i may faint.Should i report this to my Doctor?

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Hello did you ever get your question answered to this? I am really interested in the response because I am in same situation with the two medicines and I cough also from listing prim. Thanks for letting me know if you can.

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My primary care physician switched me from lisinopril to losartan (same strength). I have surgery scheduled 12/28/12 and would like to be assured that losartan is going to work as well as lisinopril. Lisinopril makes me cough.

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I would very much like to hear the answer to this. What is the blood pressure med of choice these days... Lisinopril has been around forever. I though Atacand was similar and safer. Has Atacand fallen out of favor?

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I am so concerned. I have heard absolute horror stories about the Lisinopril. My sister's kidney specialist has told her that this med is poison to her kidneys & took her off of it immediately. Also I am wondering if Lorsartan is the same as well? This just scares me to death. Does anyone have any information on these drugs?

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One contains Lisinopril and the other contains Losartan.

Lisinopril is an ACE inhibitor and Losartan is an ARB, so while they both can help lower blood pressure, they work in different ways. The Lisinopril is a more potent medication, so it requires a lower dosage to work.

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