Losartan Hct 100 25 Tab (Top voted first)


ingredients of this drug including all the fillers, etcl

6 Replies

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I'm sorry, but since you didn't specify a manufacturer, I can't tell you what the particular fillers/inactive ingredients are. This is a generic for Cozaar, so it is made by several different companies and the inactive ingredients can vary.

The active ingredient is the Losartan, which is an ARB that is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure.

Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach pain.

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Can you post back with more details, such as the manufacturer or markings on the pills?

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I am experiencing a rash on my torso and wonder if it is becing caused by my generic hydrochlorothiazide losartan - 25 mg. with ZD19. TeleDrug recently switched the generic formula (it used to be a yellow tear-shaped pill). Please advise. Thank you.

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JoAnn, have you consulted your doctor?

You should do that, whenever you experience new symptoms, such as this, whether you think it is from a medication, or not.

The tablet you described with the ZD19 marking does contain 100mgs of Losartan and 25mgs of Hydrochlorothiazide, however, I don't have any information on the inactive ingredients. One or more of them could be different, than what you are used to and that might be what's causing your problem.



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Was takingDiovan Hct l60-25mg Tab Nova Dr change
to Losartan/Hct 100 25 Tab Sand suppose to be new
genaric for Diovan Hct 160-25 Taba Nova, but label
says forHyzaar 100-25 Tab Merc suppose to be
cheaper. Is there an error?

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Hi Iwas just rreading your inquiry about losartan, you said something about a rash, you think from the medication? Please get back to me if possible, thank you,trev..

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Hi Iwas just reading your inquiry about losartan, you said something about a rash, you think from the medication? Please get back to me if possible, thank you.

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