Lortab Watson Blue Vs Lortab M363 (Page 3)
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My friend and I are both prescribed Lortab APAP10/500's. I get the Watson 540 blue pills and he gets the M363 white pills. I have taken the white ones before, but for some reason, it did not help me as much as the Watsons. I don't understand this. Besides the manufacturer, is there any real difference between the two different kinds of pills?

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Ride it out, I know your post is a little older but wanted to comment. I do the same, if it's a little too early I will go to a different pharmacy that I usually use and pay cash. They have no problem doing this. The last two months I am finding harder to fill, everyone is out of meth. I almost filled 1/2 of it but as you probably know it voids the other 1/2. I ended up at 5 pharmacies.

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I have several different illnesses that cause me pain an have been meds for 20 yrs I found that percocet works better for me than lortab and using a tens unit works really well also for many different types of pain also to been there yer an i**** not only does Amber not mention buying street drugs but if she's unable to afford an Dr's visit what makes u think she can afford to buy street drugs come back to earth an lay off whatever it is that's affecting yer brain

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The company Watson has been sold and the change from blue to white is one of many changes to come in the near future.I had to switch meds because I also took the blue ones for years but when I took the white ones I had stomach cramp and bloating and kept a headache for the whole month and I broke out from them.If you have any problems with the "new" medicine discuss it with your dr. the possibility of switching to something else.And yes the only difference in them besides color is binders/fillers but apparently I was allergic.Also they didn't help my pain any more.I believe that the government is slowly changing pills to where they don't fill as effective to try to keep so many people from getting addicted to them.They are changing other meds like the Oxycontin to where people that abuse the medicine is not able to break it down to use it in another way to "get high".I guess this is good in some ways but there are people out there with legitimate pain that take there meds for that purpose only and when the drug companies get thru with all there changes we will all be lucky to even manage our pain!!!!

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Based on my research, there are in fact blue and white versions of these pills. Someone else actually posted this same question a couple weeks ago & the only noticeable difference I could find is that some of the inactive ingredients (binders/fillers) are different due to the color/dyes. Unfortunately, the way a pill looks is entirely up to the whit and whim of the company making it, so if they want to change the color or shape of a pill, they are not required to give patients any prior notice whatsoever.

If you follow the link below and click on image #15, you'll be able to view a photo of the white version of this pill:

I hope this helps!

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I have been taking Lortab 10 10/500 for several yrs. They have always been light blue, made by Watson. Recently, they have been white. made by Watson, same 10/500. Need to know if there is any difference.

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I forgot to mention that I have three bulging/herniated discs;my discs are dehydrated I have scolious(however it's spelled) and arthritis in my lower back and where my spine is curved.Does anyone find that the "tens unit" is helpful along with the meds?

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So does anyone actually like the real Lortab(the pink ones) or is there another non generic out there that I don't know about? The white Watson ones really do suck and I have had alot more pain the last four days.Also does anyone have another pill to suggest that I try because since things are changing at the end of the year I want to get on one that the tylenol amount is not going to change.Financially I can't afford back surgery right now plus I'm scared that I may end up worse off because I have heard very few success stories and many horror stories.Please help and thank you!

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Person did not mention trying to find drugs on street so you just gave them the idea to do that -READ BEFORE YOU RESPOND

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I was feeling the same way with added allergic reactions as well. I know that a company called Actavis bought them out. You can't even go to the Watson Pharmaceuticals website anymore. It automatically directs you to the Actavis website, which provides NO information on any change in ingredients or manufacturing process. This is going to affect a LOT of people out there, as I know many people that won't take anything but Watson brand. As for me, I really can't take anything but Watson because I'm seriously allergic to something in the other brands. This goes for other narcotic medicines too besides Hydrocodone. It has to be Watson or I get the allergic reaction.

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Got the white Watson 540 today. Horrible! I am allergic to one of the binders/fillers in the Mallinkcroft, Vintage, & Amneal brands and it states in my pharmacy record that I can only take the Watson brand. Well, the white Watson 540 is giving me a similar, but worse, reaction as the other brands. The other brands cause the muscles in my left leg/buttock and left side of my face to cramp up and get extremely achy to the point of being in extreme pain. Well, today the new Watson 540 caused this reaction with the added enjoyment of extreme nausea, closing of my throat, and pain and weakness in my left wrist and hand. I could not make a fist or hold anything in my left hand today. Fortunately, I have a few of the blues left, but I don't know what I'm going to do. I've been researching the fillers all day. The only thing that is different from the other brands and the old blue Watson 540s is silicon dioxide. But this is found in loads of other medicines and vitamins, so how can this be? Also, why did experience extreme nausea to the point of nearly vomiting? This scared the hell out of me today. I have no idea what I'm going to do for pain relief now.

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Went to the pharmacy today and asked the pharmacist what the difference is between the blue Watson and white Watson and he said that they just aren't adding th blue dye anymore.He also said that starting January 2014 that the FDA won't allow hydrocodone to have anymore than 3325mg of tylenol in them so 10/500 will slowly be phased out along with the Lorcet 10/650.I think that the ones with 325 of Tylenol suck and I won't know the blue verus white difference til tomorrow so what other options is out there if you refuse to take the white Watson ones?

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Bama1, If it is too ealy to get your script filled and your insurance won't pay for it you can always pay cash and get it. If I know insurance is not paying I usually go to a different store to get it filled where they don't have a record of insurance. At one point I only had enough to fill half a script of methadone which made the other half void. Certain controlled subtances you are required to fill all at once or loose the other portion.

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Watson changed their formula for Lortab 10/500. They aren't blue anymore, they are now white with the same 540 on them. They also don't work as well as the blue ones. I just picked up my refill today with the new formula and it's as if I didn't even take it. You are correct though, the Watson blue worked the best. I've tried several different mfg's and Watson by far was the best. Mallin.... is the worst. Qualitest, close 2nd from the bottom.

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I think their is a difference I have been takin the blue ones for 4 year they have always helped with the pain an no side effects , took 1 of the white ones today 30 mins later was feeling sick to the point of throwing up (
Didn't though thank god ) but the pain really didn't stop , I have couple issues in the lower back and neck and with out taking something just don't work for me

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Is the difference better or worse or about the same?

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If I go to get my script fill for lortab 10 and ask for brand , what color should they be , I have been getting the blue ones for years And now they all give the white one . And like others the white ones upset my stomach

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I was told that Watson no longer makes the blue lortabs is this true ? I got the white ones but I do see a difference in the white and in the blue

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You are absolutely correct on every point you made. There is a lot of BS all over these pages.

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It's all the same crap. Norco, Vicodin, Lortab.. No one is poppin Hydro for the filler/binder/apa. I've been taking the crap for years, bottom line, it all does the same thing. And lol @ "been there" talking about 5/250s, and laughing even harder at paying 20 a pop, I could get 5's for a buck or a buck and a half each. Flamers jump on these posts thinking they know what they are talking about, but to the actual topic of this forum, just goto a doctor, usually its around 100$ a visit... Try to weasel your way outta there with asking them to "bill you", grab your pain script and leave. Depending on the size/type of script you get, a decent pharmacy will charge you 20-40 bucks for a one month supply of Hydro. I get the yellow Norco 10s for 29 bucks, and I get scripted 120 a month. There's ways :)

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Yes, you can pay for them yourself. I had the same problem awhile back pay out of pocket for 30of my pills a monh.

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