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i WOULD LIKE THE MEDICAL REASON SOMEONE WOULD NEED THIS DRUG ## why is the drug 'tazloc 2mg' administered? why is the same drug not found anywhere in the net??? ## Lorazepam 2mg tablet ## Lorazepam 2mg tablet. I take it for high anxiety and flashbacks.It helps calm me and not get so upset makes it so I can handle them when they come crashing in on me. ## Lorazepam is a benzodiazepine, it is used as a sedative to help treat, or prevent panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and other mental health issues. The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, and irritability. Ref: Lorazepam Information Saralee, Tazloc is a brand name for Telmisartan, which is most commonly used to treat high blood ...

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