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Found this white round pill with LFT on one side and a score on the other. Need to know what it is. ## Have you worked out what the pill with LFT OM IT IS YET? ## Is your pill approximately 6 millimeters in size? From what I could find, that's the alleged diameter or size of the white round pill with LFT on one side and a score on the other. I'm still searching to more specific details but am not seeing very much information on it. If I had to guess I would assume that this particular tablet is either no longer manufactured or possibly of foreign origin. How or where did you guys come across these pills? ## It may be a sublingual anti-anxiety tablet that you put under your tongue to dissolve. ## It's Lorafix hayfever tablets. An antihistamine. Click here to view a pill image...
small white round pill with M on one side and an L over 17 on other side the M is not in a box ## my mom is taking a small light pink pill that has an M on one side and 172 marked on the other side. She put all of her meds together in one pill container. I told her that was not the best idea but she was tired of having so many pill bottles in her purse. She has it in with her pain pills but it looks different than what she usually takes. I am going to make her daily packets but need to identify this pill, ## This tablet contains Loratadine 10mgs (NDC 00378-1925). It is most commonly used to treat allergies. Inactive Ingredients: - Anhydrous Lactose - Silicon Dioxide - Starch, Corn - Hypromellose - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Povidone - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate The FD...
little white oval pill with L412 on one side ## I found a little white oval pill with L412 imprinted on one side. What is it? ## This tablet has been asked about several times, but so far, no identification has been found. Most such tablets with the L followed by 3 additional numbers are over the counter products, which are why they can be hard to find, since such imprints aren't require to be listed with the U.S. FDA. Does anyone know what this is? Your posting if you do would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! ## its not a 4 its a 6. Its L 612 it is a allergy medication ## Correct. Thank you. ## It is a Loratadine or Claritin 10mg ## the little white oval pill with L412 is loratadine ## Can you help me identify a small white oval pill with L612. stamped on one side
small white pill . on one side it says 96z underneath is no 99.no print on other side. ## I think you might have been looking at the tablet upside down and the marking may actually be GG 296, due to the way it is printed, it is often misread. The tablet is manufactured by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, and they list it as containing 10mgs of Loratadine, which is an antihistamine that is used to treat allergies. It is available over the counter, and by prescription. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, and dry mouth. Can you double check the marking and post back? Thanks! ## What us a ival tablet with 96z on one side anc c/p on the other?
Please help me ID a small, football shaped, white tablet with L612 imprinted on one side. Thanks. ## The tablet which you have described is Loratadine 10 mg (NDC 45802-650 among others). Inactive Ingredients: - Lactose Monohydrate - Magnesium Stearate - Povidone - Corn Starch Loratadine is an antihistamine drug, used to treat allergies such as hay fever (allergic rhinitis), urticaria (hives), and other skin allergies. ## Generic ativan white football with L612 on it they are the best ones as far as a generic benzo I've had ## The bottle I was given had Alprazolam in it. The numbers were L612 but it got me really inebriated. ## I think you're mixing up the drug named Lorazepam (generic Ativan) with Loratadine. And Gp it sounds like you have a counterfeit drug, probably not dispe...
very small football shaped pill blank on one side, and one letter or number i cant see then 197 on the other side ## I didn't find any prescription products that match this description with a 197 on them, at all. I wonder if it's possibly something that's available over the counter. Do you think that missing digit might be an L? Is it possible you could have someone else look at and post back? ## Verwon (# 1) - it is called Loratadine. Same as pill L612
this is a tablet wi the letter L and 10 on it, it is scored down the middle the other side is blank ## I cannot find this listed in any of my resources. was it found in the U.S. or elsewhere? Does anyone else know what this is? There are many pills that include and L 10 in the markings, but I can find any that only have that as a marking. I've even tried checking variations such as I 10 and etc. I will keep looking though, it does drive me crazy when I can't find an ID on something! ## Having exadctly same problem, untill i looked in the meds cabinet, and they are BOOTS LORATADINE (for hayfever) ## I came across two of the same tablets. I am not sure what they are either. I was told lortab. but not sure what for sure. because Lortabs look way different. ## Loratadine from Shoppe...
Dr took away pain meds (oxycodone) after getting presumptive positive(A) FOR amphetamines. Two weeks ago he prescribed me OTC allergy meds. I got lortadine tabs and was taking one a day. I went to the Dr (er) for getting sick and disoriented at work. They ambulanced me to another hospital afraid I had an infection going to my brain. They had found trace of leukocyte esterase in ua. They then did lumbar puncture at this hospital. Had me on no iv or monitors whatsoever and sent me home with diagnosis of headache and disorientation. Then later sends my Dr with that plus methamphetamine use. I'm just lost on where to go with this. Any advice would be very helpful. ## Similar thing happened to me. I felled at work because someone spilled soda on the floor. So they said I needed a drug te...
I went to the hospital today and tested positive for amphetamines in my urine. I have NOT had Methamphetamine in 4 years! I don't understand! I am worried sick about this because they diagnosed ME WITH ILLEGAL DRUG USE/ABUSE! I take prescription Loratadine (not Loratadine D). I looked it up to see about if it can show in my urine as amphetamines and saw that it could. I called them back to tell them this and they said IF I knew I didn't put it in my system, to chill out! HAS TO MAKE A PERSON WONDER! Thank you for letting me rant! ## Hi this happened to me at my job I felled because there was liquid on the floor and they said I needed to be drug tested. So I allowed then to drug test me because I m no illegal drug user. But the test resulted in Amphetamines showing up. I had take...
Is the white oval football shaped pill with L 612 a 1mg xanax? It is from a Canadian Pharmacy. ## The tablet matching this description is manufactured by Perrigo company and they list it as being an over the counter product that contains 10mgs of Loratadine (NDC 45802-650 / 0904-5728). Inactive Ingredients: - Lactose Monohydrate - Magnesium Stearate - Povidone - Starch, Corn Ref: DailyMed The FDA classifies this as an antihistamine that is most commonly used to treat allergies. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth. They do also distribute these in Canada, but only containing 10mgs of Loratadine. ## So it is xanax but is coming up as Loratadine when id'ing the pill? ## No, it's not Xanax...it is a generic version of Claritin. Do...
Just recently I complain to my doctor about my allergies, he put me on loratadine 10 mg once a day. It has been brought to my attention by my son, that I am eating way more than usual. We were just recently at an all-you-can-eat buffet and he looked at my plate and said man mom you sure are eating a lot, not that it's a bad thing I'm just saying normally you be done in like 10 maybe 15 and you're almost done with that whole plate. And it made me really take a step back and analyze how much I've been eating lately. In doing so I realized that my appetite has increased double if not probably triple, because not only do I this medication, but I also take three or four medications that suppress my appetite so I know he is right. In researching I thought the corporate was my ...
round ## need to know what this pill is, thank you ## Pfizer Inc lists this tablet as containing 10mgs of Loratadine, which is an antihistamine that is most commonly used to treat allergies. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, and headache. Is there anything else I can help with?
SMALL WHITE OVAL CAPLET. APO ON ONE SIDE AND LOR 10 ON OTHER SIDE ## I found a pill and i was just wondering what it was bc i found it in my kid's room. ## Apotex lists this tablet as containing 10mgs of Loratadine, which is a generic for Claritin, and used to treat allergies. The FDA lists its side effects as possibly including dizziness, headache, sedation, and drowsiness. Is there anything else I can help with?
What is a small white round pill that's labeled GG with 296 right below it? ## Found an exact match it's white, round, and has GG 296 on it, it's Loratadine 10mg. Loratadine is a drug used to treat allergies. Click on the link below to learn more... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## Thank you so much. Yes, it was the Loratadine 10mg which I take every day. My new bottle of pills were different. Oblong. This was in my pill box and I didn't recognize it. I didn't want to just throw it away. I love Google chrome. I always find answers. Thanks again. ## What is a small round and white pill imprinted with GG 296? It says it should be oxycodone. Can you please help me identify it?
I had Aortic Valve replacement 4 weeks ago. Now I am starting to have my usual fall allergies and starting to sneeze and cough and it really hurts. I have always taken an allergy pill called loratadine. Is it still safe to take that even if I am experiencing bradycardia now? ## It would be best not to take anything, without the approval of your cardiologist. Mine said that Benadryl was safe, but it may depend on what other medications you are taking. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, and drowsiness. What other medications are you currently taking?
Can Loratadine 10mg antihistamine 24-hour relief tablets (made by Perrigo) be purchased over-the-counter or does it require a prescription? ## Hi Rick, To answer your question, yes, Loratadine is available over-the-counter here in the US and does not require a prescription. According to NIH, some common brand names you might find it under are: Claritin, Allergy Relief (loratadine) & Claritin Liqui-Gel. Alavert, Children's Allergy Relief, Wal-itin, Children's Claritin, Non-Drowsy Allergy, Claritin RediTabs, & Loradamed, just to name a few... However, depending on your location/country, brand names & availability are subject to vary. I hope this helps!
Loratadine 10 mg. For sneezing, runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, itchy throat and nose. ## @Pp, The white oval Loratadine 10mg pill actually has an imprint of L612 (not L412). For verification, the manufacturer is listed as Perrigo Company and the pill itself carries a National Drug Code of 45802-650. You can also view a photograph of the tablet by clicking on the NDC link. I hope this helps add some clarification for other readers who may be trying to identify their pill.
how long do the side effects last? I took it last night? ## No one can really tell you how long you'll experience the side effects of a medication. Medications can affect everyone differently, some people get great results from taking, but there are others that it doesn't work for; the only way to find out is to actually try it and be you're own best advocate over time. If in fact you are experiencing some undesirable adverse effects, I would highly recommend contacting your doctor immediately about switching medications or looking into natural remedy solutions for your symptoms or condition. ## Does Loratadine work for headaches, runny nose, pain in my face, chest irritations (feels like a knott in my chest)? That is the way it started like something was stuck in my chest o...
Hi, I've been taking clarinase and I want to know if I can take lorinase for throat pain? ## They both contain Loratadine and Pseudoephedrine, so neither one is going to help with throat pain. They are most commonly used to treat allergy and/or cold symptoms. The U.S. FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, insomnia, and nervousness. Is it actual pain, or just a sore throat?
It's a white oval shaped pill with it looks like 596 with an underscore of 99 under it. What is this pill ## Hello, Beebop! How are you? Is that marking possibly GG 296? If so, it is manufactured by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 10mgs of Loratadine, which is an antihistamine that's used to treat allergies. It is available over the counter. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Scratch that, my apologies, I just double checked and that one is listed as being a round tablet, not oval. I'll keep looking and post back, as soon as I find anything. ## I found another one from the NIH with the markings GG over 256, which is listed as containing 0.25mg...