Looking For Dr In Knoxville Tn That Prescribes Pain Meds (Page 2)
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In 2012 I had a spinal fusion that didn't go well. I'm partially paralyzed on my left side. I've been going to a pain management clinic & they've had me on oxycodone 10mg 4 times a day & OxyContin 10mg 3 times a day. I've never had a pill count that was off & always passed the UA. Suddenly in November I'm 8 short on my OxyContin & my results come back with hydro in my system. We were renting a room to a young woman & she moved to Texas in November btw did you ever notice how much a 10mg white hydro looks like oxycodone? Obviously I got kicked out of the program. I'm in constant pain & they told me to ween myself off the meds. Even if I could ween myself off of meds in a month that I've been on for 3 years, I'm still in pain. After reading your posts it looks like I won't be able to enroll in another clinic & my Dr won't prescribe bcuz he thinks I'm a junkie. I don't even feel "high" I just get relief from the pain. I'm really scared of going thru detox at home. Is there anyone out there that can help me?

25 Replies (2 Pages)

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You aren't going to like this, but it's the truth. I looked up Xanax is a PDR then asked my pharmacist whose a Dr. There is NOTHING but coloring that differs between a .25, a .5, a
1 and a 2mg. So taking 2 1mg Xanax is the same as 1 2mg. Sorry.

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I need a Dr.that may give me 2 mg.xanax. I've had this Headache since May 8,2011. I remember because Friday b4 Mother's Day & hit all at once like a Mini Stroke. The headache is still here & goes away for maybe a month & comes back. It's right on top of crown of my head, radiates in my neck. I've been to Urologist & Never got approved for the MRI. The Xanax 2 MG.is only thing that helps at all & the thing is, I just need maybe a little block to help. Ppl have said "Take 2 of the 1 mg .,but the thing is, I don't have to take the whole 2mg for it to help. There's something different in them that helps me. I just wished someone understood. The Dr.was going to give me Migraine Headache Medicine until he knew I've got a Heart Murmor. It's March 17,2016 today & I'm really needing help with these headaches. I posted the date because of all the so called new laws. I'll check back soon & thanks to anyone who took time to read my post.

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Hope do you mind giving me the info to the doctor you found? I changed my medicare insurance to a BC/BS plan that's a HMO and was just told last week by my Dr they don't take my insurance and they have been seeing me for free my last few visits and the other kicker is my primary care doctor doesnt take it so I'm kinda screwed. My PM doctor called me before appointment and told me to make due with my medications until I find another doctor.ugh makes me mad they could of wrote ment months worth of meds until I get in with another doctor because really that's about how long it takes fur them to see a new patient if not longer. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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Hi, thanks for your info. I haven't been on the computer for awhile, so I apologize for not responding sooner. I was able to find a doctor but he charges $300 a visit, which just isn't doable. I asked my PCP & he wont suggest anyone but hopefully will fill out a referral form for another doc I found that accepts my insurance

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Hello, Hope! How are you? I'm very sorry about what happened.

If you have a PCP, they might be able to refer you to a doctor that would be willing to help you. Just make sure your PCP knows exactly what happened.

The FDA lists this medications as being narcotic analgesics, so they have the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Does anyone else have any ideas or suggestions that may help?

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