Looking For A Pharmacy To Fill My 150 30/mg Oxycodone (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I went to 13 pharmacies in La to fill my prescription and every pharmacy told me they were back ordered and a couple told me they dont carry it because they have been robbed. Ive never had trouble filling it where I live in the Bay Area but I'm down here for the month. I will run out of medicine tomorrow, does anyone know regular pharmacies anywhere near la who usually stock this.

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Im looking for roxicodone...not oxycontin. I used to get oxycontin but costs are so much now. And by the way, the oxycontin script i filled before was way easier to fill than the generic roxicodone. Can anyone help im in the los Angeles area... please help!!

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I have filled my script at the same place for many many moons, with no problem. Last month they told me they were back-ordered and to try another pharm. I did and got lucky, they had some left (my script is for oxycontin 15mg, an odd strength I’ve been told, odd as in, rarely stocked). This month, no luck anywhere, I’ve been to more than 15 pharmacies, in two days. My doc said he would change the strength/quantity if I could find a pharm that would fill it. Anyone know of a pharmacy in the Los Angeles area or surrounding cities that would fill oxycontin in any strength, or at VERY LEAST order it for me so I won’t suffer for days or even worse weeks??

I have a chronic condition “eoisiniphilic gastroenteritis” which doubles me over in pain and I need to work.

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Hi Kelly,
Thanks for the post. I don't know how to email you, but I'm very interested in the place in Daly City. I grew up in Pacifica so I know DC pretty well. If you can tell me how to email you, I will, or if worse comes to worse, I can post my email, which I'd prefer not to. Thanks again. -Bill

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looking for pharmacy to fill 120 Qty 20 Mg in Orange County,CA

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I live in West Hollywood and just 4 weeks underwent a very difficult neuro spine surgery. After my post op pain management visit last Thursday I went to my regular pharmacy and they said that they don't know of what is going on, but they are having trouble stocking their shelves with 30 mg Oxycodone. the rumor is that they cost so much on the street the manufacturers or wholesalers are under a lot of pressure of who they sell to. I had some tablets left from before surgery, but 2 more days and I shutter to think what will happen. Any one who can help with info, I'll be forever grateful.

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where is pico drive what state?? what is the Walgreens phone number?? get directions thank you for the info I just hope its local' I live in Tampa Florida.

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It's unbelievable what some people will type on the internet.Oxycontin is most certainly not a CIV, it is a (highly abused) CII. Pharmacys do not need permission to stock any medication. And all Oxycontin is brand because the generic has not been made yet.
Cancer patients get by on 5mg oxycodone. So why is it that it seems like everyone is in "such chronic pain that they cannot get out of bed in the morning" but are totally capable of going to every pharmacy in the state to see if they will fill their ridiculously high amount of narcotics?
Drug seekers have red flags on their foreheads that people in the heathcare industry can spot from a mile away, and almost everything on this blog is one of them. In case it's not understood, 240 is not a normal amount of tablets to be dispensed. Taking over 4 tablets a day is wasteful and disastrous to the life of anyone taking the drug and everyone that loves that person.

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hi , i live in effort to , i know its hard, its because so many people are being prescribed this medication, but i do know of a few that may help

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HOW DARE YOU JUDGE those that are real patients with legit health issues and most are close to moving on to the other side! I went into code blue twice during two different hospital stays for different diseases. If you are so knowledgeable in pharmaceuticals, you forgot to mention that our bodies get used to the medication prescribed and in order to keep the pain level under control, the dosage is increased, until they stop working completely. I despise the situation that we are in right now, but to pool everyone together and basically call severely ill people drug addicts, who by the way are also very sick individuals is totally unacceptable! instead of wagging your tongue, get busy and work towards changes to be implemented so that we don't have forums like this one!!!!!

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I am here in Burbank, Ca. I have been having trouble getting 30mg 150 tabs. My regular CVS who I have had to build a relationship with pharmacist for 2 yrs has been kind to me ever since I have proved I'm not a junkie, thief, or all of the other things they rate you on to whether they will give it to you. This wk I have been told they are on back order and they will order but they don't but cant promise me when they will come in. I like most of you am suffering right now. I have not had meds in 3 days and I feel so sick. I went to every pharm from Barsto to San Diego. HELP.

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Thank you so much, i did finally find one but it's 20 miles away . I think it's crazy how doctor can write script then it's so difficult to have filled . And while suffering from pain walk into like 16 different places ( and pharmacy of course in back of most stores) now again I'm waiting for my doctor's appt because ran out a bit early . (My own fault )It's always something

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Long Island Blues
Hey Great that you were able to find a pharmacy. Just wanted to say how absolutely right you are about the pharmacy being located in the rear of any major chain store., (well except for our Walmart, who doesn't carry the drugs I need LOL). I am sometimes in almost unbearable pain on the day I fill my prescriptions. I get EXACTLY enough pills to make it to "fill day", with 1 pill for that morning, by the time I make the pharmacy, it's wearing off.
My doctor writes "fill as written", my insurance company will not pay for substitutes and in some cases a generic, but I have a monthly problem, as every pharmacy for the past two years keeps trying to sneak in KVK Tech products on me, which I can not take.

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Cant do that in Tulsa for some reason. Been going to same pharmacy for 11 years. Been on Oxy for 6 years never abused them or filled early but my pharmacist said the DEA is only allowing pharmacies a certain amount, no matter what there normal sales have been. So after 11 years had to go elsewhere to get it filled. Started having luck at a Walmart on the other side of town. Don't understand why it takes Walmart two hours to fill a script at 9AM when I am the only customer, but I am at their mercy. However DR's seem to be doing away with people now that UA's are given. My DR. , You come up dirty your out. LUCKILY, my original pharmacy have been able to fill my Oxy script the last three months in a row. In two days it will be time to get new scripts and I just pray they can fill it. I feel like a doper running from place to place to get Oxycodone filled..Everyone seems to always have my Fentanyl patches in stock, and they are about the strongest pain meds you can get, and a very dangerous medication if you don't know what you are doing.DEA AND FDA need to butt out and stop hounding those of us who truly live every day of there life in severe pain.

Many people do abuse it for the high and they end up OD'ing and it makes it rough for those of us who take it as prescribed..WARNING- If you have taken Oxy for a while you do not want to run out and have to go cold turkey. A living hell will endure.

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You seem to be having the same sort of problems I am having. As of May I am taking Opana ER 20mg and Oxycodone 10mg. As I no longer take the 30mg Oxycodone, I thought my problems with filling my prescriptions may get better. Wrong!! My insurance company suggested that my doctor put me on Morphine or on Fentanyl patches. No !! Much stronger than where I am now.

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I live in Lomita, Ca and I'm having trouble finding these as well. I injured my back working for a steel company. I need my meds.. Where do you suggest I go?

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Where are you located at and how long have you been prescribed them for? and what's the quantity amount? I was prescribed 240 30 mg roxis or oxycodons for 5 years and just recently was able to get off them. Most places wouldn't fill the 240 and would look at me like a junkie and treat me like one not knowing my pain leave and nor my reasoning's for needing them that's why HIPPA was put in place anyways lol. If your in the LA area I know 2 places that usually have them If you haven't already gotten them filled. The issue is everywhere is supposedly only allowed x amount each month and that their has been a shortage on compounds for over 2 and half years, right? But just let me know and ill try to help you find a place to get them filled and keep them filled for you. Email is {edited for privacy}.

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email me {edited for privacy}. I don't want these places to get flooded by hundreds of people in CA lol also if I ever do need my meds again I want to be able to still fill them you know lol. Because im still in constant pain everyday but I just manage the best I can now

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Lomita, ca

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re: CO SUZIE, If at all possible, DO NOT get on the Fentanyl patch. It is destroying my life and I take ALL medication as prescribed. The patch helped me for pain but just like any narcotic the body builds up a tolerance. DR. gives me 10 patches per month, change it every three days. But the patches are empty and fall of me after two days, my body temp. runs a bit higher than the average person and that causes the patch to release medication faster than normal *thats what I was told when I called the drug manufacturer at least. So for two days I can function, but day 3 is hell, and I already start dreading day 3 on day 2. On the third day I just have to remain in bed or on the sofa mostly due to the withdrawal pain. The drug maker said 30% of the patch users must change it after 48 hours and they advised me to take in the instruction sheet thats inside every box which states just that. My pain management DR. didn't want to hear it, (giving me 15 patches instead of 10 a month) so he gave me a script for Clonidene , a BP med and also he said for withdrawals. NOW ITS NOT like I would be taking more meds, I simply would be replacing the old patch.

TO be fair with the doc, he told me to take more of my oxy's on day 3 which sounds ok except if I did that I would run short of those before 30 days are up till I get my next script. BUT THATS ALL BESIDES THE POINT. I have spoken to other patients in his waiting room who take the patch and others on forums like this and everyone seems to agree that this med has made them much more moody, much more ready to argue about silly things that they would never have been the type to argue, myself included. IN MY OWN DEFENSE, the DR. never explained to me that this was pretty much a med that you will probably be on the rest of your life, as it keeps opiates in your blood 24 hours a day....WOE IS YOU 5 or 6 hours after the last of it leaves your body....

Take the morphine tabs if needed take anything that would keep you off of this mess. I had never even heard of Fentanyl so when he prescribed it, stupid me just took it blindly, without doing any research on it. Hopefully I can open someones eyes and they keep off this mess. It has nearly cost me my life just from depression. I would not wish what my mind goes through due to this medication on anybody....AVOID, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE.

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I've been told to take an extra oxy when needed also LOL, The humor is exactly what you said, I got exactly enough pills for 30 days, if I take an "extra", where did the "extra" come from? So I can spend the last day or maybe two of the 30 day cycle in absolute misery?
The "Pharmacy Game" is what I've named it now. I have no trouble getting my Opana ER 20mg. My problem is with oxycodone. I took the 30mg for years and am now down to 10mg for breakthrough pain, but have the same problems as I did with the 30mg when it's time to get my prescription filled. I can not take oxycodone manufactured by KVK Tech. I put on all my paperwork that I am allergic. The pharmacies all seem to be pushing KVK Tech products. I've been having this problem for two years now, trying to get an oxy manufactured by a company other than KVK Tech.
I call KVK Tech oxy, the "poison pills" LOL. They don't relieve my pain (may as well take nothing), they affect my mind in a horrible way. I get like you described with the Fentanyl, I am moody, ready to argue about any small thing, I can't think straight, it's just horrible, and then I started getting bladder infections. Results of no pain relief and being crazy, I spend most of my life in bed when I am taking the "poison pills".
I live in a mountain area and there are three pharmacies within 25 miles. None of the three are able to provide oxycodone except the KVK brand. So I've been driving to the nearest larger city 70 mile trip, to an independent pharmacy, which for about 3 months had a different brand, boom, this past month KVK (they may have something different sometime in September LOL), so what do I do at prescription time this week LOL.
The "Pharmacy Game", I found another independent pharmacy (70 mile trip also) to use this week, with no promises that they will have anything other than KVK. Brands are top secret, because I have to drive to the pharmacy to get the information. No one wants to talk on the phone. Oh, then on my way home, I stop at my doctor's office to update my pharmacy information, because that's part of my drug contract, then get to explain to them again, why a different pharmacy AGAIN.

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