Looking For A Doctor In Wv Or Close That Prescribes Subutex (Page 8)
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I know people in wv who go to pa to get scripts of subutex and sell them. They wont give up any info about the doctor they go too because they don't want anyone else in the area out selling them. I am an addict who needs help. I have researched subutex and I feel that this med will help me. I am tired of these pain killers killing my pocket. If anyone has any info on a good doctor in wv or surrounding states please let me know.

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Did you find a Dr? I'm trying to find one myself close to there

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If you can do that for me I will give you my pa drs name.

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Look up ARS asessable recovery services. It's in Pittsburgh. You will be able to find all their info by Googling their site.

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I live in Motown,was wondering where u found a dr.at and for cheap?

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not true..there a few places around pitt that prescribe subutex

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I'm trying to find a doc in PA to get back on track and start taking my subutex again I read ur post would you be willing to help me with a doc please and thank you !!!!

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That is incorrect. I know 7 people that have none of those things you said and they get tex. Not trying to bash but that's false. Two of my family members get them in pa. It isn't cheap tho.

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Email me {edited for privacy}, I'd like to talk to you about this if you're still having issues finding the help you need. I hate to see people go through this it's very sad how cruel people can be. They'd rather worry about themselves making money rather than actually helping someone else with their sobriety!!! I know you posted this sometime ago so if you are okay now that's great news!

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If anyone is close to Clarksburg, WV or is willing to travel to Clarksburg, I can provide you with the name and number for a clinic. If you have a referral to trade awesome, if not that is fine too. I just don't want to POST the information to the public and have the place flooded with calls from all over the place.

If you are serious about treatment and not just wanting the medicine to sell, can get to Clarksburg, WV once a week for 3 months, then every 2 weeks for 6 months then once a month or everyday to be dosed AT the clinic, and can afford $300 upfront for your first visit and $95 per week thereafter, I will provide you with the name and phone number of a West Virginia doctor in Clarksburg. I am ONLY giving the number to serious individuals not those wanting it to sell!

This clinic is only accepting private pay patients. The first visit is $300 and then its $95 per week thereafter. They also have a daily dosing program. With it you go daily to take your medication at the clinic. They do accept WV Medicaid and other insurance but there IS a waiting list. On the prescription program they give Subutex, Suboxone, Methadone and Zubsolv. To get Subutex you MUST have a paper stating you are allergic to Subutex from a doctor and you MUST take it in with you. They offer Subutex, Suboxone and Methadone on the daily dose program and you get your choice of medication and need no documentation to get Subutex.

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Ok sounds good need Subtex not suboxone and a doctor who will let me take my panic attack Meds thanks

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There is a hotline called Help 4 WV that will help you find a treatment facility near you. You can text them, call them or chat online with them. That number is 1-844-435-7498. They are great!

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Can someone please tell me about a WV Subutex Dr? {edited for privacy} The suboxone gives me bad headaches.

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People on here begging for help, begging for doctors names & locations & maybe a couple have up information. Why can't people help one another? Peoples problem is their minds are still back in the "Drug World", won't give out any info in fear it may help someone. Same as the Oxy days., nobody would help nobody, just a bunch of sick people begging other sick people to give names & addresses of doctors so they can get some help! AND of course you have those 1 or 2 that might give a name.

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Good-Luck! That usually don't happen. Prescribing subutex , plus taking Xanax is a No no in medical field.

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I live in Bluefield wv and have Medicaid and want to get in a clinic that takes Medicaid because I can't afford it and tired of being sick and depressed any help would appreciated

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Can't remember the Dr. Name but it's on fifth ave there are actually s several doctors in that office. But they usually have a waiting list.

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I'm in greenbrier county wv also

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Need a dr who prescribes subutex not subox one and is ok with zanex script. Near beckley wv or Covington va not pregnant.

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I have information form my pa doctor if u will give me the Info I will give u the phone and all the names of the doctors at the clinic and were it is located for the info ur Im good to my word and I will put in a good name for u also

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Rob, Can u please help me with that dr info for wv? I'm in desperate need of help. I need subutex bc it helps with pain but keeps u from craving opiates. I'm addicted to opiates and im very sick, got bladder cancer, lung infection, lets just say several health problems but i cant control myself with the pain pills.

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