Looking For A Doctor In Wv Or Close That Prescribes Subutex (Page 6)


I know people in wv who go to pa to get scripts of subutex and sell them. They wont give up any info about the doctor they go too because they don't want anyone else in the area out selling them. I am an addict who needs help. I have researched subutex and I feel that this med will help me. I am tired of these pain killers killing my pocket. If anyone has any info on a good doctor in wv or surrounding states please let me know.

220 Replies (11 Pages)

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What state do u go in cupcake if I may ask ??

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Would love the name of the dr.I live in ky and get suboxone. They make me sick.I go to bill Webb.medical card pays visit..so please help me

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Where in every do you live dear

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My area is Kingwood West Virginia

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I mentioned this to my doctor. I get subutex until my daughter is 1 for breastfeeding. I asked doctor about migraines and stuff and he said he would need a letter from allergy specialist

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Come on man so e people need this number im in wv and my gf needs the number bad cause her liver is so bad

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Best of luck to you finding a doctor jen. I live near Kingwood WV.

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I get subutex I'm male and just asked for it instead of Suboxone or methadone. I had zero trouble.. not rate at all

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Can you help with who is able to prescribe Subutex in wv? Just started dealing with all this and from what I've read I don't want suboxone.

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i've been looking for a good doctor in pa! If you could help me out with that that prescribes subutex!

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Why don't people want to help other people with getting a Dr's # that want it?... If I had any info I'd gladly share. I'm in Beckley wv and can't find not one Dr that isn't a waiting list. By the time I can get in I might be dead. I won't put myself threw withdrawal no way never again, I can't do that. I'd rather die then deal with that. Can anybody just be nice enough to please tell me a Dr to call or see about getting help? I don't care what it is, suboxone or subutex..please help me..

{edited for privacy}

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Why cant you just give the name of the damn dr ???

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Try Dr Douglas Eitel I'm not sure exact address but I believe it is greenbrier county

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How do I get a hold of u for the information? I am interested if they take medicaid the med taxi should be able to transport,.

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Dr Mcdaniel in Charleston!!!

An if u need more information my email is {edited for privacy}

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They do take medical card an ur med. Will also pay for your ride there!!! My email is {edited for privacy}. If u don't hear from me after an email look for me on f.b my name is {edited for privacy}!!!

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Hey man I live in Roanoke but can't find a subutex doctor here. Can you help?

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You have to go to Charleston though and if u don't have medical card u have to go everyday!!

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What dr is it in Charleston i have a medical card i would really like to no whatdr it is

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Call Charleston treatment center ...They have 5 different drs. there.

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