Looking For Doc Central Cal (Top voted first)


I am looking for a replacement for my doctor that will prescribe pain medication. I was in a near fatal mva fractured my spine, among other things and have been in constant pain in my lower back and pelvis. I have been seeing a doctor for several years who has had no problems giving me 120 norco a month, but now he is retiring. He has no suggestions for me, I am in central cal. I could go anywhere from bay area to sacramento, to fresno..LA would be too far. does anyone hsa info from this area? i would greatly appreciate. I am so worried....

4 Replies

Earliest Newest Votes

Hi cathy,

I may not have a doctor I can refer you to, but I can provide you with a couple links that may be of service to you in locating pain management doctors within your general area.

All you have to do is input your city or zip code for narrowed results:
{link removed because site no longer exists}

You can give this other page a try too if you come up with different results for some reason or another:

Many of the results you find (in one or both of the links above) also list a phone number for that specific doctor; I'd consider calling up a number of them to see if they are accepting new patients; some aren't, but most usually are.

I hope this info helps and wish you good luck on finding the right doctor!

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Hi David,

thanks for the info. I have put it my location and it seems there are several within the radius I was looking for. Thanks again, starting tommorow I am going to start making some calls. Cathy

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I do have a great pm doc. If u want u can list ur email and ill send u his info.

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i would be interested in your great pm doc in central ca. how do i emai you?

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