Loestrin Duramed Color Change
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I have been taking Loestrin FE 1.5/30 for a while now, made by Duramed and the pills were green with the number 155 on them. I picked up my pills today and they are now pink with the number 978 on them. Does anyone know that Duramed changed the look and packaging of this pill? The pharmacist said they did, does anyone else have this pill? Thanks
I have been taking the junel Fe pink pill for about 8 months now, today I got mi refill and they are green. Does anyone know why??? and will they change my monthly that never even comes??
I'm so happy to find this site! I have had the same spotting problems since the new packaging after being on the pill for two years with no problems. What's the solution?
The same exact thing happened to me and I'm on the second week of the pills and I'm spotting. I've never spotted and I've been taking bc pills (different brands) since I was 16 (now 23) I'm really worried. I miss my microgestin and how strong it was. I feel like Junel is about as protective as its flimzy blue case...Idk what to do thought.
I was on the generic microgestin FE 1.5/30 for about ten years (the one manufactured by Watson, in the purple hard case, with the green pills and 7 brown placebos). When I filled my prescription today, I was told the microgestin was no longer available, and they substituted the Junel FE 1.5/30 (blue flimsy case, pink pills, Barr laboratories). I'm not thrilled about it, since I'd been on the old microgestin forever. I'm wondering if it maybe won't be so bad for me since I'm going from one generic to the other (I may have been on actual Loestrin years and years ago, but switched as soon as a generic was available). Today's the first day of my pill pack. If things seem off, I'll be giving my doctor a call. I hate to think of switching to a totally different pill, since I've been on the same one for so long.
The packaging of Loestrin changed when it was taken over by Duramed. The pills in the new loestrin packaing are Junel FE the generic version of loestrin. I had side effects from Junel in the past so my doctor wrote on the Rx brand name only, however the manufaturer put the generic pills in the brand name packaging. I paid for the brnad name and got the generics, I had significant heart problems and had to have an echo of my heart and was placed on a holter monitor. I was very healthy without heart problems until I started taking the pills in this new package. Needless to say I have a lawyer working on this.
Since I am furious over the change, I called Barr Pharmaceuticals - they told me that the new product has the same active ingredients, but different inactive ingredients and that the reason the product is different is that they now manufacture it themselves whereas it was previously manufactured by Warner Chilcot Pharmaceuticals for them pursuant to a contract. The representative had no explanation for the change and stated that the old pills were no longer on the market. She noted my comments and concerns. When I was then transferred to the pharmacist she told me that the variance is a (+ or -) 3-4% in terms of hormone absorbtion levels which likely explains the ill effects suffered by some users. She told me that it is unfortunately a matter of trial and error and that the ill effects should subside after several months of use of the new product. I would urge everyone to call and voice their complaints (1-800-222-0190).
If all of you stop buying the Junel it will get the company to do what you want. As long as we follow along helplessly we all suffer
I started taking Microgesterin and I am very happy! $10 copay rather than the full price for name brand is even better.
I just finished my first month on the new & improved (pink) formula of Loestrin and have had the same negative symtoms everyone else is describing (bloating, upset stomach, highly emotional & heavier/longer periods). I have used Loestrin FE 1.5/30 (green pills) for nearly 12 years & tried Junel about a year ago b/c of the cost difference...it was a disaster, so I returned to the original Loestrin. My new package, picked up last month (May/June), was in the pink form & the negative same side effects (same as with Junel) started immediately. I am so frustrated & don't know what to do...I have called my doctor & will ask about the Microgestin, but do you think if we cause enough stink about the change that we can get our original Loestrin formula back?
I took Alisa's advice and 1st called Barr Pharmaceuticals and reported the problem with the new pill (takes about 5 minutes, they ask you several questions), then I requested the Microgestin from my doctor. I am on my second month of the Microgestin and am very pleased with the results. Good Luck.
I am now on my 3rd month of taking the microgestin 1.5/30 (by Watson), and it works beautifully -- just as well as the old Loestrin! I highly recommend this for anyone who has had a difficult time with the new, Junel-like formula of Loestrin.
I have been experiencing an uncontrollable appetite since taking the new pink pill. I am also very tired an irritable. I took the generic years ago and it had the same effects. I have been on Loestrin for 10 years. Now What!?
Good Luck with the Microgestin. Hopefully these pills will work for you. I still haven't had any problems. If you aren't able to take them, you may want to contact Barr Pharmaceuticals at 800-222-0190. When I called, they documented my complaint, and reported it to the FDA. Maybe if enough people reported problems they would reconsider the change.
I also am a faithful user of Loestrin 1.5/30 and noticed the color change of the pill and packaging.
The last month and a half I have been on the new pill hasn't been pleasant. Headaches, bloated, upset stomach, emotional, and weight gain (and I do weight watchers). I called my doctor's office today and explained everything to them, They had not heard anything about it, yet. They are making a note and letting the nurses know to see if other patients are having any difficulties with the new pill. I requested to try the Microgestin after considering Alisa comments.
I will post how it works out.......
Thanks to everyone's comments!
I used to take the generic brand and I found my stomach was always upset. It seemed like I always had a nervous stomach. I got off of it and went to Yaz (which was fine for a while, but I used to get extreme headaches and was oddly emotional and always felt ill). I never had a problem with the original Loestrin. I refused to take Junel (sp) because I don't do well on generic. I am getting off the pill for a little while till I decide what I'd like to do. Try it for 3 months and if you don't get past it, you might want to look into non-generic brands.
Has anyone else tried the other generic brand -- the microgestin? I am very interested in trying this, as I too have been experiencing an unpleasant change since the Loestrin formula switch. I am MUCH more emotional, which I have read is often a side effect of Junel.
I contacted DuraMed(Barr Pharmaceuticals), they said they have discontinued the green tablets. She also read a letter to me from the FDA allowing them to do this.They also said the new formula of Loestrin is equivalent to Junel(the generic Loestrin).I tried another generic form of Loestrin(Microgestin). These seem to agree with me and are a better match to the former Loestrin. I suggest you try them if you haven't already. Plus, they are cheaper than the brand Loestrin.
Tweetygal, did you notice a change since you started the new pills? I was on Yaz and I hated it and just got my new pack of Loestrin and I saw the difference and I am infuriated. I just want the old pills back, mainly because I liked how the pills worked. Did you notice any difference?
I suggest consulting your doctor about the problem, they may be able to switch your prescription to something else.
I take the Loestrin Fe 1.5/30 by Duramed also. I did notice the color change last month. I took the pill and it made me start my period and cramps. My face has been broken out ever since. I asked the pharmacy if I could get the old green tablets-they said this is what the manufacturer switched too. Don't know what to do.
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