Loestrin 24 Fe Missed Period (Top voted first)


Okay, so I have been on loestrin 24 fe for almost a year and 3 months. Every month my period comes on the last day of the brown pills, except this month. I had sex on August 17th, but we used a condom and it didn't break and I have never missed a pill. My period came as usual on August 27th. Now this month I haven't seen it at all. I'm worried that something went wrong or either it was too soon to miss last month. My period was due September 24th and it hasn't come at all. I am a college student and I just started school in late August. It is a new environment with more stress and school work. Could this be a factor as to why I have missed it? Or is there a possibility I could be pregant? Like I said, the condom didn't break and I have never missed a pill.
Thanks for your advice.

3 Replies

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Did you check the condom after sex? All it takes is a small pinprick or tear. I have had female problems for 16 years. I had a partial Hysterectomy in 2007. Stress can always effect your period and so can any change in your diet. You could always take a test to be sure and check into your schools health clinic or a clinic in your town. Any variety of things could cause a change in your monthly flow. I would take a test to ease my mind so that you don't cause yourself anymore undue stress. Then if you don't test positive and still don't get you period by next month make an appointment with a gynocologist. You may need to make a change in your birth control.

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Yes I agree with jcarl - periods can change due to lifestyle / mental / emotional factors. It sounds like you've been consistent with your pills (not missing any doses). I'd wait another 1-2 weeks and take a pregnancy test, although personally I think it's highly unlikely that you'll test positive. Best bet is to see the OBGYN next month if your menstrual cycle changes again, doesn't come as expected, etc ... and in the mean time definitely use condoms. Hope this helps!

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I have been on Loestrin 24 for a year and 3 months. I always get a period during the brown pills, some barely there and others more heavy, but I always get it around the same time. This month, I skipped my period completely for the first time. The only difference with this month was I skipped the brown pills, even though they are just iron supplements. My period never came. I called my doctor - she told me it was extremely normal and common with this pill. I took a pregnancy test - negative. (I use condoms and don't miss pills, so I wasn't too worried- just wondering why I all of a sudden skipped one!) Now I am due for my next period in about 5 days. But I have terrible cramping, backache, bloating, and breast tenderness. Usually I don't get such severe symptoms for my period on this pill, nor do I get them this early before my period. Is this related to my previous skipped period?

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