Lo Loestrin Fe Forums (Page 3)
Recently active Lo Loestrin Fe forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Lo Loestrin Fe and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.How long do I have to take Lo Loestrin Fe before it's effective for PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder)? I just started taking it today and I would like to know what to expect. ## Unfortunately, there is really no way to give a definitive response, it can vary from person to person. Some have a great response the first month, but for others it may take several months. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irregular bleeding, and PMS-like symptoms. Have you experienced any improvements, yet?
I started loestrin fe 28 before my period was due. In about the end of the second/beginning of the third week, I started bleeding heavy then it has lightened up but it's been almost two weeks now. Can someone PLEASE tell me if this is normal, when it will stop and if I can do anything to make it stop sooner. Thanks! ## Hello, Marie! How are you? Yes, irregular bleeding can occur for about the first 3 months, until your body gets used to the hormonal changes that are caused by these oral contraceptives. There's really nothing you can do to stop it, it will just have to stop on its own. If it gets to be very heavy, or doesn't stop after a few months, then you should check with your doctor as this may not be the right one for you to take. The FDA lists other side effects as pos...
If my period start on a Fri. should I start taking the first pill that says start and tale thevery first pill Sunday? ## Even if you didn't start your period on a Sunday, you should take the first active tablet the first day of your period. That will provide immediate protection against pregnancy. The only exception to this would be if your doctor has instructed you otherwise. Oral contraceptives may cause side effects, such as headache, irritability, bloating and irregular bleeding. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hello am hajji, I removed my implant this week and am having this pain in my lower abdomen,any time I easy my self this discharge is coming out, and I need a baby please what can I take that will bring back my period. Thanks
Hi, all- So the general rule of thumb I've always known is the lower the dose, the higher the chance of spotting/breakthrough bleeding. However, my doctor advised me that LO loestrin might actually lessen the change of intermenstrual bleeding because at a certain point, the dose gets so low that the lining of the uterus doesn't build up sufficiently for any bleeding to occur at all. My question: has anyone had experience with taking both Loestrin and Lo Loestrin? Did you experience, more, less, or the same amount of spotting/breakthrough bleeding between periods? I totally trust my doctor, yet I'm somehow reluctant to try lest it get even worse... Thanks! M ## My 15 yr old daughter had heavy bleeding and started bc to stop . She continued with heavy break through bleeding fo...
I am switching from Genereress Fe 0.8mcg/25mcg to Lo Loestrin Fe 1mg/10mcg. I took Generess for 2yrs and loved it but the price more than doubled so I had to switch to a more affordable birth control. I am a firm believer in reading all information before starting anything. I have read all the information provied by my Dr. and it doesn't state ANYWHERE on my Lo Loestrin Fe information weather this is a chewable pill or not. My Generess was chewable and that was clearly stated on the packaging, not so much with my new Lo Loestrin Fe. It is made by the same company as Generess but each birth control differs. Is this meant to be chewed or swallowed whole???? HELP! ## Hello, Lexi! How are you? No, this one is meant to be swallowed whole. The FDA lists the typical side effects of oral co...
Hello, i have been on Lo Lestrin for quite some time now (7 months)and ever since i got on that pill, i usually get very late and light periods. Although, le 26th day of my cycle, my boyfriend and i didn't use the condom for the first time. I didn't get my period at all the 28th day and i havent gotten anything in 3 weeks! i do have cramps now and a white discharge. What's going on? ## Have you been checked for pregnancy? It is possible to skip your periods altogether, while taking this contraceptive, it does happen to some women. However, in light of the discharge, if that's unusual for you, then you should consult your doctor, because it could be due to an infection. ## Hi. I've been taking dubagest 200 for 5 days which is prescribed by my doctor. How long will it ...
Accidentally took a white estrogen pill when i was supposed to take my 4th day of blue, just started taking lo loestrin too. I took the white one on accident and realized it the next day, dont ask how ACCIDENT, so i took the blue one as usual lastnight. Having terrible cramps! What should i do? Should i stop taking it? Now im missing a white pill for at the end of the month... ## Okay, the white tablet is still an active tablet, so you would still be protected against pregnancy, it is only the last 2 brown tablets in the pack that aren't, so there really isn't a big problem is you took it earlier in the month and then take the blue for an extra day at the end of the month, before you take the other white one. Learn more oral contraceptive details here. As to the cramping, that c...
I started taking loestrin fe 2 weeks ago. A month after my baby was born, I started taking the pills at 4:00pm but I've been so busy with the baby that I forget to take them at the same time. Is there any risk that I can get pregnant if i have intercourse and don't take them on time? ## Hello, Komo07! How are you? Congratulations on the baby! If you're only taking them a couple hours late, then no. You've really got about a 12 hour window, before it's considered a late pill and 24 hours, before it's considered a missed pill. They tell you to take them at the same time to try to keep you in the habit of taking them, so you don't miss any. The FDA lists the typical side effects of oral contraceptives as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritabili...
lo loestrin fe missed 1 blue pill and took the next blue pill at night when I usually take them in the morn. What do I do now? ## Hello, Ck! How are you? You should take your next dose at the regular time. You generally have a window of about 24 hours, before it's actually considered a missed pill, so you should be fine to just continue as normal, unless your doctor specifics otherwise. The FDA lists typical side effects of oral contraceptives as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, breakthrough bleeding and PMS like symptoms. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I missed one blue pill once in my last two packs. Both times I doubled up on the pill to catch up as per the instruction sheet. Is it a problem that this has happened two packs in a row?
I started taking this birth control in Sept 2016. It has been great taking this pill until I missed my period on the last week of Jan and I just took my last brown pill before starting a new pack and nothing. I have cramps, but i havent started. I've been active, but we use protection every time. Should I be concerned? ## There is never any harm in checking for pregnancy, if you're concerned, but it can be normal to skip periods while taking an oral contraceptive, according to NIH reports, some women stop experiencing periods altogether, while taking them. Other side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and PMS-like symptoms. Is there anything else I can help with?
I've been taking Lo Loestrin for 3 months and i just started my 4th pack. I haven't have any weird side effects besides minor bleeding in between periods. But on my last pack i took the 2 white pills to start my cycle, and i had some spotting on fri & sat as if it was gonna come.... but forgot to take the 2 brown pills and my period just stopped and has not come down. Whats going on?? ## These are hormonal based contraceptives, so skipping your period, or only having a very light one can be a normal side effect of them. However, if you have concerns, you should contact your doctor to ask them. Are there any other questions or comments? ## Hi, I am 27. My period is missing for 7 months now. Doctor told me it's ok up to 6 months after Mercilon contraception pills. I've...
I am 33 and started lo loestrin fe as my first contraceptive pill. I was very happy for first three weeks, then I missed my period and started having severe headache and body ache/discomfort. I stopped sleeping...only 2-3 hrs a day at the most. All this while I never missed a pill, had a ph reminder set for early morning. I was concerned about missed period so consulted my gyn who asked me to continue the same. For the next cycle I did get very light period but the pain never stopped and by the end of second month I started having radiating pain in my back, shoulders and head. Finally the pain started radiating to my left arm..that's when my gyn asked me to stop the pill although the sleeplessness continued for almost two weeks after stopping the pill. In the mean time, I was tested...
I used to take loestrin 21 1/20 and never had any issues with it. I moved and lost insurance for awhile. My new dr put me on Lo Loestrin FE. Today is my 1st day taking it. I am strictly using it to try to regulate my period and calm down my PMS symptoms. The loestrin 21 1/20 used to do the trick for me. The dr office said they're basically the same. Can anyone ease my mind on this that actually used both of these pills? ## From what I could gather, there actually are differences shown between the two medications. Loestrin 1/20 reportedly contains the active ingredients Norethindrone acetate + Ethinyl estradiol Loestrin FE on the other hand contains Norethindrone acetate + Ethinyl estradiol + Ferrous fumarate (a form of Iron) I'm not sure how the addition of Iron might effect the...
I've been on Lo Loestrin Fe for almost a year, and a few months ago, I got my period late. Now I get my period in the middle of the pill pack, during the active pills. Do I need to use a backup method of contraception? ## As long as you don't miss any active pills, then you are protected continuously, regardless of when you experience bleeding, be it the week of the placebo pills, or at any other time. Learn more oral contraceptive details here. If you miss any pills, however, then yes, you should use some backup method, until you have taken the active pills again for 7 days in a row. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Nope. Thank you! ## Yes, you need to use backup. Your body may be getting used to the pill. You should also contact the doctor who prescribed the pill to ...
I started a new pack. But then like a week later I couldn't find it so I decided to take the pills from another new packet I had. Then I found my original pack but decided to stick with the second one. I tried to remind myself that because I had a different pack I had to remember that when it is supposed the last four days of a pack, I need to take the white and brown ones. Just forgot about it. So the last four days I took blue pills. And now I am starting a brand new pack. So basically the last month was all blue pills. And I wont take white or brown ones until the end of my new packet. Is this bad? ## No, many women do this on purpose to skip their menstrual cycle at times it would be inconvenient to have their periods, such as for a long planned vacation or wedding. It is basica...
So today I went to take my pill for the day (I'm on week 4) and noticed that somehow I was taking Monday's pill and not Tuesday's. The thing is that I know for a fact that I have not missed a day of taking them, but somehow my days have gotten off. Tonight is the first white pill, should I just ignore the Tuesday pill and take like on schedule or add a day in for the one blue pill still left? There is no way I could have missed (I never had any bleeding to indicate this), but I can't figure out how I could have gotten off my a day. Thanks. ## The best thing to do, in such cases, is just to continue the pack, as usual, and move on to the next. The marked day is not as important as being consistent. If you are worried about the risk of pregnancy, then using backup contrace...
I've been on lo loestrin for 2 months. I take my second brown pill of my 2nd pack tomorrow. I've never missed a pill & take them within a few hrs diff a day every so often when it has slipped my mind. ( have a phn reminder now). Anyway, I've never had a bc where I've missed a period. I have been spotting very lightly to where a thin pad/liner will do the job. I've been cranky & bloating & cramping like always but have had no real bleeding. I don't think I'm prego but I am concerned. Everything I've been reading is talking ab where girl's are bleeding like crazy & I'm hvn the opposite effect. I mean, it's kinda nice not really hvn a period this month but should I be concerned? Also, does anyone hv to pee a lot on this? I mean fo...
im on loestrin 21 1 20 and its my first month on any kind of birthcontrol , and im about 2 days into my second week and i started my period ? my doctor said i wouldnt start till the end of my pack . with my pack you take the pills till you get your period then when you get it you take no pills at all . i dont know what to do ## Hello, Jboo! How are you? Breakthrough bleeding can occur for the first 3 months, since your body needs to adjust to the hormones in this. Other side effects may include nausea, headache and irritability. If you're concerned, please contact your doctor. Are there any other questions or concerns? ## Okay, so I take Lo loestrin fe (sp) I've been on it for three months. Well last month I got my period at the end, then this month I got it half way through, an...
I missed one white pill. So I took it at the same time I took my other white pill. Was that right? ## Hello, Miy! How are you? You should take it as soon as you remember and, if you don't remember until it's time to take your next one, then take them both at the same time. But please remember, every missed pill increases your risk of pregnancy. Is there anything else I can help with? ## So I'm in my first week of my pill packet. I've been taking the pill for a couple months now, straight. I haven't missed a day. Today I accidentally took a white pill instead of one of my blue ones. I always take it in the morning and it was dark, I was still half asleep and wasn't looking at what I was doing.... Lesson learned. But anyway, I just noticed my screw up tonight and t...
I started LoLo 2 days before my cycle started. (still on a Sunday) I started on a Tuesday. Do you guys think it will shorten my cycle length? Please feel free to comment your story if something similar or the same. Thanks. ## It is hard to say, it could go either way, depending on how your body reacts to the hormones. The FDA lists other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, breakthrough bleeding and PMS-like symptoms. Can anyone that's been on this chime in with their experience?