Lo Loestrin Fe Forums (Page 15)

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I started lo loestrin about 10 months ago and within two months I stopped having a period all together. I usually am timely taking the pill within 10-11 each night. A week ago June 28th I had unprotected sex, still on the pill. I'm worried that I could get unknowingly pregnant due to no longer havering my period on this pill. Is there a high chance of becoming pregnant? Any response would be helpful. Also is not having an period or period symptoms normal? Thanks. ## Whether or not you have a menstrual cycle has no bearing on the pregnancy risk, because as long as you have taken them all and not missed any pills, it is only a false menstrual cycle, anyway. As a matter of fact, skipping your cycle in this manner is perfectly safe and many women use the birth control pill to purposely ...

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I've been on Lo Loestrin Fe for almost 2 months now and this morning I accidentally took the first blue pill in my new pack because I thought I had finished my last pack. Later I realized I hadn't finished my last pack and had forgotten to take my last brown pill. I also had unprotected sex this very morning too. Is it ok to miss a brown pill? ## The brown tablets in Lo Loestrin FE are just the iron supplement tablets and do not contain any hormones, so yes, you are still fine if you missed one of them. Learn more oral contraceptive details here. Is there anything else I can help with? ## My period started last Sunday (not the one that just passed) and ended this Sunday. I took my last blue pill on the first day of my cycle and had the remaining 2 white and 2 brown left. I had a...

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I have been on this birth control first time only because of a pilgrimage. However I missed my pill number 6 blue pill in week 1 and realized around 18 hours later and took two pills that day however I m bleeding heavily. Is this normal and also for how long will this bleeding last? I also was going slightly up and down on my time to take the pill however will get more consistent. I just want to ensure no periods after 2 months. As exactly that's when I go for 1 week. Any insight will be appreciated. ## These are hormonal based contraceptives, so yes, menstrual irregularities can be normal for the first 3 months, especially when you miss pills or take them more then 12 hours late. Learn more oral contraceptive details here. That said, taking it also doesn't ensure that you won&#...

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I Just Started Taking This Pill A Week Ago On A Sunday And That Same Day Finished My Period. Its A Week That Has Gone By And I Just Started My Period Again on This Sunday. I Have Not Been Taking My Pills On A Set Time Why Did I Start My Period Again I'm Only 15 And I'm Scared I Need Advice Please! ## This is a hormonal based contraceptive, so what you're experiencing is most likely what's called break through bleeding, rather than an actual menstrual cycle. It is normal for this to occur, especially when you are new to taking such medications and it may continue for as long as the first 3 months. Learn more oral contraceptive details here. Taking it at the same time every day, so there aren't any gaps between them of larger than 24 hours will also help minimize this ...

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First time taking pills. the second pack is almost finished. during the first pack, i was spotting non-stop, then had my period on time but extremely light spotting for 3 days or less. Now I haven't gotten my period yet even though it should have been normally. I am very worrying about being pregnant already...... ## Have you skipped any pills? If not, then there isn't a very big chance that you are pregnant, because oral contraceptives are over 99% effective, when taken properly. As to skipping your time of the month, that can be completely normal, because your body has to adjust to the hormones in the medication. ## I am currently taking Lo Loestrin Fe, and i have noticed that I have been having break through bleeding almost every time I start a new pack or a couple weeks befo...

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I try very hard to take my pill at the same time everyday. However, sometimes I may end up taking it about 10-15 minutes late...maybe even 30 minutes late. I have never been later than 30 minutes when taking it. I am very worried about pregnancy, and my boyfriend is as well. We have sex almost everyday, and I am new to it, therefore I am constantly worried about getting pregnant. We always use the pull-out method. Am I worrying over nothing? Or, do I need to be sure I take it within a shorter time frame? ## You are worrying for nothing and can relax. The reason they tell you to take it on time is to help you get in the habit of taking it, so you don't end up forgetting altogether some days. However, you are actually still protected if you take it within the first 12 to 24 hours, so ...

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I have been on Lo Loestrin since August. In the beginning, I had heavy periods which seemed to come multiple times each month, with spotting in between. Last month, I missed a blue pill during the first week on a new pack, so I took it the very next day along with that day's pill. Since then, I've not had my period at all except for two or three days of very light, brown spotting/discharge. Could this be my period or is there a chance I could be pregnant? ## Either answer is possible, actually. If you're sexually active, there is always a small risk of getting pregnant, even if you use protection. But those few days of spotting may very well have been your menstrual cycle for the month. Learn more oral contraceptive pill details here. Have you done a pregnancy test, yet?

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I have been on Lo-loestrin since February of 2012. Every month since then I have had two periods a month. Until this month... I was late starting my period, and when I finally started it, I only spotted for one day. Could I be pregnant? ## If you haven't missed any pills, then it isn't very likely that you're pregnant. But these are hormonal based contraceptives, so they can cause menstrual irregularities. Learn more oral contraceptive details here. Have you contacted your doctor? With 2 periods a month and then this one also being unusual, you may just need to try a different birth control pill.

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She is going to be starting her 3rd pack Thurs, has the 2 brown pills left. Dr said for her to start on her 1st pack the 1st day she starts bleeding, so she did & has taken it the same time everyday. She has gone 6 weeks with no period. Took the last 2 brown of the 1st pack and nothing, we will see what she does today & tomorrow when she takes the brown. She was starting every 2 weeks and going for 10 days and shes 12 yrs old so Dr put her on the pill to get her regulated but so far she isnt having a period. Is this normal? Im on the Depo and dont have a period and love it :) ## Yes, it can be normal. These are also hormonal based, just like the Depo that you are on, so it can cause her to skip her menstrual cycle as a side effect. Learn more oral contraceptive details here. You...

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I just finished the 2nd pack of Lo Loestrin and this is the 2nd month I have not had a period. I like not having a period but it is a little unnerving at the same time. My gyn said this is normal and I am continuing to have unprotected sex with my boyfriend. If it goes into a 3rd month of not having it, I am going to call my gyn again and find out when I should expect it. ## Yes, it can be normal, since this is a hormonal based contraceptive and your body is still getting used to it. However, if you want to, there is also no harm in taking a pregnancy test to put your mind at ease. Did you miss any tablets? Learn more oral contraceptive details here.

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Hi ! I started taking Lo Loestrin Fe last month. During my first month I never got a period just some light brown discharge for about two days. I'm not on my second week of my second month pack and last week I had some spotting. I have had protected sex with my boyfriend about 5 or 6 times in the past month but he uses a condom and pulls out so I don't think I could be pregnant! I have been very constipated at times and my stomach also is really bloated. I gained a few pounds and my breasts sometimes hurt. Are these normal side affects? I'm really worried! please help! ## Have you consulted your doctor? Hormonal contraceptives can cause some symptoms like this, but they shouldn't be that severe and, regardless of how careful you are, if you are sexually active, there is ...

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My doctor put me on lo loestin fe to regulate my cycle and help with bad cramping...in the 1st week i experienced extreme nausea,fatigue mood swings and gained 8 pounds! I am standing up in a wedding on the 14th of September and was concerned at the rate I was going I would not fit into the dress so i asked if i should stop and start up after the wedding. She said it would be okay since i only took it for a week and it would be out of my system rather quickly. Just today I have been jumpy, anxious, extremely hungry, having a pounding headache and very emotional. Is this the side effects of the synthetic hormones leaving my body? anything i can do? i am trying to cope. ## Judging from the side effects, it does sound like your hormones are unbalanced from taking the Loestrin Fe. If you...

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I started Lo Loestrin FE for heavy bleeding. I'm on third month but I messed up and was trying not to get a period at all so I was only taking the green pills, none of the white or brown. Into the second week of pack 3 my breasts started getting really sore and now I started bleeding and have been bleeding for 6 days. Dr. says continue on pack 3 and take ALL pills and then start pack 4 and hopefully that will correct itself. Does anyone know how long the bleeding will go on? Its not break through bleeding, it is a period flow. ## It's still considered break through bleeding, it all is, when you take hormonal contraceptives, you don't get a regular/real cycle at all. It may take a week or longer, but if you finish another pack and there is no change, then you should contact y...

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So about a month and a half ago, my period came late. I had had unprotected sex on a day I was likely ovulating and, while I never took a pregnancy test, I am convinced I was pregnant and miscarried. I was pregnant before (it also ended in miscarriage), so I am familiar with the feeling. Because I had miscarried, I expected my next period to be late or a little off (my period did indeed start a few days later than I'd thought it would). Then I started taking Loestrin FE. I have been on it for nearly two weeks and have been bleeding the entire time. It's very, very light and painless, but continuous enough to be annoying. My main concern is that the irregularity may be coming from an incomplete miscarriage rather than a side effect of the pills. Other than this irregularity I'...

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I have been on Loestrin 24 Fe for about 2 years now. My doctor instructed me to not take the last 3 days of white pills, but still take the 4 iron pills at the end of the pack. I had unprotected sex on the last day of the iron pills, and started a new pack on Sunday. Should I be worried about being pregnant? ## No, the ones he's having you skip are inactive tablets that don't have hormones in them, so at long as you've taken all of the other active tablets, then you should still be protected against pregnancy, even on the days you're taking the iron tablets. Learn more oral contraceptive details here. If you have concerns, then feel free to contact your doctor and ask for more information. Is there anything else I can help with?

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So, I started taking Lo Loestrin Fe just a few weeks ago. Last week, I had a bladder infection so I started taking antibiotics... I only took them for a couple of days, though. I just took a small doxycycline pill for two or three days, stopping it just a few days ago when I got better. Today, I finally reached the non-blue pills. I took the first white pill four hours later than I usually do (I've been pretty spot-on with taking my pills every day at 11:30AM), then had unprotected sex an hour or so after I took the pill. After three frantic hours of research, I discovered that the white pills still have hormones in them (one of the two that the blue pills have, I understand), when I thought they were non-hormonal placebos like the brown ones. Still, is there a possibility that I mi...

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I have been taking Lo Loestrin for about 5 mos now. I take my pills everday around 530 am. This past week was week 4 of my pack. I took all my pills on time until I got to my second white pill, in which I was nearly 3 hours late to take it. I took my next two brown pills within the regular time. I started my new pack, and took my first blue pill on time. My second blue pill, however, I was nearly 6.5 hours late in taking it. I have been taking them on time since, but I am concerned because I had unprotected sex 2 days after I was late taking my blue pill. I'm not worried that I was not protected against pregnancy. Is this true? ## As long as you took them, within 24 hours of when you should have, so you didn't actually miss any pills, then you really shouldn't have anything ...

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I had a misscariage on April 30. Skiped perod in May due to the misscariage but was back on track on June 7 and started the pill on june 10, i took it for one week and stopped taking it since i figured id try conciving again. today july 13 still no period. Could taking the pill for one week affected my period? ## Yes, it is a hormonal based contraceptive and taking it for a week is just long enough for it to take effect in your body. Learn more oral contraceptive details here. However, are you sure it's wise to try again so soon? It usually takes quite awhile for your body to recover and, giving your body that time, will greatly increase your chances of conceiving again and being able to carry the baby to full term.

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I have been on lo loestrin for about 7 months now and no longer have a period, just spotting on occasion. My doctor told me this was typical for many users and not a health concern. I have noticed, however, that I have mild cramps commonly (like I'm going to have a period) and it's not only during the same week of pills. It is actually quite random. Does anyone else have this happen? ## Yes, that can also be quite common when you are taking hormonal contraceptives. Learn more oral contraceptive details here. Have you mentioned this to your doctor? You might want to do so, to be on the safe side and make sure there aren't any other medical issues involved.

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Hi, I just finished my 7th pack of Lo Loestrin Fe yesterday, but did not get a period during that pack. During the first pack, I had a 10-day long period with mild bleeding. Second pack, I had no period. Third pack onward, I've been getting a regular period, every 28 days, of light bleeding for three to five days.....until now. I take my pill regularly at 9 am every morning. Has anyone else experienced missing a period on Lo Loestrin so late in the game? I should also probably add I've only had one sexual partner and we never use protection, but he pulls out before ejaculation. There have been times where we've slipped up, but we have never had a pregnancy scare. I know there are some people who don't get periods at all on this birth control pill, but is there anyone who...

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