Lo Loestrin Fe Missing Period (Top voted first)
UpdatedFirst time taking pills. the second pack is almost finished. during the first pack, i was spotting non-stop, then had my period on time but extremely light spotting for 3 days or less. Now I haven't gotten my period yet even though it should have been normally. I am very worrying about being pregnant already......
2 Replies
Have you skipped any pills?
If not, then there isn't a very big chance that you are pregnant, because oral contraceptives are over 99% effective, when taken properly.
As to skipping your time of the month, that can be completely normal, because your body has to adjust to the hormones in the medication.
I am currently taking Lo Loestrin Fe, and i have noticed that I have been having break through bleeding almost every time I start a new pack or a couple weeks before my period would normally start. I had unprotected sex after using the product for 3 months and a month later I started my period on regular time, (still including the dark brown bleeding in between) and I have missed one pill but made up for it early the next morning. Now I am 2 weeks late waiting for my 2nd period to come. I haven't had sex for 2 months, I am not having any pregnancy symptoms, but I still worry why it has been 2 weeks and I haven't started my period... when all the other times were perfect.
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