Lo Loestrin Fe - Missed Periods (Page 4)
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I've been taking Lo Loestrin Fe at the same time every day consistantly for two months with no period... is this normal?

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Has anyone experienced some mild mestrual cramps while on lo loestrim and no period? I took a pregnancy test at night time and was negative I'm planning to take another one first thing in the morning just to be sure. My first two packs I got a very lite brownish period and after that no period. Can someone reply and share if this has happened to you too. Thanks!

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Never got it, had a follow up with the doctor who said it could take 3-5months for my body to acclimate to the new pill with lower estrogen.

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I have been on lo loestrogen 2 years and I started gaining weight. Can this be the cause?

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U have been on lo lo fe since I had my son, I had real bad uncontrollably bleeding.. I have not had my period for several years, is this bad and would this throw me into early menopause???

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Any updates on pregnancy or just the pill effects?

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Did you ever get your period? This has happened to me and It turned out to be stress related

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I'm on a 4 month trial of Lo lorestrinFe (sp) that was recommended by my new Gyno as it was proven to help with acne. I'm 32 so adult acne sucks. Anyway, I was told since I was on Cycleflem (sp) a generic version of Notrel 1/35, that I would start this pill once I finished my old pack. So I did. Around the time I normally get my period, a few days prior I sometimes have symptoms to know its coming, and I had those symptoms but no period. I had sex probably a week and a 1/2 into the new pill pack of Lo lorestrinFe and he used a condom however for part he was unprotected but did not finish in me and aside from precum the final didn't get anywhere near me. So this past Sunday, would be starting on pack 3, I did not get my period again after pack 2 finished. I did not take a pregnancy test but I have tried to get a hold of my doctor to see what she thinks. Reaching out here as well. I'm paranoid and overly stressed but that hasn't ever stopped a period before.

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** this is my 1st pack and today I've been spotting

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I'm also curious as to why I would get my period (just spotting)when I've only finished the 21st pill from pack of 28 pills. This is my 2st pack of LOLO.


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I am currently on my fifth pack of these pills. I missed one blue pill about three weeks ago, but took it in the morning when I remembered and then another at the time I normally do during the day. This is the only time I have missed a pill. I had sex last weekend and my boyfriend did finish inside me. I haven't gotten my period and I'm worried. Could I be pregnant because of taking that pill late or is this completely normal? I usually only have brown spotting for a day or two, but even this isn't happening.

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I have been on lo loestren fe since i was 17 and am now 21. Not having a period is completely normal. I think my last period was a year and a half to two years ago. Stop stressing ladies it is a blessing. If i am concerned about pregnancy while having a partner i take a test every 6 months. Dont worry and enjoy the good life that a lot of women dont lol.

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That happen to me 4 months with no period but with the symptoms; nausea, headache, cramps etc. Last month i have it, still waiting this month. I talked to my Dr and he said is normal with this pill. Loestrin Fe.

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Starting in 2 weeks will be my third month of Loestrin Fe. The first month, my period came on the last 2 pills which are the brown ones. And now it's the second month, took every single one, some hours later than usual but I've read that it's fine when you do that. But I haven't got a period but I'm feeling nauseous, tender breast but no cramping. Also makes me very scared because I feel like I'm getting pregnancy symptoms?? Don't know if it's normal or not.. Scared..

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I switched to this birth control from my old one and the first month I had three days very light. Then occasional spotting through out the month. I haven't had my period since and I'm never late. I'm starting to grow concerned but I'm too nervous to test.

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I am on my 4th pack of Lo loestrin fe. I normally have my period while on the pill but only last for a few days. Lately I have been feeling like my period is coming but hasn't yet. I take my pill everyday there has been a few times I have taking it few hours later than planned. I have had sex but my boyfriend hasn't gone in me. Is this normal?

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I started loestrin n then had unprotected intercourse with my bf on the fourth day.... Could I be pregnant? I'm having spotting.... That was two weeks ago.

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Yes i have been taking this pill for 5 months and the last 3 months no period.

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I don't get period either. My dr said that is normal on low dose hormone.

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I just started lo lo estrin fe again after going off of it as I just didn't want to be on the pill anymore, I was on it for over a year and after the first 2 months, I never had a period the entire time, and my periods were always heavy, a lot of cramping and 7 days long. I asked my GYN about it and she said it was very normal. Needless to say I am back on it because I am not getting a period, definitely not pregnant and my GYN said I need it to help with bone support and to help my body realize that its not pre-menopausal, she said that if you don't get a period at all, that's bad for your bones, but no period and on BC is ok...I loved this pill...had no side effects except for light bloating around the time my period would have come.

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I'm so happy to have found this I have been kind of freaking out on the inside because I've been on this pill for about 4-5 ish months now and for the last two months I haven't gotten my period. Last month, I didn't get my period when I was suppose to and then I got light spotting a week later. Today I'm on my first sugar pill and nothing, and I can't sleep right now I don't know why. I'm switching at the end of this pack.

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