Lo Loestrin Fe - Missed Periods (Page 3)
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I've been taking Lo Loestrin Fe at the same time every day consistantly for two months with no period... is this normal?

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Will it ever allow us to become pregnant ? I'm wortied taking this will make me not ever have kids.

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I been taking the birth control shot for a year and when i was due for my shot again i switched over to the pill n ive been taking it for a month and i still havent came on

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I've been having mild cramps every day for the past month and haven't had my period in 2 months. I've been on the pill for a year and a half and this has happened before (where I'll have mild cramps every day for a while but no period for 2 or 3 months) and I have no idea why and neither does my doc.

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I'm on my third pack of Lo Loestrin Fe. The first month I had a normal period and the second month, I had an entire full week of heavy spotting, about a week and a half before my period. I ended up not getting my period that month. My boyfriend and I have unprotected sex regularly, but he has never finished inside me. I just wanted to know if this happens to anyone else and also looking for someone to ease my mind!

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I'm on my period and I need it to stop if I take lo loestrin few would it stop or get heavuer

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Yes, my cousin was missing periods. I was having very short periods (like 1-2) days at first but this month all I've seen was small dots. I guess it is something multiple women experience.

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I began taking lo estrogen fe in October, minimal spotting for 2-3 days. Last month I did not get my period nor any symptoms and now again this month same, nothing. No concern of pregnancy, just concerned of how my body should be doing its thing each month. I am 51 years old.

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I, too, was worried about the endometrial tissue building up. I was actually prescribed birth control to help with my endometriosis symptoms and was assured by my doctor that birth control acrially prevents the building up of the tissue which is why it is effective in treating endometriosis symptoms.

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I was on Tri Sprintec for a year and my dr switched me to LoLo. I had one very mild period in the first month and then nothing for the following 2 months. I quit taking it and am now a month off the pill and still no period. I've taken 3 pregnancy tests over the past 2 months and all were negative. Very weird that so many people are not having periods with this med and for me, even a month after I quit taking it.

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I've been on it for 4 months now and only had one short period after the first month. Periodless for 3 months now.

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I completely agree. For me it has been a year and it is strange. I've heard from some people that it isn't normal but my doctor keeps assuring me it is okay. Must say...sure has saved on supplies cost! LOL
I sometimes get cramps or a bad headache when i should have the period, but other than that...nothing.

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Hey I'm on lo loestrin fe and have been for 2 months.. I had strep throat and was on antibiotics for 10 days. I waited 5 days after I stopped my antibiotics before I had unprotected sex.. Tomorrow I start my first Brown pill but I still haven't spotted or anything yet. Is this normal? Has anyone else taken antibiotics while taking lo loestrin fe and if so how long did you wait to have sex after you stopped them.. Please help!

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Just curious about whether you ever took a break from the pill? I've been off of it for 2 weeks and haven't had a period. I'm concerned this isn't normal and I know it isn't pregnancy. Your post was reassuring, just wondering if you've been on it steadily the whole time?

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Been on Lo Loestrin FE for 3 months, never missed a pill at took it at the same time everyday. I am currently on my 4th pack and never had any side effects. My last "period" was 4 days of brown spotting two weeks ago. Now I have a killer headache all the time and advil doesn't help, occasional nausea and slight breast tenderness. Could these be pregnancy signs or is this normal?

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I'm a little worried that it would affect our fertility. I haven't had my period in over a year since I've started this birth control and as much as I love it, it makes me feel like I will have issues with conceiving in the future. Does anyone know if it is safe?

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2 years, no period after 3 months, it's really weird and I asked my doctor about it and she said it was normal. I haven't had my period in 21 months..... it feels weird

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I have been on this pill for over three years and have only ever gotten a REALLY slight period twice. The other times no period at all. Everyone I talk to thinks it is not normal but my doctor said that can happen.

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I've been on Lo Loestrin for about two years...I got periods (2days) for about the first 4 months and haven't after and no pregnancy, there is a lot of ppl who take it with no periods and no pregnancy.

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I'm going to be 49, and my gyne put me back on the pill because I'm in peri menopause with extreme mood swings not symptomatic with my manic depression (which I take gabapentin during the day and 1mg Clonazepam at might). She said the hormones will "even me out," and it's helped. That said, I've come to the conclusion that after 38 years of tampons, I've had enough, and so I've only been taking the blue tablets. I'm currently on my 4th month, and other than for some light spotting in November, I haven't had a period since late September.

I'm curious....how long can I go on with this? Six months? A year? Can tissue build up and cause trouble later? Do I really need to have a period? A few tidbits....I have no kids and my husband got snipped 25 years ago.

Do I risk uterine/ovarian or breast cancer staying on this path?

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I've taken it since August 2014 and not had s period since

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