Lo Loestrin Fe - Missed Periods (Page 17) (Top voted first)


I've been taking Lo Loestrin Fe at the same time every day consistantly for two months with no period... is this normal?

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I'm on my period and I need it to stop if I take lo loestrin few would it stop or get heavuer

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I've been having mild cramps every day for the past month and haven't had my period in 2 months. I've been on the pill for a year and a half and this has happened before (where I'll have mild cramps every day for a while but no period for 2 or 3 months) and I have no idea why and neither does my doc.

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I been taking the birth control shot for a year and when i was due for my shot again i switched over to the pill n ive been taking it for a month and i still havent came on

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Will it ever allow us to become pregnant ? I'm wortied taking this will make me not ever have kids.

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This is my experience thus far to the T. makes me a little anxious thinking of switching

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I also miss periods every month for past 4 months . I take it every day as directed. Not pregnant. I called Dr office and they said it could happen. Drives me nuts also. I don't want to be worried all the time it doesn't come. Uggg..I think i might see my doc and switch ..

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I started this pill in Feb. The first two months I had a period and break through bleeding. Then didn't have a period at all for one month, then the next month it was just two days. June was a light period and then no period again in July. August I had a horrible period (9 days and heavy bleeding) and it can the week before my sugar pills. Just finished my period for sept. It also came the week before my sugar pills and was somewhat heavy and lasted 7 days. I really hope there is some consistency soon. I got on this pill for protection from pregnancy, but also to help with heavy periods due to fibroids.

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I just started this birth control this month. I should be getting my period any day now, but nothing so far. I am concerned, but based on all of the posts I've read about consistently missing, I'm not as concerned.

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I had unprotected with my boyfriend so i take 2 wholebrown line I didnt see my period so am I pregnant ?

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When you say unprotected, what do you mean? If you are on this pill you are protected. From what I'm reading, lots of people are not getting their period on this pill. Or at least not every month. But you should take a preg test if you want piece of mind. You might need to wait a week or so.

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I just started the lo loestein and I'm on the first brown pill and still have yet to start my period. I was reading tge other replies but I'm still worried... my boyfriend and i have sex but we always use a condom and i have been freaking out for almost a week. I really hope I'm not pregnant

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I started taking Lolo 14 months ago. I had light door bleeding at first and some sad emotions as a dude effect. Thus all passed after the first three months. I have not had a regular period since I started and no bleeding fir almost one full year. My doctor also tells me this is normal but is it healthy for the body to nit have a period of over a year?

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Update. I decided to get get off lolo and switched to ortricyclen lo. S dar this is much better. No backpain throughout the month and I started my period during the green pills (suger pills) like you are supposed to

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I am 48 years old and have been on this pill for four months. I had a period the first month with spotting, but no period since. I actually like it and I am going through periomenopause I assume.

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I have been taking loloestrin for over 9 months and haven't had a period except for the first month (which was very light and lasted only 2 days), so I wouldn't freak out too much about the missed period, but definitely do take a test just in case.

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I've been taking Lo loestrin for 2 months now... I haven't missed a single day and I take it religiously at 6 o'clock every single night. I was suppose to get my period 2 weeks ago and still nothing. Right around the time I was suppose to get my period my boobs began to hurt really bad, worse than I have ever experienced while PMSing. They don't seem any bigger than normal but are very tender. Other than that, I don't show any signs of pregnancy. Is this normal? Should I take a test?

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ME TOO ! I am on the first week of my second pack of Lo Loestrin Fe, and have taken all but 1 of my pills at 4:30 pm daily (one I took at around 8 pm because my alarm didn't go off), and have yet to have a period. I have been experiencing slight abdominal cramping since taking my placebo pills. I had the "incident" the day before the cramping began on the placebos, and I feel like the two things aren't linked, but can't be sure. I am not experiencing any other "symptoms" but am still slightly concerned. I've read that Lo Loestrin Fe causes irregularity in the first few months, and can even cause an absence of menstruation, but I'm just looking for some advice, because I'm slightly unsettled. I never had penetrative sex, nor do I think my vaginal canal ever came in contact with semen?? SOS.

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Hi, I have the same exact problem
been on the pill for 6 months
I missed a period in January
now I missed it in April
I'm finishing a pac for May
have unprotected sex but my bf doesn't finish inside me
I take my pills on time all the time, and never missed a pill
when I first missed a period in January, my doctor said its fine. So I guess when I missed it in April I am fine. Now I'm waiting for my period to come as I'm finishing a pac

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I started taking lo lestrin about 8 months ago. In January I remember missing a pill but taking it the next day along with the pill that I needed to take for that day. I missed my period the next month which was February I spotted for two days in march. I have since got another period or any spotting. I took three pregnancy test, one in February and two in march. They all came out negative. I haven't noticed any weight gain. Nor any pregnancy symptoms. Ive always been a moody person and I've always been one to get nauseous. So I can't really count those as Could o be pregnant? Or is it normal to have missed periods?

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I started taking lo loestrin fe last month. I spotted for my period each morning on the brown pill, but it seems like nothing. Is this normal? When should I expect my period to come?

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