Lo Loestrin Fe Missed Period (Page 2)
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I started Lo Loestrin Fe four months ago. I am currently in the first week of my fourth pack. The first month, I had brown spotting for about 5 days two weeks before my period came. My period during the first pack lasted around 7 days, like it usually does, and arrived on time. The second pack, I had brown spotting instead of my period. I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. However, my period then came the second week of the third pack (which was really weird to me because my period always came during the last four pills of the pack). At the end of the third pack, I had three days of brown spotting when I was supposed to get my period. I am currently on the first week of the fourth pack, patiently waiting to see what will happen next. Can my diet and exercise have something to do with the changes? I'm worried this pill messed up my cycle. I have never missed a period and am NOT liking this. My doctor didn't say I would miss a period on this pill. What do you suppose is causing these problems and what should I do? Thank you!
I'm on my first month of these birth control pills, what day in the pack are you supposed to be getting your period? I have so far had almost no symptoms, but being a little on the sensitive side. I just took my second Zinc (brown) pill and have not had a period, spotting, etc.
Hi, Alyssa - see the posts below. This seems to be perfectly normal. You may never have another period while on this pill.
Hi guys, i started taking Lo Loestrin about 3 months ago and I just now started on my third pack. Strange thing is I was supposed to get my period a few days ago and still nothing? Should I be worried?
I just started my third month of lo loestrin and i had spotting halfway through the month. When i was supposed to have a period i didnt. Then i spotted lightly, not enough to even show on a pad, just when i wiped! It was brownish and later a little pinkish but never red. Every hcg test i take says no, but im cranky as hell, my boobs are heavier and sensitive, im bloated and either constipated or the polar opposite. I can only think i must be pregnant, but the side effects of this pill are the same as you would feel if pregnant. Go figure.
I have been on Lo loestrin Fe since the start of December, 2012. My periods have been light, but usually the time of the sugar pills they start, stop in the first day of the 2nd blue pill of the next pack, then I get my period again 2 days later for maybe a day and a half to 2 days.. This happened until about february, march. Then this month on the most recent pack I had some spotting a few days before the sugar pills, then a heavier spotting on the last sugar pill. Since then there has been nothing. I have sex with my boyfriend but we use a mix of condoms, and when we do not, he pulls out. I have taken my pills at the same time everyday and I have never missed one, However I really have not had a "period" this month.. Just a bit concerned.
I have been on Lo Loestra Fe for a year, I switched to it from another BC pill. Since i switched to it, my period is non -existant. I was always regular, but not with LLF. I saw my gyno today and she said this pill is the lowest amount of estrogen on the market, so the lining of the uterus is so very thin, it just doesnt bleed.She said it is completely healthy and completely fine, so i am not worrying. I just know the week i go on vacation i will get my period! lol
This is my fourth month on Lo Loestrin and I've only gotten my period one time regularly. I've been getting some kind of period in the first or second week of my packs... But I'm not sure if its my period or just heavier spotting because it is A LOT lighter than my normal period. For example when I wear a pad not much goes on to it, but when I wear a tampon there is more blood...any idea if this is normal?
hi! well i have been on lo loestrin fe going on the 3red mnth n i only had my period lighty the first pack.. but now that i see its normaln this pillnot to get my period im a little happy lol..
same thing happened to me but i havent taken a pregnancy test and im freaking out!
Hi Nicole - definitely don't stress about this. I got my period last month (sort of) but didn't this month. It's apparently completely normal with Lo Loestrin Fe. A pregnancy test and a call to your GYN should put your mind at ease.
Vanessa - there is a lot of weirdness to be had on this pill. I remember at one point, I had very light spotting that lasted for weeks at a time. As of now this has completely stopped and I seem to have a period once every few months. My best guess is that this pill overall gives most women fewer and shorter periods, if at all. If this hasn't happened for you yet and you are still on your period, or even spotting, it might be time to talk about a switch. But definitely give the pill a chance (6 months or so). You might find that you really like it.
After much searching of the internet, I am so glad I found this thread. I, too, have been on LoLoestrin Fe for around 6 months.. I would say the first two months were as expected - lighter, shorter periods.. and now I have not had a period the last 3-4 months, just somewhat heavy spotting mid-pack. I was starting to get paranoid about pregnancy, even though the rational part of me knows that the likelihood is extremely slim when you add the pill plus condoms plus sex once before the first missed period (and only once since then).
Thanks for helping me chill out, ladies! I will still call my doctor to be sure nothing is wrong, but I can sleep a little easier tonight (day three without my period when I should have it).
Good luck to all!
Hi all,
Glad I found other women who had this issue - I've been on Loestrin Fe and more recently Lo Loestrin Fe, and have not had my period for well over a year! I know, super weird - but I asked my doctor and she simply said that because I didn't have a heavy period to begin with, Lo Loestrin's hormones dwindle down to practically nothing. I was worried that my body wasn't releasing itself of it's normal menstrual tissues, but she also said my body was creating less of it, so there is no residual build up. Still, I take pregnancy tests almost every month just to be sure. I never bleed (not even spotting) so it's just really unusual.
I'm going to see about other options with my doctor, since I don't know any other women going through this with their BC.
I have been taking lo leestrin fe since the June. In July and August, I experienced a day of spotting, but never had a period. Now it is September, and I finally came on. I have been on for 6 days already and there is no end in sight. My concern is after not having a period for a couple of months, I hope I do not stay on my for a long time.
Hi, Brooke: While I figure you should buy a pregnancy test and use it, also give your gyn a call. They will probably tell you the same thing, that it's not at all abnormal to miss a period while on Lo Loestrin Fe. I think you should only worry if your pregnancy test comes out positive. My period came back last month and I'm by no means pregnant. Also, good for you for using condoms! Smart girl.
I've been taking Lo Loestrin Fe for about 6 months now and had never missed a period before. But I was supposed to get my period over the weekend and it never came. I've only had sex twice this month, used a condom both times, and take my pills at the same time every day. What could've gone wrong? Should I be worried that I'm pregnant?
My GYN also says this is normal and my tests are still negative... so even though I'm a little anxious, I can't say I mind not having a period. I think I'll live.
I hope everything is fine with you ladies!
I have been on this pill since January and it is now August and have only had my period once. I went to my gun and she said she is not concerned at all and it is normal to not get your period with this pill. Granted, I am in my late 40's but before this did get my period at least every other month. As long as you are taking the pill regularly and are not missing them-you really have nothing to worry about. I missed a pill way back when I was in my early 20's and worried about pregnancy many times for that mistake but my docs always reassured me that there was no need to worry if just one was missed. Hopefully this puts your mind to rest. Just take it regularly and you are fine!
I started taking Lo loestrin Fe about 4 months ago I just started my 5th pack today and never got my period. This has not happenend in the months before I have had a nprmal period about 3 days long. I have had intercourse and did not use a condom. My boyfriend did pull put though. I am very worried that I may be pregnant. Has this happened to anyone else ?
SAME HERE! Same exact story, word for word; I'm also using Lo Loestrin Fe. The tests come back negative but I'm still sitting her twiddling my thumbs.
Hi Alyssa,
Oral contraceptives can mess with your hormones to the point of screwing up your cycle and changing days or weeks that you'd normal have your periods. My gf actually experienced a similar situation while she was on the pill and likewise was really concerned about it on several occasions. I hope this helps you feel more at ease, since you're not alone.
If it's something you just can't handle I would strongly recommend looking into natural alternatives to the pill. Clary Sage Essential Oil, while not a birth control pill, has the ability to stabilize your hormones and help get your cycle back on track. It's also very beneficial for relief from painful periods and cramping. That may be something you want to research and look into more. In my honest opinion, the two best oil brands are DoTerra and Youngliving, but your local health food store brand would suffice if you don't need extreme potency.
I do think diet and exercise play a significant role in the matter, but not quite as much direct impact as the prescription you're taking. Unfortunately, in any medical situation, a patient has to be their own best advocate. Doctors often prescribe medications according to their experience with how well something has worked for other patients and, when something goes wrong, they are often reluctant to attribute it to the medication.
I hope this info helps!
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