Lo Loestrin Fe And Continuous Bleeding


I started taking Lo Loestrin FE on Feb. 2nd and it is now Feb. 21st and I have been bleeding non-stop (literally all day, every day). Doctor says to wait it out for 3 months... 3 months of non-stop bleeding? I've heard of breakthrough bleeding but this crazy!

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While I agree that it is crazy and unacceptable, yes, even if it lasts for a long time, continuously, they still consider that to be just breakthrough bleeding.

However, you should give it at least a full month, to see if your body adjusts to these pills. If you are still bleeding by the time you start your second pill pack, you should call and insist on a change and if they don't agree, you may want to consider seeing a different doctor.

To be honest, there is no reason for a woman to have to put up with it, for that long, on an oral contraceptive. There are enough options on the market to allow you to try something else. The amount or hormones and the precise combination in this one just might not be the right one for you.

When I started birth control, after having my son, it was the low dose tablets that I had a problem with, however, when I called about it, my doctor switched me to a different one right away. It took several tries to find the right combo for me, but we finally did.

You can learn more about birth control pills and the various options available here:


Are there any other questions or comments?XTFE

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I started taking this pill two weeks ago and have been bleeding everday, all day also. The first 10 days were so heavy that blood would run down my legs and onto the bathroom floor before I could make it onto the toilet. I have also had horrible cramps. I only usually have two days of mild cramping with my period prior to taking this pill. I am hoping it will get better because I've heard if you make it through 3 months you may not have a period at all. But this is getting to be ridiculous.

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Oooooh K...So I'm not the only one! I started these pills on February 27. On March 11th (my schedule menstrual date) My period came on and throughout the day went through an entire cycle (from light pink-red-dark red-brown-off). I was elated. The next morning (on the 12th) I began bleeding like a river. It is now day 11 for me. I called and texted my Doc, no call back. But when she does, if she try pulling the same 3 month wait on me, she will no longer have me for a patient. I can't take this crap. Reading your story makes me feel like who am I to complain...

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I am on lo loestrin and have been very tired and irritable. The first 2 weeks I had spotting, but that was it, even when I was supposed to be on my period. But then I started cramping badly and bleeding non stop! I got the same 3 month comment from my doctor. I can not do that. As much as I hate the side effects from stronger bcp's, I think the dose may be too low for me, which is why I am bleeding. I can not keep doing this! This is the reason I got on the pill, to decrease the cramps and bleeding! Now it's constant. I want off this so bad!

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I went on this two weeks ago and havn't stopped bleeding either. I am so annoyed because I got it so i could be protected during sex and now i'm bleeding so its gross if i'm having sex. This is just annoying. I literally have not gone a day without bleeding!!!!!

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Okay, so I posted my first initial experience with this pill which was approx. 2 months ago. I had the horrible bleeding and cramping continuous nightmare you all have described. However, I have to say after two weeks the bleeding finally stopped. So, as end of month one on this pill approached...I was super paranoid I might have a repeat of the first unbearable bleeding experience. I went out and bought 3 boxes of super plus tampons and pads for back up. HAPPY TO REPORT: my 2nd period was so much better. Very light, no cramps. I am hoping next month I wont even have a period at all!! I can see that totally being possible as light as the 2nd period was. I strongly advise staying on this pill for the Doctor suggested 3 months. It is a horrible start no doubt! But I think the pay off is gonna be worth it!!

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I have been on Lo Loestrin for about two months. I can't even tell when/if am on my period because there is spotting throughout the cycle. I guess I'm a little disappoited because I was hoping this would control my irregular periods. But I must say...I have always been sensitive to BCP and this is the ONLY one that does not make me itchy and sick to my stomach. Like the saying goes...something's gotta give...

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Well, I am relieved to find others going through the same thing as me on this pill, but hate that we're going throught this!! I am on my first pill pack and have been bleeding from the start. Today is day 10. I was put on this since I just found out I have 2 fibroids that we're causing my periods to bleed very heavy. This pill was supposed to help lighten my periods, but so far it has been continous bleeding. If the pill doesn't help, I may need surgery for the fibroids. I'll be calling my gyn tomorrow, but I'm sure I'm going to be told to stick it out for a few months. I'm also going to request to be tested for anemia since I'm so run down from all the bleeding. Ugh!!

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I have the same problem I have been bleeding non stop over two weeks. I decided to stop taking them

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I started taking Lo Loestrin fe just over a month ago. Same thing as ya'll, bled for 3 weeks non-stop! The last week I stopped bleeding and then barely spotted when I had my cycle. I had contemplated not taking it anymore when I bled for the first 3 weeks but I actually think it's leveling out now. I'm glad I stuck it out, no mood swings, still have my motivation to continue exercising.

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Just an update. I ended up bleeding constantly for the entire 60 days (yes, 60 days!) that I was on this pill. The doctor has no switched me over to LoEstrin (one step up I guess). I am on my 2nd pack now. I bled for about half the pack during the 1st month so I guess as bad as that is at least its better than the Lo LoEstrin so far. (fingers crossed!!)

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Here's my update...finished my first pill pack and bled the whole month. Called my gyn and even he thought that was too much bleeding. He switched me to Loestrin 24 fe...one step up like 2rugrats said, and immediately the bleeding stopped. I've only been on it 3 days, so keeping my fingers crossed that this one works!! Good luck Ladies!

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I just got Lo Loestrin today, I've always had bad upset stomach, bloating, and Gas. My friend told me it was my BC pill (Yaz). I switched to Loestrin 24 and up started the upset stomach again so I stopped and next month I'm starting the Lo Loestrin.....has anyone had a problem with upset stomach or nausea/vomiting on this pill?? I can handle the spotting for a month but can't handle being sick to my stomach! Thanks for any help!

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Well I started the pack 3 mths ago and I did not get my period I had really bad cramps the first month. The second month I started bleeding really badly for two weeks during the blue pills and then stopped. Now I am on pack three and have yet to get my period. I feel light cramps but nothing! I am half way through and about to get to the non active pills and still nothing from pack two.

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I started taking Lo Loestrin 3 months ago. I have had heavy bleeding for at least 2-3 weeks each month. Needless to say, I'll be heading to my Gyn this week because I'm over this! This is killing my sex life and zapping my energy. Hope this resolves for the rest of you!

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okay so while i am not happy that the bleeding/spotting is normal on the lo estrin fe, i AM however happy to know i am not alone. i had my baby 11 months ago and...long story short, the reason i am on bcp's is that when i exercise i have minimal spotting. therefore i had the gamut of testing done and had an endo-biopsy that came back normal so my gyn. wanted me to start bcp's to "regulate" everything. now, while i am not really thinking i need bcp's because the spotting IS only like 1 spot after i exercise, i AM willing to give it a try to see if it regulates everything, although i had normal periods and no other abnormal spotting to begin with...but we'll see! SO i have been on the bcp's for almost 3 weeks and I too have been spotting/bleeding since the first week in. AND it is NOT FUN...constant pads, tampons...ICK. it kinda puts a BIG damper on me feeling sexy and intimate with my husband because i am constantly bleeding...my skin is breaking out, i feel bloated and have put on 3 lbs. I have cramping, feel irritable...oh the JOYS! i am not sure what to expect with my actual period! I am willing to give this a 3 month go and see what happens (I'll go back to my gyn then for an eval)...but hopefully all this will regulate and I will stop having all the spotting and feel a MILLION times better!

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okay so i started lo loestrin fe about 3 weeks ago and it is my first birth control pill. i got my period during thesecond row of pills and now i am in my third week of pills and i am getting light pinkish/red/brown spotting. i am worried because i had sex (protected with a condom) during the first week of pills and got my period the day after. is this normal? is this implantation bleeding or breakthrough bleeding? HELP!!

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I was bleeding for three straight weeks and started this pill to stop the bleeding - NOT WORKING!

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OMG, whomever posted right above me 7/2/2011 has me freaked out because this morning 7/2/2011 I experienced the worst red river bleeding in 30years. I'm 42 and I've been off BCP for about 3.5 years but I asked for a "mild" one just to alleviate mood swings and clear up my skins. I got my period last Sat 6/25 very slightly so I began my 1st Lo Loestrin pack the next day 6/26. I've been bleeding ever since and it's getting heavier and heavier by the day. Bright red for 4 days with no relief in sight. I went from using Reg Tampax last Sat to rushing out for SuperPlus today and still their getting used up. I HATE this BCP. CAN I STOP IT IMMEDIATELY? WILL THE BLEEDING STOP IF I STOP TAKING LO LOESTRIN? I'm not about to wait out a month of straight bleeding.

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Just an update. I bled heavy for nearly 2 weeks. My doctor switched me to Mili. That night, I continued bleeding heavily through that night and had huge clots. Came out of the bathroom and I felt like I was going to fall over so I had my fiancé take me to the ER. They gave me provera which didn’t really work. Followed up with my dr and she put me on tranexamic acid. Happy to report that I am no longer bleeding. What a rough 3 weeks! My fiancé felt so bad for me he volunteered to take me to get a pedicure!

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I am SO GLAD I found this. I just started lo Estrin fe kn the 1st day of my period and I have not stopped bleeding since. No cramps or pain though. Just bright red blood. At this point it's been 2 weeks, which is less than some of the posts here, but still freaks me out. I'm calling up the doc this week but I was just curious if this was a common thing. I'm sure I'll be told to let my body get used to it. But at this point I would rather just stop... find something else.

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Re: Denisa (# 281) Expand Referenced Message

How long after u stopped taking the pills did ur period stop?

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Re: Crissy (# 295) Expand Referenced Message

Hi i am 20 years old, i recently just started taking Lo Loestrin Fe this month and all I can say is wow. I started taking the pill the very first day my period started which was a Sunday. It was like a regular period. I am normally heavy and my cramps are normally bad so what I can say is that the pill kinda helped with the cramps and the bleeding because it wasn’t bad at all.. but what I can say is, there was constant bleeding. I finished my period on the 6th day and that’s normally how long my periods last, it ended light and everything was cool and then 6 days later I started bleeding all over again, for another week. It was so annoying, once again it wasn’t as heavy and I had no cramps but the constant bleeding and having two periods in one month back to back is very overwhelming. I finally ended yesterday after 6 days again and remind you I am on my first pack and this is my first time ever on birth control so I didn’t really know what to expect. I know you’re supposed to start bleeding during the inactive pills but I was bleeding during the active pills and it was in the beginning and middle of the pack. I know everyone and my doctor is saying it will take a couple months (3-4) for your body to get used to it and I’m hoping I don’t have any more surprise bleeding because if so then I will be switching birth control brands. So I like Lo Loestrin so far that’s just the only problem I’ve had with it. Once again everyone is different and so are our bodies so what may happen to me, may not happen to others. Give it a few months.. i will try

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My doctor gave me this sample 2 weeks ago. I am not even through my 2nd week and got my period on schedule. I have had heavy bleeding for the past 3 days, no end in sight. I could not describe the level of back pain I am enduring and I have NEVER had back pain with a period. I have tried this one before and I never stopped spotting. My new doctor told me to give it 3 months. No thanks!

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My 16 year old daughter was put on Loestrin FE for heavy bleeding, long periods and very painful menstrual cramps. She is on week 3 of her 1st pack and she has been bleeding for 9 days. She said it’s not bad or heavy bleeding, but it is constant all day long. Can anyone tell me if this is normal? I’ve got a call into her gynecologist. Thank you!

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Re: Grace (# 293) Expand Referenced Message

Hi! It’s just totally random. I’ll bleed two weeks and then off a week. I went to the dr the other day and she said the pills she gave me probably were not strong enough. She can’t do an ablation because my uterine wall is super thin so she offered me higher dosage of pills/hormone or a hysterectomy. I’ll probably try the pills for awhile, but I’m completely open to a hysterectomy. Good luck!! It’s such a pain!

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CaliBMO (# 289) -did your bleeding finally stop? I’m going through the exact same thing... today was 10 days of bleeding on 5th pack... I need some hope

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Re: Alice (# 291) Expand Referenced Message

I finally called my doctor to switch, told her exactly what was going on, which is the same issues it sounds like you’re going through, she switched my birth control did not seem concerned with cysts or anything

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I stared taking it in February and I’ve been bleeding ever since!!! My period was great, very light and only maybe 3 cramps but the bleeding doesn’t stop, so it’s hard to tell when my period even finished... And what’s worse I’m on my 2nd pack now and I have absolutely excruciating abdominal pain, I Literally want to scream. I’ve been taking painkillers all day long and sitting with a heating pad but it doesn’t help at all. Idk what to do because I can’t function and idk if I should wait and keep taking them or just get off and deal with my hormonal problems and cysts and extremely heavy periods...

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