List Of Things Not To Take With Lisinopril (Page 3)
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What is not allowed while taking lisinopril; food, drugs or drinks.

76 Replies (4 Pages)

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If you get a dry annoying cough when taking Lisinopril, STOP taking the Lisiniopril. My PCP just gave me Lisinopril for high BP and told me if I develop an anoying dry cough to STOP taking the meds immediately because the BP med will have to be changed.

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Yes its the meds. Was happening to me to. Your doc will change them and you'll be fine

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Im 54 year old woman my doctor put me on10/12.5mg of lisinopril after i developed high blood pressure from having pneumonia. I seem to be developing a sinus cold from all the drainage is there a safe sinus and congestion medication that i can take.

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I've had problems with stomach issues taking lisinopril after a large meal. I had to be taken by ambulance twice.

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I am on 5mg. Regular pill, I don't have to cut a 10mg in half. It may be because I'm still considered "pediatric" though

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The lowest dosage of Linsopril is 2.5 mg . As my Doctor calls a "baby" dose.

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can pyrazinamide and warfarin interact together

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Can you take a seeping pill with your bp meds.20/25 of lisinopril hctz?

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Hi! They had me on too much lisinopril(60) mg.. That was one 20 mg three times a day. I was coughing so bad and having very bad asthmatic attacks. My liver Dr discovered this ..I'm now down to one 20mg, one Atenlol, and one diaretic. Little, to no coughing, and very few asthma attacks. I'd check it out if I were you!

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Edema (swelling, water retention) may be a result of other issues for you medically. It can be summer heat, inactivity, a poor diet, poor circulation, weakening of the valves in the blood vessels of the legs, and so on. You need to see your doctor again.

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I've been taking lisinopril and I have a swelling knees, how can I treat it?

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To whom are you responding? Coughing is absolutely NOT an allergic reaction to Losinopril. It indicates an inability of the kidneys to excrete the byproducts called kinins, so they go to the lungs!

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you are allergic that is the side effect of allergy to the med.

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FINALLY I find your remark! With a severe cough yet OK kidney function, I didn't know why the by-products of Lisinipril and Norvast weren't being excreted, but going instead to the lungs. I take a fair amount of Tylenol and ibuprofin. The potassium is good to know about too. THANKS

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Actually lisinoprils lowest dose would be 2.5 mg

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Take lisinopril right before going to bed at night. This will keep you from experiencing the side effects that you mentioned.

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That's not true. I take a 2.5 mg lisinopril

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I took 8 lisinopril by accident not prescribed to me can this harm me

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You would need to eat A LOT of bananas to get a high dose of Potassium!

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i took 60 mg of pottassium by mistake. can i take lisinopril after 24 hours. i had to pee alot during the 24 hours

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