Liscinopril By Mistake (Top voted first)


By mistake I took a 5mg tab of Lisinopril prescribed for my husband. How will this affect me? Will it make me dizzy--will it be unsafe to drive?

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My daughter took dads 40mg of lisinopril accidentally thinking it was allergy meds. She is 14

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It may may you a bit dizzy, but if it was just one tablet in that low of a dosage, it shouldn't last very long and the effects should be minimal, as long as you aren't allergic to it.

That's not enough for it to really have an effect on your blood pressure, or cardiac function, since it takes regular dosing for several weeks to have its full effect.

Learn more Lisinopril details here.

Are you feeling okay, now?

If you do experience anything weird, you should just contact your doctor, but it's doubtful that you will.

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I pass medications at work and I accidentally gave a patient 40 mg of lisinopril and 5mg of amlodepine.

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Needs to reported and patient blood pressure monitored. Slow down on your med passes. Always check a patient blood pressure immediately prior to providing the med. open meds in front of patients and explain what each med is.

Been a nurse for 20 years

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