Liquid Methadone Color Discrepancy (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy husband is taking liquid methadone has been for about four years and this morning he noticed his medicine was cloudy and then he took his other doses out and found several others of his doses were too. They were filled at the same time. Is this supposed to happen? And is it common? He said he hasn't bee feeling right for the last couple of days. I am worried, has anyone have this happen to thiers? And what could cause it?
Re: Fed up (# 17)
You obviously have no idea what the f*** your talking about. I am a Pharmacy Tech, and I have been addicted to Opiates since I was 18. Methadone does not create that "rush" most opiates have. Your other comment, "free" I pay $80 a week for my methadone, as well as being forced to go to a therapist, and 2 drug panels a month. Only a very very small percentage gets it for free. In Detroit it's 90% cash based, some clinics dont take any insurance. Next time mind your F*** buisiness, especially if you have no idea WTF your talking about. I've seen alcohol do worse things to people, things opiates would never do.. dumb people wreck it for everyone.
Re: Fed up (# 17)
First of all you don't feel HIGH but if you don't have it u feel like s***. It is the government way of making money from the addicts. Withdrawing from other opioids is a picnic in comparison and they don't care about your sobriety because if you are 1 minute late they won't dose u and laugh when you beg so don't get it twisted it ain't no party.
How can u tell that it is clear liquid methadone cuz I ran short and someone helped me out with clear liquid methadone but I didn't see them take it out the bottle and I never had the clear liquid methadone before is there any way to identify it
Omg it taste awful. It taste worst then anything I have ever tased. U would no if it was methadone. The clear gags u.
I have been successfully on methadone for 8 yrs. and it has SAVED MY LIFE! I get my methadone at the pharmacy and I get 1 month at a time.Sometimes towards the end of the month I notice that my medication is cloudy, that's how I got to this website.Just last night I put it in the refridgerator (locked up) to see if that will make a difference.I'll let you know in a couple of weeks if this helps the situation.Thanks for everyone else's input!!! Littlered
never heard of cloudy methadone unless juice is added.even then its not cloudy.
Is this is the clear or red type of methodone
I woild have taken them back to clinic to be sure bottles were clean.
Where do you get methadone prescribed at a pharmacy once a month??!! I would love to move there. Over here in N.Y. The most is once a week!
My Mom and I have been on the methedone program successfully for over 3 years, and we also, have noticed a cloudy, white substance in our carrie (have had full carries for over 2 years.) We have also noticed a huge difference in the way we feel. If you get anymore answers regarding this, We would greatly appreciate an email or post to figure out what's going on with our Methedone. It started to change back in Jan. of 2012. Also, am I allowed to ask the pharmacist at the clinic and see my carries tested? So that I can make sure we are getting the proper, perscribed dosage. Thanks again,
J & J
Do you get take homes? Is it just your take homes that are cloudy? My clinic gives pill form wafers in water sealed in #2 hdpe bottles at first I thought it was the recycled bottled giving my medicine a cloudy color with whites particles and an awful taste but I've figured out what it is. I initially thought my husband was robbing me and putting crushed Tylenol back in the methadobes place leaving just enough of the orange methadone to maintain the color. I did several things to make sure there was no way he could access them and it still kept happening. I began to really pay attention to the variable and I noticed that when one of the bottles got knocked over inside my lock box it would be the one that was cloudy and tasted bad. I am nearly 90% certain that the culprit is the PE foam liner that is used to seal the take home bottles. If the bottle gets tipped over it begin to dissolve the foam liner in the lid which causes the methadone to become cloudy leaves behind tiny white particles and leaves behind a terrible almost acrylic taste that can sometimes burn the back of your mouth. If everyone reports this we can get it changed. I have no proof of this last claim but I believe a chemical reaction also occurs between this material and the methadone causeing the dose to lose potenicy.
I am currently living I'm canada and we have methadone pre mixed from a pharmaceutical company that's called Methadose. It comes in cherry which is dark red and sugar free which is clear... it contains 10mg methadone per 1 ml of liquid and comes in tamper free bottles with a pump and must be poured in front of patients at the pharmacy... I'm on 120mg daily but it comes in an easy to drink 12ml of liquid... so yes there is clear methadone... your methadone is mixed from a powder by a pharmacist and can be f****d with easily which is why canada switched to tamper proof containers with pumps with 10mg per 1ml concentration...
Yes, I've had the green in Nj.... it was honestly the strongest methadone I've ever had, I thought they had given me too much. I've mostly seen red, but there is a place that has clear around me in PA as well. In Florida at a clinic I guest dosed in they had orange wafers... So there are all different kinds. Even the red methadone can differ if it is a different company who makes it... although it has the same ingredients as everyone says, you can still tell a difference between them, sometimes one being noticeably stronger. I had the same experience with pain meds, same prescription but different maker & had a totally different affect when I compared the different ones.
Methadone in Scotland is green and 1mg to every 1ml . Sometimes cloudy. Think it's just the bottom of thereptile 1000ml bottle it turns a bit cloudy. Am reducing now. Was on 100 now down to 55. 50 starting Monday. Not looking forward to getting to lower than 30 and switching to suboxon. Think I'll need time of work
I second that ! I'm in the UK and have been on methadone for two years after many years of addictions too opiates in tablet form and always payed for my methadone I wouldn't have any other way,it is my problem and I wouldn't expect anyone else to pay for it,we are not all lazy sods lying around all day watching Jeremy Kyle,being on methadone has allowed me to build my life again and I'm currently trying to build up my own garden maintenance business.
Very well put my friend! People like to comment on methodone that have no idea what it actually does for people who use it for the right reasons. Granted you might trade one for another but it has saved my life I'm able to work and live a normal life once again. Of course there going to be people who abuse the situation. Good luck my friend
How and why did they cut you off? like what did they say? There should be a Methadone/Suboxone Clinic in your area. I live in Fort Wayne, Indiana and we have 1 Clinic, but we are getting 2 new clinics within a few months.
The methadone bottle was probably just getting very low, and the clinic just needed to change bottles. His doses were just at the very end of the bottle. Therefore; making the methadone appear cloudy.
I hope He is feeling better. this message is 4 months later...but still informing.
I have been on liquid methadone, cherry flavor for 11 years an have never experienced anything bad or cloudy . I'm so sry this is happening. Not cool
I just started taking methadone and the one I got is like a light mint green looking color. Has anyone ever ssw this color before? Everyone that I ask said they never saw it in green always red and orange. Can anyone help and let me know if they've seen green methadone 100mg
Re: Fed up (# 17)
That's because you ARE effin sick. You have zero right to judge, ESPECIALLY if you are informed and obviously, you are not!
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