Liquid Methadone Color Discrepancy (Page 4) (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy husband is taking liquid methadone has been for about four years and this morning he noticed his medicine was cloudy and then he took his other doses out and found several others of his doses were too. They were filled at the same time. Is this supposed to happen? And is it common? He said he hasn't bee feeling right for the last couple of days. I am worried, has anyone have this happen to thiers? And what could cause it?
Wow Nicole! That sounds like some very unprofessional crap going on! And that crap is exactly what gives clinics a bad name. When I started out in Indiana I had to drive 1.5 hrs each way to get to the nearest clinic. Indiana is anti-methadone. They don't want to admit there is a problem, especially near Indiana University, therefore it's one of the worst! It's weird how they're getting away with it bc even my clinic which is on the up and up, is on probation from the state because all their paperwork wasn't in order. That sounds like some shady s*** going on- and maybe even at the upper level. I commend you for staying clean among all that. Most people would give up in that situation. The "if you say I'm dirty, I might as well be" mentality. I'd prob feel that way. So congrats on your 2 years! And hang in of luck to you.
Yes, clear methadone tastes like poison....not anything like water.
Im in mpls to sts and hate it. Been on for like 5 years. I dont pay anything tho.
We feel the same!!! I think some places tamper or something!
Clear methadone, to me taste like rubbing alcohol. Even when I water it down so the taste isn't as strong, it is still nasty. There is no way it taste like water though.
Nicole- I hope things are better but if not you can contact the attorney general or your state board (of health I think). If they can't help they'll get you to someone who can. Don't let them get away with that crap bc it only ends up hurting all of us in the long run. It's crap like that which gives methadone clinics the negative stigma/reputation which can keep some from going in to get clean. It's a sad circle but they think no one will believe addicts so they continue to get away with it until someone stands up. Feel free to write me back if you need any other help.
Is there a such thing as blue methadone? My buddy said she has gotten it
Re: Diana (# 10)
In Virginia you can get one week two weeks or one month depending on behavior
Is liquid methadone still translucent after the red cherry flavor is added?
Re: Brat317 (# 66)
Yes. Methadone liquid can come in Blue, green, orange, clear and red
Re: Donna (# 12)
Sometimes people remove methadone and add water via a ultra fine iv syringe . the bottle still appears to be sealed
Re: Diana (# 10)
I live in Georgia and we have clinics NO PHARMACY but we get take homes once a week when you first start which is for Sunday bc they are closed. Then if you are there after 6mths with no dirty U/A's you start getting 3 take homes & then the longer you go it moves up. I have been going long enough now I get a month at a time now. It is so much easier & less stressful to report to the clinic once a month.
The nurses that the dispense the medication water it down or whatever they have to do I was on it for 40 years and then he got fired or got caught stealing as far as the cloudiness as someone else said it could be the powder mixture
Re: Brandon (# 18)
If ur one min late huh? Idk where u go or what u have heard but u can go anytime theres not set time an no long as you go befor the clinic closes for the day u can u got it twisted man.get ur facts right..
Re: Dan (# 20)
So true, You should be president of the world. Ignorance is so prevalent when it comes to methadone and just because there are bad people why does everyone get thrown in the same basket.
Re: Littlered (# 7)
How do you get a prescription for a month's supply. Are you in the United States? If so, what state are you in?
Re: Recovery2k17 (# 46)
You are so wrong .. Where do u people get your info.. It can be any color from clear that looks like water to blue or green even red.. It dont have to be color coated. Its not a law.
Re: Jess (# 59)
Idk who tells u they put dye in the take homes..but u are not correct. U either get or blue liquid it just depends on the brand and what company makes it..they don't add dye ..and anyone who takes methadone liquid wise knows it's a waist trying to shot u might want to do a lil more research befor u try to mislead others onto thinking things that are not correct
Re: Vlad (# 38)
It's 10mg per 1ml..and you can't administer any methadone pill intravenously, it would be a waste. Anyone who's on methadone or has abused drugs knows it would be pointless to even try... You act like u know so much when you have no
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