Liquid Methadone To Go On Holiday (Page 2)
Updatedi have booked a family holiday for two weeks in lanzarote and have been told today that im not allowed to take my 150mg daily does with me because the doctor thinks i should go to detox first are they allowed to do this
Actually, it is quite the opposite. Methadone is a very serious medication and you can be hospitalized with out your daily dosage. Your Dr. HAS to give you a final notice with your last dosage and a pain management or methadone clinic referral before he or she can just drop you from this drug. BTW... like you said if something were to happen?? The only thing that will make in even occur is NOT PRESCRIBING her the methadone.
Thankfully that isn't true. There are circumstances in which medical personnel are obligated both legally and morally to treat pain. This includes withdrawal from an addictive product. There is case law that must be followed secondary to history in which jury's awarded multi million dollar verdicts against health care personal that denied treatment. This is over 30 years old now.
Can i ask, what country you are residing in, please? Just because, there is 'NO WAY' in a 'million years' - that a doctor in the U.K would prescribe 'methadone' for 'ANY' pain!!! NOT A CHANCE IN HELL!!! I am a woman with a lot of experience, regarding methadone, in having had it prescribed, personally, for years, to stabilize and detox from opiate abuse, and, also, having witnessed my husband a decade later, be in excruciating pain with both hips displaced! - yet, still a UK doctor would 'NEVER', prescribe methadone as a pain killing treatment! Let's get real here - if ur gonna post advice on a forum! If u r prescribed methadone, it's for an addiction to opiates - not 'pain relief'! And if u can't be honest about that, to start with, then don't 'offer', advice! - how r folk meant to believe u then?
I'm on 120mls per day I had to take piseptone tablets as u are only allowed 100 mls liquid on your possession thru customs . I had no issue with my key worker as I provided travel details. I have done this to mainland spain and canaries
Always phone the embassy you are traveling too in your country , just as an extra safe guard phone take down all details i.e there name the day you spoke to them and time also which consulate . Scotland,England,Wales Ireland. Just find the country's embassy your traveling too in your country
U r allowed it in turkey as me and my wife went there last year and and there was no problem
Hi I am going to Magaluff in October. New to methadone, im currently on supervised consumption but get 2 on a Friday for Saturday and Sunday. I was planning a few weeks before I go to just save Sundays so I can take 6 with me. Can you take it with you? If my U/A is clear I can have a holiday prescription... But what does that mean? Sorry to sound thick. Will I have to go to a chemist everyday in Spain?
No it means they'll give you a take home script to cover your holiday so if you're going for 7 days then you'll be given 7 doses to take with you.
I am prescribed 16 ml methadone daily can I take it to turkey if I have a consenting doctors letter
No they Cart do that they have to reduce you you to 40 or less before you can detox you can get a 3-7 home detox but it wouldn't be advised when on 150ml coz you will be in a lot pain
Re: Love (# 23)
I live in Wisconsin. Yes, of course docs use methadone for chronic pain. More than likely the docs here would much rather give you Methadone than any other opiate for chronic pain.
Re: infodone (# 8)
There called waffers..not diskets..some of the stuff people say on here cracks me up.
I'm on 60mls of methadone a day and me and my partner have just booked a holiday in Zante greace can I take my medication with me ?can anyone help me with some advice thanks Sarah
No they Cart it your choise that can give you methadone tables I've just been to Egypt and Mexico and in a week im going to gran caniries so tell him I want the tablet and a letter
Re: Collette (# 6)
This is so good to hear as me and my husband have been on the program for some time with the same doctor. We get 3-month scripts with 6 take homes and I have a very small amount of water added due to a stomach operation. We have never had a U/A come back bad and are so-called trusted! We both need dental work and Thailand is a lot cheaper but our methadone was a concern. I’m happy to take tablets while overseas or take our bottles. It’s great to hear good news.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
My doctor has done this for patients it's considered a life sustaining medication. You can get a few days to s week or two if your are going on vacation or some ppl work on the road. No one should have to pick ppl on methadone should be able to live a normal life plus it's part of recovery to get back to normal life.
Hi. Firstly, I have been to Lanzarote many times with my Methadone, only my clinic find it best practice to change it to tablets for the two weeks. I get sent with a letter explaining my medication just incase authorities get a bit nosey, but in Spain it is well tolerated.
Secondly, and your problem is your dose and your doctor. There are many reasons why Methadone is called liquid handcuffs and you have hit one of them.
I have been good with my Methadone for years (mostly), so I have built up trust. They know I won't give it away (because I need it). They know I will protect it for the same reason. I have attended my reviews and lowered my dose overtime.
And trust goes a long way. I pick up once a week.
But being on such a high dose and on daily pickups will be warning signs. There job is to protect you and others and if they see you as being too much of a risk, they won't give it you to take away.
You are actually on a really high doses. Clinics in the UK won't go anywhere near that high anymore, and fully blown addicts when they enter service start on 40mg.
If you are not stable then they are right not to give you that amount to take on holiday. If you are stable, then you might think about beginning to recover.
That is the only reason why I have reduced my Methadone. I just can't stand the bureaucracy else I would be content on it for life
Re: Melissa J (# 3)
Are you serious? I know this was wrote 10 years ago but you can't just substitute methadone for suboxone you'd go into instant withdrawal there needs to be a space of atleast 48 hrs to stop that crossover cluck. Wow plus anyone who wants to travel with methadone instead of all panicking about it and getting told to detox they can easily just prescribe tablet form yes they are only in 5mls so you'll be taking a lot but that's the way round it on a plane
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