Light Blue And Red Capsule With Grey In The Middle (Top voted first)
UpdatedI found a light blue and red capsule with grey in the middle. The pill is marked Tv 500. The grey part has what it appears as arrows going in both directions.
5 Replies
The original pill being asked about is Extra Strength Tylenol, the marking is actually meant to be Ty 500, though it's often hard to read.
Thus, it contains 500mgs of Acetaminophen, which is used to treat pain, fever and headache. This is an over the counter medication.
You can learn more Acetaminophen details here.
The ones with the grey band are the rapid release ones, that are meant to release the medication faster.
The one with the L5 on it is also the same thing, it's just a generic/store brand.
Bailee, those may also be Acetaminophen, a generic or store brand, but it's difficult to be sure, with no markings.
Are there any other questions?
I found this capsule and would like to know what it is.
light blue and red capsule with grey band in middle, blue has L on it and red has 5 on it
light blue and red capsules with no markings on it prescribed for pain in pelvic region
Hi, I was Doug some diggig and I came across this bottle of capsules they are turquoise and gray with NO lettering.. I wa wondering if anybody could tell me what it is?
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