Lidocaine Forums (Page 4)
Recently active Lidocaine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Lidocaine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.using lidocaine patch and test positive for cocaine ## Is lidocaine patch addictive? ## how long after a didoderm patch will i test positive for cocaine ## i test for cocaine every week with a saliva swab test, i use lidocaine for pain (patches). will a false positive show cocaine use if i use lidocaine long term? ## Can heavy use of 700 mg Lidocaine Patch Cause Negative Positive For Cocaine in a hair test? ## Can ora lidocaine show up as cocaine on urine drug screen? ## It is unlikely that the use of a lidocaine patch will show a false positive for cocaine. Just to be on the safe side, take your prescription for lidocaine to the testing site so they can make a notation on your test.
Rash on inside of lips; itching, burning, hurting lips ## Hi Belle, Lido is not known to be marketed in the USA, although I did find out that Lido may be available in Thailand as a brand name for Lidocaine. The abbreviation makes sense so I have no reason to think otherwise on this. Regarding the side effects you mentioned, they are most likely related to those on Lidocaine's side effect list, posted below: -burning or discomfort in the place you applied the patch -redness or swelling of the skin under the patch Some side effects can be serious. The following symptoms are uncommon, but if you experience any of them, call your doctor immediately: -hives -skin rash -itching -difficulty breathing or swallowing -swelling of the face, throat, tongue, lips, eyes, hands, feet, ankles, or l...
I tak a UA weekly this week i failed my drug test for amphetimines and had gon and got dental work done a few days before can it be the Lidocaine? ## Hi Lindsay, It looks like another person here in the forums had the same question as you: Discuss/Can-Lidocaine-Cause-A-Positive-Drug-Test-For-Amphetamines-237606.htm From what I could gather, there haven't been any definitive claims or notations regarding Lidocaine testing positive for Amphetamines; just a few people asking about it in instances like this. One site I typically go to when checking for false positives is linked below; however they don't seem to have information on Lidocaine (just procaine): I hope this helps in some way!
neoronton ## Does neurogel ointment reduce leg swelling? ## I can't find any information on this, does anyone else know anything? ## I would like to know what is in neurogel #2 Gel. The dr is proscribing it along with Lidocaine patches for severe constant pain in bt back. I woul like to know what is in the gel? ## ask the pharmacy or the Dr.
I have been getting lidocaine shots in my back every month for 4 yrs and lidocaine infusion. every 3 months would that show as cocaine on a drug stick test ## Hi J, Other than a few forum posts from different individuals, I haven't located any concrete details confirming the possibility of a false positive for Cocaine from Lidocaine. However, I do have reason to believe that it's still a strong possibility due to the faulty standard drug tests they use today. A lot of these standardized drug tests have a fairly high false-positive response, where it seems as though anything is likely to show up, no matter what you took. To my knowledge false positives are known to occur on them anywhere from 4 to 50% of the time. Have you asked your doctor yet about getting re-tested?
will Lidocaine Viscous give me a possitive drug test for opiates because i got one and all i took was thorizine elavil and Lidocaine whats up?? ## Yes, Lidocaine can cause false positives, because it is distantly related to Cocaine. On the cheaper, non-certified drug tests, false positives are known to occur anywhere from 4 to 50% of the time. Have you discussed it with your doctor?
iam having trought infection which tablet is suitable ## Orofar is only used to treat inflammatory conditions of the mouth and larynx. It contains the active ingredients Benzoxonium and Lidocaine, so it will not be effective at treating an actual infection. An infection requires an antibiotic and most of them require a doctor's prescription. Have you seen a doctor for this, yet? It is also very important that you only use an antibiotic if there is a confirmed infection present. I am not sure what antibiotics are available, since I don't know where you are located, however, you can learn more about them here:
Orofar by Novartis Lidocaine HCl 1mg, Benzoxonium Cl 1 mg ## This is used to numb mouth sores and help prevent infection. ## i am a junior doctor in India.want to know the detail of benzoxonium & lidocain combination before using the drug.i WANT TO KNOW THE INDICATIONS,DOSAGE& SIDE EFFECT OF THIS COMBINATION
PAIN ## Lidocaine is a very common local anesthetic, it can also be used to treat irregular heart beat. It is frequently used to totpically to help relieve pain from minor muscle aches and skin irritation. Read more: Do you have any questions>