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I am using antacid/diphen/lido mouthwash, but after using it, my mouth and tongue feel numb. Is this normal? ## Antacid/Diphen/Lido is an abbreviation for Antacid / Diphenhydramine / Lidocaine. Numbness is an effect of the Lidocaine which is a local anesthetic. Any dizziness and light headedness are possible side effects of Diphenhydramine. [1] It is an antihistamine, intended to bring down swelling. If the side effects do not go away or get worse, let your doctor know. References: [1] Diphenhydramine - Medline Plus ## Yes, the Lido in it is Lidocaine, it is a topical anesthetic. The FDA does warn that it may cause numbness, as well as nausea, dizziness, and drowsiness. Are you on any other medications? ## I am taking the Antacid / Diphenhydramine / Lidocaine medication every four hours...
Besides the DX, the box I have says “lidocaina” which I am assuming is Lidocaine, a pain relief drug. My wife wants to use this for hip pain from hip displacia but I just want to make sure that there will be no harmful side effect. Seeing that this also had a corticosteroid in it, Dexamethasone, I am inclined to NOT administer it to her because that is a class of drugs that can have serious side effects if used incorrectly or by the wrong person. ## All medications carry the risk of causing side effects, so yes, there may be dangers, and it should only be administered with a doctors approval. The FDA warns that it may cause administration site reactions, redness, pain, headache, nausea, weight changes, mood changes, and skin reactions. How is she doing? Did you try it? Is sh...
i need to know if lidocaine viscous can show up as alcohol in a urine test. ## can lidocaine show up as cocaine on i urine test i got a friend that failed a drug test for cocaine but he said he dont do that he said he used lidocaine for a toothache i need to know asap ## On the alcohol question, no it should not show up as that, however, if you have a prescription for it, you should inform them of this, when you go in for testing. Which leads to pnut's question and yes, it can cause a false positive for Cocaine on some tests. It is distantly related to it. Since this works as an anesthetic, there can be severe problems associated with using it improperly and overdosing, so it shouldn't be used with a doctor's instructions and supervision. Are there any other comments or ques...
what are the side effects of Keprocaine ## looking for answer - what the side effects are for Keprocaine ## what are the side effects for Keprocaine cream. Is either diaharea or urinary tract infection a possibility? Experience both since I started applying this cream. ## Keprocaine Side Effects Answer: I don't have the official paper telling me what can be expected, so I'll share with you my own experience with Keprocaine Cream. When my hubby rubs it on my back, it has a tingle and a sort of 'burn' feeling, but 'burn' is really to strong of a word... It does NOT hurt me, it's just tingling for about 4 to 5 minutes then it feels fine. After that, it becomes sticky on my skin and so I just lay down and let it dry for about 10 minutes. This cream has litteraly ...
I'm curious as to what exactly this cream is used for and the side effects of use? ## This looks like a compounded cream, each word being an abbreviation for the full ingredient. I am assuming that each one corresponds to the following (though I can't guarantee that I am 100% accurate): CARB = Carbamazepine, anticonvulsant used in treating neuropathic pain CYCL = Cyclobenzaprine, a muscle relaxer DICL = Diclofenac, a non-steroidal anti inflammatory (NSAID) GABA = Gabapentin, anticonvulsant used in treating neuropathic pain LIDO = Lidocaine, a local anesthetic PRIL= Prilocaine, a local anesthetic So it seems that this is a pain relieving cream, and a strong one at that. I would recommend checking each drug for its possible side effects. May I ask where you got it from? Was it com...
What goes into it? It's a green liquid, nasty taste, compounded from a pharmacy. ## What are the green lizard ingredients for indigestion? ## Green lizard is a compound prescription. It is a mixture of Lidocaine, Maalox, and Donnatal. My doctor prescribed it for pain in my esophagus and stomach. Hope this helps! ## And can u get these ingredients over the counter for Green Lizard mix? ## When I got my latest prescription for green lizzard (which is my salvation) the pharmacist called to tell me that it was going to cost $750.00 because the price of the Donnatal had gone up. So I had them leave out the Donnatal and only mix the Malox and Lidocaine. It's obviously not as efficient. Does anyone have an idea for a substitute for the Donnatal? ## Common behind the scenes usage in E.R...
Went to the dentist and had a tooth pulled. Dentist gave lidocaine with something else. Had a positive urine test for amphetamines. Do these do this? Or amoxicillin? I have to take antibiotic too for a while. Tooth is infected. ## No, neither the Lidocaine, nor the amoxicillin have been known to cause false positives for Amphetamines on a drug test. Learn more drug test details here. Do you know what else it was that he gave you? Could you possibly call his office and ask? ## thats a lie they can to! same happened to me when i went to have my son! and the anistesiologist even said it could be from the epidural. and amox. because i took that for a UTI and a urine test came out dirty as well. for cocaine so. bud your wrong! ## Lidocaine with epinephrine (aka adrenalin) is a common mix. Li...
Is there any kind of food or meditation that can cause a false positive drug test for cocaine? ## I had a hair drug test that came up positive for cocaine. I'm dealing with an addiction specialist who says that I'm a heavy user of cocaine for the last 30 days. Intetesting that I have not used cocaine. I'm wondering if anyone has had a positive hair test for cocaine and did not use and what might have happened here. Given the reputation of this dr, I went for an independent test, who also told me there was no reason to go for an independent test that it would prove nothing. I went anyway. The only thing I've used is Lidoderm patches for my back. ## No, those patches will not give a false positive for cocaine.
how much does this prescription cost? ## A gastrointestinal cocktail, known as a GI cocktail, is a generic term for a mixture of liquid antacid, viscous lidocaine, and an anticholin ergic primarily used to treat dyspepsia.[1] The GI cocktail may also deceptively mask pain originating from the hearThere is a wide variety of GI cocktail recipes in use today. A very popular one is a mixture of Maalox, viscous lidocaine, and Donnatal, in equal parts.[3] A mixture of 10-30 ml Mylanta, 10 ml Donnatal and 10 ml viscous lidocaine is known as "The Green Goddess".[4] The efficacy of this mixture for the treatment of dyspepsia is generally considered superior to treatment with only any one of its components ## What Celeste says is absolutely true as I just had one of these at the ER this p...
I went to court, and took a drug screen and I was tested positive for cocaine. The day before my doctor gave me a shot that had lidocaine in it. ## From what I could gather, Caine anesthetics seem to be notorious for causing false positives for cocaine. This includes Novocaine, Benzocaine, Lidocaine, etc. If you were to take any course of action, I would recommend insisting on additional testing & perhaps requesting a GC/MS test (Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry), as it is considered to be the most definitive method for confirming the presence of a drug in the urine. I think it's down right unfair for companies to not use this type of testing right off the bat, since there are so many false-positives being reported on a daily basis. At this point in time though, the best a...
I used a Lidocaine patch - can it make me come up positive for Morphine on a urine test? ## No, Lidocaine isn't listed as being known to cause a false positive for anything. Did this happen to you? High doses of it have been known to cause a false positive for Cocaine, since they are distantly related, but you usually don't absorb enough from the patch to have it be detected as anything. ## Well which is it? Lidocaine does not cause a false positive for anything... or High doses have been known to cause false positives for Cocaine? You are contradicting yourself and therefore not looking to credible to me. If Lidocaine has been known to cause a false positive for Cocaine, at any dosage, you should state that and leave it at that. ## I WAS TESTED POSTIVE FOR MORPHINE I NEVER HAVE...
Anyone know of a cream or compounded ointment for relief of severe pain from post herpetic neuralgia? I’ve suffered with this for 21 years now, down back of leg and around ankle and foot. I’m so tired of fighting the pain. I take gabapentin, tramadol, and amytriptline which help some, but the pain is alway there, stabbing and burning, making it difficult to wear clothing. This is so depressing I don’t even want to leave the house anymore. ## Hello, Patti! I am so sorry about what you're dealing with, that's horrible. Unfortunately, I don't know of any specific cream, or compounded cream that I can recommend, but you might want to ask your doctor about prescribing Lidocaine patches, or a compounded cream with Lidocaine in it, since it is a topical anesthetic...
Liquid, pink in color. it numbs my throat all the way down. ## While I can't speak as to what's in the specific one you are asking about, most of these contain Lidocaine, which is a topical anesthetic, which can cause such numbness as a side effect, according to FDA reports. Other side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, headache, and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I was given pink magic cause of heart burn. It has mylanta, lidocaine, & benadryl when I asked the pharmacist. ## This medicine is helping my tongue but not my throat. However, I'm not swallowing the mouthwash, I'm spitting it out. The medication is Magic Mouthwash from Morton Grv. I want to know if it can harm me to swallow it?
Can this topical cream affect your sleeping cycle??? Can it make you sleep a heavy sleep? ## Hello, JoAnn! How are you? No, it shouldn't. The medications may cause drowsiness as side effects, but you only absorb a little of them, when using them topically, so it shouldn't cause a deep, heavy sleep. For that to happen, someone would basically have to almost bathe in it. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thanks so much. Can it be addictive? ## Hello, I just received a topical Cream Keta/Cyclo/GABA/Lido (10%/2%/6%/3.5%). I was told to put it in all places where I am experiencing pain and on the bottle it says: Apply 3 times daily for pain and/or muscle spasms as needed. *** PLEASE HELP ANYONE!!! *** I suffer from extreme nerve pain in my back. It affects the left side more...
Has anyone used these? My provider wants to send me these instead of the brands I know to be good, such as Qualitest, Actavis, Endo & Watson. They sent Mylan once and these are useless because of the stiff backing. ## Yes, I have them they are worthless, I am reporting these patches to my insurance company, they are not a generic equivalent to the "Brand" patch, which has 700 mg of Lidocaine, Mylan has 140 mg. They fall off after an hour, they are very hard to open. My insurance company sent them years ago I sent them back. Actavis is a great generic and meets what I think are minimum requirements 700 mg of Lidocaine, easy to apply and they stick. ## Par is the generic for endo I am going to try. Actavis is junk too. Call the company and ask for a refund to be sent to your p...
Currently I use a lidocaine patch manufactured by Pfizer called Flector. On bad days I will wear 3 to 4 at a time. My doctor mentioned this could possibly be detected by a breathalyzer. Is this true? ## Hello Robbie, I have searched high and low and I cannot find anything at all that would suggest this. I really do hate to disagree with medical professionals as I am not one myself but I just can't seem to find any sources credible or not that claim lidocaine would cause you to fail a breathalyzer. Now I will admit that I have read some claims that if you are taking enough of the Lidocaine patches you could theoretically fail a drug analysis but there has been no credible source or case studies that support this. In the event that such a problem happened you would simply need to expl...
This cream (diclofenac 3% / gabapentin 6% / baclofen 2% / lidocaine 5%) and doxepin hydrochloride 5% cream is supposed to be used for pain in my knee and back. I found the second cream but the first which contains four different items is hard to track down. The warnings and interactions is what I am concerned about. ## Generally, these creams can vary from doctor to doctor, and they need to be made by a compounding pharmacist. Thus, they aren't usually "in stock" anywhere, they are made specifically according to what your doctor has ordered. Do you have a compounding pharmacy in your area? The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including skin irritation, redness, flaking, and burning. ## The compounding pharmacy is about thirty miles away and they use UPS for del...
I have a small delivery/transportation business in Ohio. My husband & I decided to grow our company by purchasing a vehicle that requires a CDL B. The guy we have driving that truck has his class A but if he quit or needed a day off we had no one to fill in so I took classes to get my CDL A's in March of 2014. After receiving my CDL’s [for experience & financial reasons] I made the decision to sign on & drive for a large trucking company in June of 2014. The company performed a hair drug test on me but apparently did not get they're results until after I started the orientation. During my orientation the MRO called & tells me that I tested positive for cocaine. I knew that there had been a mistake because I am not a drug user. He asked me had I been to the ...
My doctor said I have to avoid all opioids and narcotics due to problems urinating. Recently I increased the amount of lidocaine cream that I use for pain control on my feet, and have had difficulty urinating. Can there be a cause and effect, or is it just coincidence? ## When used topically, according to FDA reports, you usually don't absorb enough for it to cause many internal side effects, usually they are just topical side effects that can include skin redness, irritation, and flaking. If you've been having problems urinating, it could just be another flare up of that, though it is hard to say, and only your care provider can give you a definitive answer. Are you male? If so, have you had a recent prostate check? Prostate enlargement is a frequent issue that causes urinary p...
I tested positive for cocaine but use liquid lidocaine for mouth ulcers every 4-6 hours and have for months. ## I realize this question was posted a very long time ago but I wanted to let you know that viscous lidocaine, which is what you are referring to and I was recently prescribed, will not cause a positive result for cocaine. It does however sometimes cause a positive result for one of the amphetamine categories (I believe it was methamphetamines). According to poison control and to the lab that I spoke to the only thing that can cause a cocaine positive on a drug test is actually cocaine. Not lidocaine or novocaine or bupivacaine, etc. ## Wrong do more research. Lidocain does test false positive and the doctors know this but wont discuss it same as morphine they wont discuss it.