Lexapro Forums (Page 3)
Recently active Lexapro forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Lexapro and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I have been on Lexapro 10mg for about a month and half. I felt great for a few weeks in that time but then about a week ago I started having mood swings. I thought I was just having a bad day, but it goes on ever day now. One minute, I'm fine and the next I'm not. I'm not sure if maybe I should go to 15mg? I am female, about 115 pounds. ## Hi L, Sorry to hear about your situation. According to NIH.gov, the following symptoms are listed as side effects of Lexapro (Escitalopram): - Confusion - Thoughts of hurting yourself or others, unusual behavior - Feeling more excited or energetic than usual, racing thoughts Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0010165 If your doctor is in agreement, perhaps a dosage change may be in order. However, taking a higher dosage can also inc...
A small white tablet pill scored one side had a 10, one side had the letter in capitals F and L ## i found a small white pill that has 10 imprinted on one side and FL imprinted on the other side. it is circle. What is this? ## lexapro ## Getirdone is correct, it is a 10mg Lexapro tablet, it contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, and is most commonly used to treat depression, and anxiety. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including dizziness, headache, dry mouth, mood changes, and weight changes. NDC code: 54868-4700 The inactive ingredients are listed as including: magnesium silicate croscarmellose sodium microcrystalline cellulose silicon dioxide magnesium stearate hypromelloses titanium dioxide polyethylene glycol Though they may vary depending on the manufactur...
I was justing given the starter pack & would like to know the side effects? ## Common side effects for the highest approved dose of Lexapro are insomnia (14% vs. 4% for placebo), diarrhea (15% vs. 5% for placebo), dry mouth (9% vs 3% for placebo), somnolence (9% vs 1% for placebo), dizziness (7% vs 2% for placebo), sweating (8% vs 1% for placebo), constipation (6% vs 1% for placebo), fatigue (6% vs 2% for placebo) and indigestion (6% vs. 1% for placebo). Lexapro, like other SSRIs, has been shown to affect sexual functions causing side effects such as decreased libido, delayed ejaculation, and anorgasmia. You can view a more detailed description of the drug, by clicking on the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, please post back so I can further assist yo...
Hey I’ve been on 10 mg of Lexapro for about 6 months. My pharmacist and doctor says that alcohol and Lexapro does not increase harm to your liver anymore then if you were not taking Lexapro. I was just double checking. I understand the prescription says to avoid alcohol but what I’m wondering is if anyone knows if the mixtures increases the risk of harm to your liver. Thank you ## According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (umm.edu / drug interaction tool), taking Lexapro (escitalopram) with alcohol (ethanol) is generally not recommend and may cause you to feel more tired or confused. They also go on to note that you should call your doctor if you feel drowsy, sleepy, dizzy, have a decreased ability to concentrate, have confusion or changes in mental awareness, s...
Hey all. 31 male here. Prescribed Lexapro about four months ago for depression and PTSD. 5mg for a week, then 10mg for three weeks, now 20mg and sitting pretty. Here's the run down on what I've experienced: At first the obvious side effects included immediate 'fogginess' of vision and a strong sedative effect. If anyone's ever taken Molly it sort of feels like the come-on of that (with no peak obviously). That was the first few days. I also noticed an almost immediate drop in libido that has progressively gotten worse. Normally I'm a 'once a day' guy at least. Now I'm more like once a fortnight, and when I do get friendly with the girls, it can take up to an hour to climax (if I don't give up). The foggy vision and drowsiness has since cleared, bu...
what is the difference in 100 mg sertriline and 300 mg welbutrone ## They are both different medications. It really depends on which one works best for you. Has your doctor told you to switch? The FDA lists the typical side effects of Wellbutrin as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, and weight changes. What were you taking? Can you please post back and clarify? Lexapro and Sertraline are not the same medication.
About 5 or 6 weeks ago I started Lexapro. I was on paxil for about 20 years and it felt like it just pooped out and stopped working so i needed a change. First we tried wellburtirn, that didnt work out too well then Lexapro. worked up to 15mg at this point at about week 6 and still having panic and anxiety feelings. I dont know if I need an increase, more time or what. I am also on buspar 30mg twice a day. I just feel like its been so long since ive felt "myself'. I m getting so frustrated and not feeling like playing spin the wheel of fortune game to try another med. I feel like im in and endless battle and im never going to win. Just looking for advice or some words of wisdom form others who possibly have had similar issues with Lexapro and the time it takes to actually start ...
Hey i am a 20 year old girl I accidently took my mother's medicine named nexito ls yesterday night containing 10mg escitalopram and 0.25 mg clonazepm I slept a little but then woke up unable to sleep thereafter.. I anyway often have difficulty with sleeping, i won't call it hardcore insomnia but yes.. I hope the sleepless was because if the thing already have and not because of the pill I took can anyone please tell me this and also if ill be fine? Help is appreciated. Thankyou ## Hi I m Nuzhat I m about 25 yrs old I m suffering from depression but I have no problem my sleep but my doctor suggest me nexito plus. Now I want to know nexito plus is only for sleeping tablet because I have no problem my sleep Can I use nexito plus
round white tablet/ 20 on one side capitol Fand capitol L on other spelling starts with lex ## I'm sorry, did you mean Lexapro? This tablet contains 20ms of Escitalopram, which is most commonly used to treat depression, and anxiety disorders. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, mood changes, and weight changes.
Hi, I am currently in my 4th week of being off lexapro. I had all the horrific withdrawal symptoms which most have subsided. The only one I have left is the dizziness. Its not an all day dizziness like it was but waves of dizziness that come and go. Has anyone else had this side affect for this long? ## Hello Wendi! How are you? Yes, I actually had that when I stopped Zoloft, after being on it for several years due to a misdiagnosis. It lasted about 8 weeks, before finally stopping. Has it improved any? I just kept noticing a gradual improvement, until it finally stopped. ## Did you do a slow taper down on dosage? In my experience you cannot taper down too slowly. ## Lexapro for many years and every time go off terrible dizziness -- more of a labrinthitis so I feel the dizziness when I ...
FL on one side, 10 on flip side Fl on one side , 20 on flip side ## This tablet is manufactured by Allergan Inc. and they list it as being a 20mg Lexapro tablet, which contains the active ingredient Escitalopram. It is an antidepressant that is also used to treat anxiety. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?
FOR ANXIETY ## I'm sorry, did you mean Lexapro? Can you please post back and clarify? Lexapro contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, which is an antidepressant that is also used to treat anxiety. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, and weight changes.
I take 10 mgs of lexapro and was wondering if 5mgs of flexeril would interact? I weigh about 140 lbs and am 5'8. I do not take anything else. My mom gave me a flexeril to help with some muscle spasms in my back but I don't want to take it if it interacts. ## No, these medications should not be taken together, as it increases the risk of your developing Serotonin Syndrome, which has the potential to be fatal. Thus, if your doctor hasn't prescribed them both for you, it could be very dangerous for you to take them, according to FDA reports. It would be best to consult your physician to see what you can safely take. Is there anything else I can help with?
A few days ago my doctor started me on Lexapro once a day. I am currently trying to wean off of effexor. I had been taking 50mg quick release twice a day, and now I only take that once a day. I also take Xanax as needed. I have never had a problem drinking on effexor, or any other antidepressant I've been on (Zoloft & Wellbutrin). I am leaving for an open bar cruise in a day and want to be able to have some drinks while on my vacation. I plan on refraining from Xanax on the days I choose to drink. But will the Lexapro be ok to drink with? Especially as I wean off of xanax? I am a 5'2, 110 lb 23 year old female who has been on SSRI's since I was 16 ## It could cause you to experience more side effects than usual, such as nausea, dizziness, and drowsiness, according to FDA...
I just mistakenly took a second daily dose of Lexapro, three hours after taking the first. Do I need to be concerned? ## What dosage do you usually take? Typically, doubling up just once with this class of medications doesn't cause any severe issues, but it really depends on the dosage and the person. The FDA warns that you may experience more nausea, dizziness, and drowsiness than usual. Did you experience any adverse effects?
I took a lexapro one morning, and completed the job employment papers. Did my drug urine test and found out I tested positive for benzodiazepine (like as in Xanax). Can that be true? ## Hi. My name is Phil. Can 20 mgs of lexapro give me a false positive for benzos on an 8 panel drug test? I'm getting nervous because I'm hearing that it can, and no, it will not! Please help me... {edited for privacy}. It's Friday, October 20th. Or maybe an albuteral inhaler, or UNISOME? I need to know. Please and thanks.
this is going back 13 years but I think it screwed up my brain. A doctor prescribed me 100 mg of Lexapro because she convinced me that all of my anxiety was learned from my mother and would go away with Lexapro. Well she kept upping and upping until I was taking 100mg a day for a long time. I was manic out of my mind and drinking like crazy. She was giving me free samples out of her closet. Who knows what she wrote in my notes. I bet her notes said I was on 10.... Could that have messed up my brain chemistry long term? My friend was a rep for Lexapro and she said it was too much but I trusted this counselor so I continued. ## In the U.S., you do have the right to view your medical records, though if you request a copy for yourself, they are allowed to charge you for them. Thus, you can ...
Hello, thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully help me out! I know this is long but it said to be detailed, and if there's any other info that anyone needs to know in order to help, please don't hesitate to ask me. I was put on Lexapro 5 MG in September 2016. This is the first drug of this type that I have ever taken. I took the 5 MG dose for 6 weeks then I was bumped up to 10 MG's once per day. I had some symptoms as the medicine was going into my body those first few weeks but I kept in close contact with my Dr. and she reassured me that it was completely normal. By the end of November 2016, my periods had stopped and I was having loose stools 3-5 times a day and a foggy brain feeling so I went back to my Dr. and after speaking with her she advised me that...
I just started lexapro for ocd, depression and general anxiety. The first day was weird, then it went up. I started to be more content and happy, with much less fear. Around day 5 I just became flat what is a horrible feeling, just like depression, not feeling anything. Then I just thought I'd surrender and wait it out. Today started off good and after a few hours I just went flat again. So it's like hope hope and then it's gone. Can anybody relate and is this normal (going up being happy and from one moment to another feeling nothing again)? ## Yes, that can be normal for the first 3 weeks, or so, according to FDA reports. You may also experience dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, and headache. It usually takes about 3 to 4 weeks for a medication in this class to reach its f...
After 14 good years on 5mg of Lexapro my panic attacks and extreme worry returned a few weeks ago. Went to see my Pdoc and said to up the Lexapro to 10mg. This is day 17 on the increased dosage and feel little to no improvement. My anxiety has been super high the last 2 weeks and I'm taking up to 2.0mg ox Xanax per day to combat this. Saw my doc again yesterday and said I should have been feeling better by now being that I had lex in my system for 14 years. He suggested dropping back down to 5mg because he said the 10 my de too much for my body. The only time I feel better is in the evening when the day is coming to an end. I'm starting to get really depressed about this because I was so good for so long. In the past 3 weeks I've lost 15 pounds cause I have no appetite. Plus...